Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Sporkell

    Sporkell Aquatic Astronaut

    My first home was destroyed by meteores. But this is the very beginnings of my second home. I still have a lot of my stuff still on my ship. I plan to expand it much more than it is. And make it look nicer.

    Home 2.png Home 1.png
  2. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    My base is currently a WIP, I found a planet almost EXACTLY like Earth (it even snows!), and I'm currently constructing a USCM Bunker, and I plan to make a Human settlement when I'm finished, along with a greenhouse.
    Lodden and NevaR like this.
  3. SirLapin

    SirLapin Void-Bound Voyager

    Here is mine!
    I wanted to build some kind of high-tech citadel for all my characters. I used some mods to get access to the neon signs. Because they are preeeeetty.
    So yeah, Two entrance towers, an arcade, some appartments, the main tower with the underground crafting and storage base, the mall and the nightclub.


    It is not completely finished yet.
  4. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Wow, that's pretty awesome.
  5. Trandor

    Trandor Void-Bound Voyager

    This is the house that I built on the ground, just for the fun of it.

    But actually, what I was really building was this insanely huge space station. Hovering above that planet (planet, not asteroid field).
    Here you have 140 screen shots stitched together, the image is 1:4 ratio, otherwise it would be too huge to upload. :D

    I just finished building, used a block spawner to get the materials for the station, otherwise this would have been nearly impossible to accomplish.

    Currently I am thinking about what to fill it with. So if you have have any ideas I'm still looking for inspiration. Also: If you want this planet, drop me a pm and I'll send you the file. :)
    It is a extremely tiny Grassland planet in the Gamma sector, spawn is right next to an avian village.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  6. EgyptSynapse

    EgyptSynapse Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

    I tried to get a theme of variety in mine, with different levels being different themes. I just have 3 levels right now, and the top one is a Glitch Castle theme. And yes, my character is a pink-haired girl Floran named KissyLeaf. Starbound House 1.png
    Mequiadore likes this.
  7. 121derp121

    121derp121 Seal Broken

    Holly crap both of those are awesome, you got mad skills...
    Trandor likes this.
  8. Coldblood

    Coldblood Yeah, You!

    Beautiful house.
    How did you get the water in the well?
  9. Trandor

    Trandor Void-Bound Voyager

    With the Mod Creative Mode
  10. Tregnaw

    Tregnaw Seal Broken

    Lol thank you a lot! Might be the first good looking house I have made xD

    And what this guy said. The mod gives you a water gun so I used that to add water.
  11. NomekSan

    NomekSan Void-Bound Voyager

    This is really great. I can definetely see a hangar section on the right but there is not really sth. to put in at the moment I think except for an X-Wing made of blocks :D
    The room above the top map looks like a conference room or sth like this (there should be a giant monitor). Hmm .. you already got farming sections on the top, I guess bottom left is a storage section?
    Don't really have an idea for the 3 long sections above, maybe some kind of huge laboratory with low insanity experiments in level 1 (e.g. :lolwut:) and crazy mad insanity experiments in level 3 ( e.g. :saywhat::zombie::boo:)

    What I miss is a big glass dome for trees which is someway connected to the whole station for oxygen supply.
    What I can't accept is the meteroid infested sections. You can't have dirty rocks in your shiny space station! :lod:

    In summary: really awesome! I also like the maps, nice detail.
  12. GOKOP

    GOKOP Big Damn Hero

    You can also use spawnable items pack mod, it works on multiplayer. ;)
  13. Ludvyse

    Ludvyse Orbital Explorer

    This is my first house :3
    Actually Need more decorations. (Especially bathroom)

    And the Batcave.

    Is really hard found Titanium Panel, so I added some steel blocks.
  14. halesy

    halesy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've only had the game a few hours, i know its not the best
    Ludvyse and Breakout like this.
  15. MindExplorer

    MindExplorer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nothing too fancy, my huge teapot. hehehe
    It's more "designed" after functionality than originality, like some other cool homes shown here. ;)

    Oh, and I have cut quite a lot between my "base" and my dining room in the sky. It's 2 times higher above ground than an Avian airship, for those interested.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  16. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Wow, pretty awesome
  17. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    nice. I'm totally going to build some morphball tunnels now :D
  18. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    I'm not settling down until the universe is finalized. Say hello to my trusty ship, the USS Liopleurodon, and my good friend and trusty copilot, Thor Koidinson.

  19. Pixelstomp

    Pixelstomp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Somewhere hidden in the universe, a lone Glitch space-hobo creates his home.

    Unknown to other space-hobos, the "trash chute" next to his home is the entrance to his underground Hobo-Cave!

  20. Mauzel

    Mauzel Void-Bound Voyager


    My wintery habitat, which I'll populate eventually, now that I've done murdering my crew to get the perfect humans aboard (talk about eugenics ;p)

    A main biodome for the agricultural and outside contacts, a residential district underground... and lets not forget the security checks - as per the tradition here in the US, even with a wonderful x-ray machine. I hope the USCM don't mind me gouging out 3 of their bases for the concrete, for some reason, with all the technical advancements, I can't even mix my own concrete ;p.

    p.s. Technically still a work in progress, eventually will expand through the other unexcavated biodome doors and into the mountains for the "unethical" research labs and the loads of lockers I'll need to store my stuff.

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