Shop owners absent.. When they're supposed to be open!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ThitPoulsen, May 18, 2016.

  1. ThitPoulsen

    ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is it just me? Did i miss some kind of in-game tell that people just wander off when their store is supposed to be open so "bad luck buddy, i guess you wont be buying seeds or building anything today"?

    This is so annoying. At Marnie's i have to catch her early in the morning or just before she closes and with Robin its hit or miss cuz i dont visit her as frequently.

    Can we please have them ACTUALLY attend the store when theyre supposed to be open? I mean at least when Clint says hes open, hes there to manage the shop >.>
      solitude1984 likes this.
    • NikkSword

      NikkSword Pangalactic Porcupine

      The shop owners are grabbed by random Joja Mart employees that lurk in the shadows. They try to brainwash the shop owners to hire them, but it hasn't worked... yet!

      Plus everyone needs a bathroom break!

      But yes, there is nothing in-game to indicate when someone will leave their store/home. It is built into their schedule, and they just wander off.
      • MagicallyClueless

        MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

        Marnie is gone on Mondays and Tuesdays
        Robin is gone on Tuesdays and I think closes an hour early on Fridays
        Pierre's is closed on Wednesdays prior to CC completion
        After CC completion, Clint is gone on Fridays

        Every person has a schedule and the map does say that the store is open "most days". While I wish they would have the specific days, it's nothing a wiki search or simply checking on them every day can't do.
          mrobake likes this.
        • ThitPoulsen

          ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

          Well i do know marnie and robin attend the aerobics on tuesdays, but i really wish it was more specific than "most days" so you could plan around it and it was an in-game tell and not something you have to wiki. having to wiki when a store is open really breaks immersion. Pierre's is always closed on wednesdays, but its actually closed he doesnt just walk off and leave the place unattended.

          @NikkSword i dig your joja mart story tho <.< >.> lmao
          • Gabaw

            Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

            Marnie is the absolute worst when it comes to this. Then again, her house is host to unholy evil so...
              lilly_ampleton likes this.
            • ThitPoulsen

              ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

              yeah ive noticed shes bad as well i ONLY see her between 9-10 in the mornings or rarely before she closes cuz she seems to be gone mid-day. tho <.< host to unholy evil?? D: oh nooo, sweet marnie D:
              • ChaosAzeroth

                ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

                I've seen Pierre wonder off from behind the counter during store hours though...
                • ThitPoulsen

                  ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  :O i havent seen that yet but damnn.. its just so annoying, if people did that irl they couldnt run a business and real businesses have store hours clearly visible for customers. i dont think its too much to ask to know when you can ACTUALLY purchase something and not just stand there looking pretty.
                  • Borodin

                    Borodin Oxygen Tank

                    The Wiki is pretty accurate about indicating which store owners keep their doors unlocked despite being away, and for how long.
                    • ThitPoulsen

                      ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      As previously stated, i appreciate that but we shouldnt have to go to the wiki. it should be easily available IN the game
                      • Borodin

                        Borodin Oxygen Tank

                        I missed that response. And yes, I agree: it would make sense if they put up a sign, even if it said nothing more (depending upon character) than "Be back later."

                        You know, you might suggest in the Mod forum that someone mod in a popup over the door of each shop stating its accurate hours for any given season.
                        • ThitPoulsen

                          ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          ooo this would be a nice mod tbh. i just really feel like the original game should have it, i dont think you should have to mod the game for this. (tho my game is modded to hell mostly for cosmetic reasons but still so for me it doesnt matter)
                          • Borodin

                            Borodin Oxygen Tank

                            Frankly? I agree with you. Though I suspect ConcernedApe's reasoning (and I'm just speculating, here) for keeping it the way it is would be that in a small community, everybody knows when and where everybody is going to be, at any given time. That's true, but we're playing a game, and as it stands, we don't have those years of familiarity with routine, and checking the wiki for this is make-work. Maybe 1.1 will be different. We can hope so.
                            • ChaosAzeroth

                              ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

                              How small are you talking?
                              IDK I was in a town for a while that had a small mom and pop deli and stuff and the town was a sneeze and you miss it and it still had hours posted.
                              • Aemi

                                Aemi Starship Captain

                                I get this issue when I pop by the cafe for a top up on my caffine high. The store is open that day.... its well into his business hours.... yet for some reason he is at Pierre's browsing the shelves or just missing altogether! He shows up for the last 3 hours of his shift then I get locked out :speechless:
                                  ChaosAzeroth likes this.
                                • ThitPoulsen

                                  ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                  I grew up in a tiny town and everywhere had hours posted and "be right back" if they left the establishment etc. It seems a bit silly that we dont have such a simple thing
                                  • Aemi

                                    Aemi Starship Captain

                                    I grew up in a small town and the brb sign was everywhere. Had to go to the bathroom or for lunch? odds are out of a population of MAYBE 400 if you're lucky you were the only one at work (probably one of the two people actually employed too) so you couldn't even go stock shelves without putting up a sign somewhere to let people know you had to step away.
                                    • Borodin

                                      Borodin Oxygen Tank

                                      I'm thinking of the kinds of little towns in the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states 50, 60 years ago. My dad would stop in the general store when we were on a trip and ask if there was someone to turn on the gas pump. The guy who ran everything in the store (from making the cherry phosphates to unlocking the door to the tv tube tester) would say something to the effect of "that's Bob, and let's see, it's Tuesday, so he's probably over having cobler at Rosie's. He's sweet on her. Not Rosie, but the waitress. Diane." And he'd ask a customer to watch the store while he walked over.

                                      This kind of thing really did happen quite a bit. You made allowances for waits. And yeah, the gas pump would have a "Be right back" sign on it on a string, too. I know it sounds like some oh-so-stereotypical Midwestern town in some 1930s films, but it truly did exist. I'm not sorry to see its passing, though. However, it's funny the odd things you can find out if you hang around talking to somebody long enough in a small, tightly knit section of a much larger city.
                                        Last edited: May 19, 2016
                                        Gabaw likes this.
                                      • ThitPoulsen

                                        ThitPoulsen Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        Well, i recently moved to a town thats basically 2 streets becoming one with a bunch of houses and a store in the middle of the triangle kinda road, he has 2 people working in the afternoon and 1 (usually himself or someone else whos worked there for like 15 years) in the morning and early day (i interned there last year so i know how he works it) and they still manage to keep the register tended to whenever people are standing there without them having to wait more than 2 mins max. usually less.

                                        It seems unrealistic to run a business and just walk off dilly dally as you please because oo look! squirrel! .. basically what i imagine they do except the aerobics..
                                        • solitude1984

                                          solitude1984 Aquatic Astronaut

                                          This absolutely drives me INSANE!! Either you're open, or you're closed. If you're open, you should be there. Period.

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