Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Idenar Bwargh

    Idenar Bwargh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's in Tier 2.
  2. Kolnedra

    Kolnedra Sandwich Man

    Haha that would be epic, but then i would need to complete it without adding the bunker ,which im currently still doing, but havent had much time to build, aaaaand i'm kind of waiting untill either a reset or not is going to happen, if it resets, ill build something even more beautifull then my first build, since i know much more of the game now :D

    and yeah, most emotes are quite creepy xD

    and @SteelSoldier , you should totally make that thing look like if it came out of pacific rim :D, looks cool ^^
  3. Most of these houses look amazing! I also haven't gotten past the hut stage, and ever since i took over a glitch castle it's become my main base.
  4. Gopstop22

    Gopstop22 Space Spelunker


    Derpislav likes this.
  5. KCFOS

    KCFOS Void-Bound Voyager

  6. Kolnedra

    Kolnedra Sandwich Man

    HAHAHA xD, that made me giggle irl Kcfos :D

    btw, what kind of planet is that? O.O, seems to be sky islands? or did you build that island yourself? :p
  7. KCFOS

    KCFOS Void-Bound Voyager

    It's an asteroid, they're in every planet I believe, they're just suuuuuper high up
  8. sankto

    sankto Pangalactic Porcupine

    And what is that mineral in the asteroid? Never saw it.
  9. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    Plutonium, I'm not sure if anything is done with it yet, but it is a fuel.
  10. KCFOS

    KCFOS Void-Bound Voyager


    It can be used as a fuel like coal only it's a lot stronger. It probably does something else too, but I don't know what yet, I'm still only in the beta sector.

    EDIT: Ninja'd
  11. Syris

    Syris Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't really have the motivation to really build a permanent settlement with the character resets in place. As you can see from my post in the first page, I live on my ship (Although it's certainly improved from that :3).
    dionysus81 likes this.
  12. krnzmaster

    krnzmaster Starship Captain

    I started building more b/c of the wipe lol. I have all this material and I'm about to lose it all so might as well make something worth taking a picture of before it all goes away!!!!
    skulledrebel, alvaro1000 and Erick648 like this.
  13. Syris

    Syris Cosmic Narwhal

    That's some interesting logic right there.
  14. dudu92

    dudu92 Space Hobo

  15. krnzmaster

    krnzmaster Starship Captain

    hahaha, well you can call me an interesting person.
  16. Flux_fur

    Flux_fur Space Spelunker

    Wipe!!! 0_0 when's the wipe? There's no point in playing if there's going to be a wipe i built a giant castle and used about 30,000 bricks -.-
  17. Syris

    Syris Cosmic Narwhal

    Check the recent blog post. It's the first, and definitely not the last. The beta will have resets all over, although the devs hope they won't be too frequent.
  18. Flux_fur

    Flux_fur Space Spelunker

    Great :zzz: shame i cant save any of it, I've got so much stuff.
  19. Mercnet

    Mercnet Pangalactic Porcupine

    Here is what I have been working on. I had to cut it from two images because it wont fit in the screen, thus the misaligned background.

  20. Mostlyjoe

    Mostlyjoe Orbital Explorer

    I know folks were going to beat me to the Asteroid Biome. But I'll there there one day, by building a massive tower.


    My last version of the home pre-wipe.
    Zexis and Astrus like this.

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