Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Using a creative mod is cool, but it seems like it'll ruin the need to explore and collect. Meh, play the game how you like.
    NevaR likes this.
  2. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I played the vanilla game A LOT before installing Creative mode (200 hrs approx), and I'd never want to go back to that broken grind. I built some very impressive structures in the vanilla game (sky cities, giant working toilets, etc), but it took days and day, and I had to fight those goddamn birds throughout every second of it, and good luck finding the blocks you want to use ( I use mostly blocks you can't even find yet). Yes, it's an early-access game, but this mod can really help to alleviate some of that "alpha-syndrome". There's a reason Minecraft has this mode available to all players. If you're trying to tackle a large project you're crazy to do it without. And like the Minecraft version you don't HAVE TO use it. It's mostly just for getting large construction projects done in a reasonable amount of time. And I have not a doubt in my mind that, in the final version of this game, there will be a Creative Mode. I'm simply trying enlighten more of you to the way of the mod, so you can enjoy these fruits immediately. I was once like you. A friend insisted I mod Skyrim, I said, "the game's fine like it is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!". But he endeavored to show me the light, and bless him for it. I know it can be hard, crossing that threshold, but there's a lot of neat stuff out there, mod-wise, and it's a game to be modded, Chucklefish wholly supports it (in fact, I'm now remembering that this very mod was suggested to me in the game's news-feed [though it was a rock,paper,shotgun article]). Like I said, even if you install it, you don't HAVE TO use it. If you don't craft or use the ultimate box, it's like the mod isn't even there.

    Also, Excuse me for having character, I guess, and presenting my suggestion so dogmatically. And if you can't take being called a sucker, then you require an amount of sheltering you will never find, certainly not on the internet, anyway.

    And lo, temp me not, lest ye incur the wrath of my text-rain once more.
    ODST 4900 and greenman like this.
  3. NomekSan

    NomekSan Void-Bound Voyager

    I really don't know where you are going with this. nobody said anything against that mod. I had installed myself and I just have more fun gathering everything on my own. Maybe I use it agaoin if I have anything really big in mind or something what needs special material. So there is no hate against this mod at all.

    It's not like I will cry in my pillow tonight because you called me a sucker but I take my right to complain about it if you do so. I don't think anybody gave you a reason for this and it doesn't have anything to do with character, at least not in the positive way.
    garpu likes this.
  4. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    I don't think he meant it that way. I think he was just posing the creative tool as a suggestion.

    I agree that if you're wanting to build a huge structure out of metal plates, for example, you're going to spend an incredible amount of time mining for materials. LordPhobos was just saying that if you're just interested in building why not skip a step and go to town. I also like the idea of gathering decorations instead of just obtaining them all at once through a mod.

    Like I said earlier, play as you want to play :)
  5. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I tend to say too much or too little. Or rather, too little or too much respectively this time.
  6. Sherio88

    Sherio88 Big Damn Hero

    I don't use mods just to get materials.
    The only mod I have ever used was to get a picture zoomed out enough because I build BIG and it takes FOREVER to patch screenshots together in photoshop.
    greenman likes this.
  7. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    Here is mine:

    DragonsForce, Taso, Risukage and 12 others like this.
  8. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, I've got nothing so fancy as that.

    But I've mostly built my Den of Evil for my succubus.

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    It's not perfect yet, but I thought it looked nice enough so far to share.

    It's supposed to be a club, with private rooms and balconies, with a room for the performers, a stage, private bedchambers, storage, ect...
  9. Traijan

    Traijan Cosmic Narwhal

    This topic and the "Let's see your ships" topic really makes me aware of just how little of the game content I've actually seen inside of the game and that's pretty damn awesome!
  10. Its amazing....
  11. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    Hey guys calm down everyone plays the way they do, so show respect to and for each other.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
    Risukage, Erick648 and Dansec like this.
  12. Orbital Explorer

    I know many people like to challenge imagination, but I wanted to keep the house simple and small(-ish, it could work without basement easily).

  13. r31ya

    r31ya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My house, currently at second tier.

    The house,

    upper part

    My guards have been breeding? i only have one of those type, and somehow lost 2 other different specie guards

    lower part
    The lower part is actually the first part i build. I've build my house up in the sky at Terraria so i try to do it the other way around and realize it took more work to build it underground.

    The farm

    upper part


    Is it possible to build terrarias style multi-story tree farm?

    Lower part

    Risukage likes this.
  14. DWAlpha

    DWAlpha Pangalactic Porcupine

    My Florans Home. (I'd posted this elsewhere but then I discovered this thread exists and I'm rather house proud. :p)
  15. Madaelin

    Madaelin Master Chief


    Here is the home I built for my Hylotl
  16. EldritchSandwich

    EldritchSandwich Void-Bound Voyager

    Now that's amazing!

    As weird a thing as this is to geek out over, what I love most is the forced perspective of the buildings in the background, especially the little one up on a little bit of dirt so it looks like it's on a hill in the distance. Very cool.
    Akula079 and greenman like this.
  17. Sherio88

    Sherio88 Big Damn Hero


    An update of my previous picture. My builder's storage home and base.
  18. deadlear11

    deadlear11 Space Penguin Leader

    Too big for a screenshot so here is a short vid...still have tons more to do.Built from the ground up.Mods used are no damage to blocks from meteors and liquid guns
    Breakout and DWAlpha like this.
  19. DWAlpha

    DWAlpha Pangalactic Porcupine

    I doubt I'd have the patience to build something that big. I'll just stick to y bone tower and the two sky-rail towers I built to get me from my spawn point to my tower. :p andmaybe the underground laboratory with the creature cage to throw my captured monsters into....
    oooo there's an idea, a pit for fighting your monsters. I wonder if they could do that for PvP. Make a pit where you both throw in your aggressive capsule monsters and see which one gets put back into its pod first.
    deadlear11 likes this.
  20. deadlear11

    deadlear11 Space Penguin Leader

    Capsule monster pit fighting is a great idea.

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