Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Diodon

    Diodon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Wow, some of these buildings are incredible.

    Here is a planet that I found coords to online and only intended to visit it for the tech chests. I initially just planned to build a large field to grow wheat (btw hamburgers are super easy to make and even at T10 will heal you for a good amount). The field is large enough that standing where I am will cause the last 6 plants or so to not grow due to being out of range.

    StarBound Farmhouse Morning.png

    Any suggestions for things to add / remove is appreciated.
  2. 409

    409 Big Damn Hero

    I apologize for the poorly taken image, but yeah, I tend to build big things when I build at all. My current base is themed around some kind of industrial complex, and I haven't finished a second building to the right which isn't shown in this picture.

    Attached Files:

    Jackie2581, Diodon and BlasphemyX like this.
  3. aldrig

    aldrig Poptop Tamer

    Really nice!
    LordPhobos likes this.
  4. BlasphemyX

    BlasphemyX Starship Captain

    seriously every screenshot on this last page was incredible, like temple and stuff, wow
    but above infrastructure blew my mind lol
  5. SanyaOtter

    SanyaOtter Big Damn Hero

    Still working on it. :p

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
  6. Macish

    Macish Void-Bound Voyager

    Who says florans have to live in bamboo tree houses?


    Based on something i saw in terraria :p Still a work in progress, still have to do all the farms and the underground stuff (bulk storage :p) etc...

    I told myself i wasnt going to build until planet wipes are a guaranteed thing of the past :p
  7. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The upper half of the home of my Apex, lower's incomplete, but I'm like-hungry RIGHT NOW. The blue planet in the background is the home of my Hylotl and also where his new (not the one I posted before) samurai castle is, it's incomplete, since this tree-house distracted me. Also, the purple planet is homeworld to my glitch, where I've begun work on his mighty sky kingdom.

    Attached Files:

  8. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    samurai castle full.jpg Here's Samurai Castle 2.0, pretty much done. Like I said in a post above, there's a caver underwater to the right that leads down to a pair of doors that I've got set up as a sort of airlock (one is wired to the other so when one is open, the other is closed). The airlock (maybe I'll show it later) is activated by a push-button rigged up to a flipflop (made of a couple not gates and a couple latches). However, even with the airlock, there's still a small amount of water loss from the moat/pond surrounding my castle. So to compensate for this, I build that water-tower. Those bricks at the bottom-left of the reservoir are trapdoors also activated by the airlock button, and they release enough water to keep a constant level. I'd really like to see a moisture sensor implemented, so I could have circuits actively managing water levels., and get the job done more precisely. Anyway, if you're still with me at this point, sorry for the book/rant.

    Edit: Updated the pic
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2014
  9. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The aforementioned airlock-flip-flop. I put that candle in there just for the pic to show the gates. For whatever reason, the wires don't show up if you're too far from either end. So the two wires going from the pushbutton to the water tower are invisible in the lab pic. lab1.jpg lab2.jpg
  10. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now that I'm thinking about wiring, Here's something I rigged up in my glitch sky-castle before the wipe. It's a three character display that accuses people of homosexuality (no offence to gay people, of course) They're hooked up to a three-bit-synchronous-binary-counter/timer (which counts from 0 to 7 in binary), and its position determines the display output. 1 (001) = YOU, 2 (010) = blank, 3 (011) = ARE, 4 (100) = blank, 5 (101) = GAY, 6 (110) and 7 (111) = blank, then it repeats. Again, this isn't meant to be offensive, just a short, simple phrase I thought might make my friends chuckle while they're stunned by my genius.

    Attached Files:

  11. Mankyr

    Mankyr Tentacle Wrangler

    Nice tree ! How did you do to put the water up there ?
  12. Professor Nibblekins

    Professor Nibblekins Void-Bound Voyager

    The mushroom furniture is my favorite!
  13. Demoraliser

    Demoraliser Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You are all nuts xD

    My house and the Lab underneath


  14. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I cheat, lol. Creative mode has a water and lava gun.
    Mankyr likes this.
  15. Korabas

    Korabas Void-Bound Voyager

    A lot of awsome houses and many many new ideas for my own houses.

    I struggled a lot to show my little home, but last but not here it is.

    My little occupied Glith Castle, turned into a floran lair. I have still a lot of work to do (lights, equip different rooms and more), but for now i am really pleased. but to turn all screenshots into a single one was a pain in the ass.... and then i forgot, that my castle looks way cooler at night (i tried to only use the green floran glimming lights). i think i ll add a night vision one later.



    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
    Arili and AesopTheSnake like this.
  16. Powerthrucontrol

    Powerthrucontrol Void-Bound Voyager

    Holy crap that's beautiful....
  17. Powerthrucontrol

    Powerthrucontrol Void-Bound Voyager

    My home is very simple. It has a chest area, a sitting area, a bedroom, two levels of crafting, and a widows walk.

    skulledrebel likes this.
  18. vimio

    vimio Big Damn Hero

  19. AesopTheSnake

    AesopTheSnake Poptop Tamer

    The lights are the best part.
    LordPhobos likes this.
  20. Macish

    Macish Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok quick update - My nice little starter house has somehow managed to spawn the start of a village


    I think i'm gonna go mental and do the whole village thing...I see hours of looking for and dismantling existing structures in my future :)

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