Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Zourin

    Zourin Void-Bound Voyager

    You do know that nano-stoves have an absolutely huge heat radius? you probably shouldn't need all those campfires ;p

    just sayin'.. you're making your tree work too hard making O2 :)
  2. BurntPhoenix

    BurntPhoenix Industrial Terraformer

    reminds me of Sandy's house from spongebob, except in space

    edit: i just realized your name is sandy. What you have done. I see it.
  3. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    mkremins likes this.
  4. Sssandy

    Sssandy Poptop Tamer

    (google google google)
    Oh crap I need new name new eyes and a new brain (c)

    Heh, no, I don't. Contemplating farming penguins now lol.
  5. Pilzner

    Pilzner Aquatic Astronaut

    My little dragon temple :gooby:

    DeadFingers, Risukage, Falco! and 8 others like this.
  6. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Jackie2581 and Hawk Novablast like this.
  7. Pilzner

    Pilzner Aquatic Astronaut

    Not finished yet, I've done it fast and without materials I really need to make it look good, but i hope to update it as soon as i collect my treasures and put them in :badpokerface:
    Tleno likes this.
  8. sankto

    sankto Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well that's my furious base, first picture is my entrance and a portion of my farm, second is my actual base :


    I'm obviously not done with it and will expand as i see fit. :)
    BlasphemyX, Tleno and TheFloranChef like this.
  9. Penchant

    Penchant Space Hobo

    Here's mine. I based in on the Wallace Monument near Stirling.


    Freedom! Ye can take our lives but ye cannae take our pictsels!

    Except when I die and I lose 25% of them...
    Risukage, Breakout and BlasphemyX like this.
  10. Pilzner

    Pilzner Aquatic Astronaut

  11. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Jackie2581 likes this.
  12. Nalano

    Nalano Big Damn Hero

    So I was looking for a planet with an Avian village so I could get cheap eats for the sort of things I know how to make. Once I located such a place, I immediately set out making my home base.


    I then connected that village via elevated rail.




    This task completed, I then set upon circumnavigating the globe. Lo behold, however, this planet has not one but TWO Avian villages! A mere elevated line would not do! This deserved further attention.





    The Nalano Unified Transit System (NUTS for short) is proceeding apace.
    DeadFingers, Risukage, Walfan and 7 others like this.
  13. Contra_Element

    Contra_Element Tentacle Wrangler

    I'm still newbin' it up :3 but I like little houses anyway. I'm really impressed by everyone, though :3 I managed to snap this of my last place before I lost my character to permadeth.

    My first house~ (or at least the first one I've had the time to make into a house)
    and that's the start of an Avian city off to the left; I decided to honor their friendliness through my architecture~
    BlasphemyX, sankto and Tleno like this.
  14. LizardPL

    LizardPL Void-Bound Voyager

    I found Apex "hospital" or something like this just next to my spawn point. I though "well, why build own house if I can take over someone's else?" And so I did. I killed occupator of building. (well... it was his fault! he started shooting at me!) Then I started thinking, what could I do, to customise this building. After many hours of playing i managed to expand basement, create workshop and kind of warehouse. Ground floor wasn't enough so i've built first and second (I always dreamt of bedroom with bathroom and kitchen-living/dining room above it) and have stolen some furniture just to place in rooms. Plain ground around looked boring so i searched the universe for seeds of different trees. (I really enjoy creating my own forests, custom two-species forests can get boring too soon ;) )

    And so it is: base on my home planet, not as impressive as some buildings i saw in this topic, but still cosy, handy and useful :)
    Watching spark rain at night while sitting in the dining/living room is kinda cool. :)
    BlasphemyX and aldrig like this.
  15. Diodoron

    Diodoron Void-Bound Voyager

    After a giant meteor destroyed half my newly build house I rebuild it like this so far. (...and hope the anti-meteor-destruction-mod really works ;))

    Attached Files:

    LizardPL likes this.
  16. Mankyr

    Mankyr Tentacle Wrangler

    I think I've found a big gun... or maybe it's my house ? Still don't know ;)

  17. Pilzner

    Pilzner Aquatic Astronaut

    Update of my little temple :
  18. Ashrak

    Ashrak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm working on my very own death star (your worlds will no longer be safe!). Is there an special option for this giant screenshots?

    Attached Files:

    BlasphemyX likes this.
  19. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My home before I found a better galaxy, I've got a much bigger samurai castle with a similar theme going, deep underwater (beneath both of them) there's a cavern leading to an airlock, which then leads to a large secret lab.

    Attached Files:

    DeadFingers, Pilzner, Diodon and 3 others like this.
  20. Lutheran

    Lutheran Poptop Tamer

    woooow i saw really awesome screenshots of houses.. i'm still gathering resources never started building anything.
    Got abit inspiration keep up the good work guys!!

    BlasphemyX and Diodoron like this.

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