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Bug/Issue Shortcomings of the controller-style interface

Discussion in 'Support' started by Alisuu, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. Alisuu

    Alisuu Space Spelunker

    I was sure I put it in the topic but apparently I didn't, that is, these are Switch related problems. I do not know if they present themselves on other controller versions since I only have the new switch one. Some of these are more notable than others, and for example the crafting list one is repeatedly reported already. I'm still going to list it to try and keep the list complete.

    So first, the crafting interface. Depending of the current ordering of the craftable recipes, some of the items are impossible to reach. This is not item related as such, since at one point something can be unreachable (in my case, campfire) but when things get shifted around while adding some recipe or two, it comes accessible again only to have some other items impossible to reach. Update: As of the moment I have landed into a setting where everything is reachable again. That is likely to change though. Using the freely moved cursor solves this.

    Community bundle interface. When opening a bundle, there is no way to check what the actual item names are for the requested turn ins. The icon of course is obvious in some cases, but especially the fishes are hard to tell by a glance. Using the freely moving cursor I get a tooltip with the requested item name when hovering over their icon so not having it at all with controller style interface is a caveat.

    Community bundle button in the menu. It's only reachable when opening the menu from B or +, not when opening it with X. UPDATE: The bundle button in menu becomes unable to reach on controller style menu after visiting craft screen. If opening the menu interface with X this is automatically the case since it opens in craft interface. However if opening the menu with either + or B it works at first, but if you use left or right triggers to navigate to craft menu and back it becomes unreachable. Thus the underlying cause could be related to the erratical craft list mapping. Using freely moving cursor it can be reached always when inventory tab is open regardles how the menu interface was opened.

    The museum, seems to be impossible to rearrange the already delivered items in controller style interface, as it doesn't let the controller out of the inventory until you have picked an item to place. Using the freely moving cursor it is possible to pick up and replace already deposited exhibits. (to clarify, it is still only possible while you are depositing an item) Even still, placing anything in the bottom parts, or right parts of the museum is a pain regardless of the interface used.

    Dropping items, with controller style interface there is no option to "drag" items outside of the inventory, they can only be moved into the trashcan. With freely moving cursor it is possible to drag items out of inventory to drop them into the gameworld which helps with temporal inventory juggling.

    I'm sure there will be some more to notice, these are the ones I have found out now.
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
      Typhoon likes this.
    • HyperJ

      HyperJ Void-Bound Voyager

      These are MAJOR game affecting bugs. I simply cannot believe how shoddy and broken the console style UI is in this game. They've had so long and multiple console releases to make a working UI and they are still not there. Absolutely disgusting and an insult to all their console players. I actually bought this game for the second time on Switch, and now I completely regret supporting such a careless and incompetent porting team/publisher
      • Alisuu

        Alisuu Space Spelunker

        Well, for a person who disables the controller style interface on the get go they don't even show up. As well as, the most notable, the craft interface mix up, might not present itself on all configurations so apart from testing with every possible recipe mix, (of which amount is exponentially high) it might be hard to catch in the testing. It's hard to fix a problem you don't know exists. I also would think it would have been more loudly touted if it was a problem in the earlier console versions. Thus I rather wait and see. The best playtest is to actually give the game to players, sad as it is. It's the efficiency of fixing the surfacing shortcomings which matters more. In the coming week they have a lot to go through and as I've noticed, there's some game breaking ones that have surfaced as well. I'll expect they tackle those first since the controller scheme at least can be easily switched and the freely moving cursor version, as far as I can tell has no problems at all.
        • HyperJ

          HyperJ Void-Bound Voyager

          Please don't defend the QA on this game. It's absolutely unacceptable that a port of an existing title have this many glaring issues and severe bugs that can be discovered within an hour of playing the game. This is one of the laziest ports I've ever experienced and people seem to be giving it a free pass because it's Stardew Valley.
          • Alisuu

            Alisuu Space Spelunker

            Added the dragging items out of inventory problem.

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