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RELEASED Shipstructor 1.2.12

Starship Construction System

  1. Team_MTSSM

    Team_MTSSM Void-Bound Voyager

    Team_MTSSM submitted a new mod:

    Shipstructor - Starship Construction System

    Read more about this mod...
  2. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Installing mod ships on old characters is actually pretty easy now. Delete their .shipworld file and Starbound generates another. It also applies all their ship upgrades sequentially.
  3. Team_MTSSM

    Team_MTSSM Void-Bound Voyager

    Jelly Here,
    I was not aware that .shipworlds were safe to remove now, probably would have saved me from deleting so many poor apex from existence

    The mod's page will be updated to reflect this new information sometime later today, along with a showcase video for those wondering what it looks like before they download.
  4. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Now while it should be obvious to most, you might want to remind people that they should empty their ship of anything they want to keep BEFORE deleting the .shipworld file. There is always going to be "that guy/gal" who didn't think to do this.

    Probably also slightly more detailed instructions may help some - like what folder to go to, "view folder as details" (so it shows the date) in Windows, and sorting the folder by "Date Modified" to make it quite obvious which character is your most recently played.
  5. thatkidoverthere

    thatkidoverthere Void-Bound Voyager

    hi there. really cool looking mod but I'm having a big issue with it. whenever i have this mod installed and go to use the penguin bay store and error message that says "exception caught in client main-loop (itemexception) no such item 'buildermodule' " and then returns me to the title screen. i have base in a box installed already. can you tell me how to fix this?
  6. Team_MTSSM

    Team_MTSSM Void-Bound Voyager

    Jelly Here,

    @thatkidoverthere I can confirm that the recipe is broken, sometime today i should have a new update which will include a fix & a few new goodies
  7. thatkidoverthere

    thatkidoverthere Void-Bound Voyager

    thanks for the quick reply jelly. can't wait for the update :)
  8. Team_MTSSM

    Team_MTSSM Void-Bound Voyager

  9. theCorvid

    theCorvid Void-Bound Voyager

    Does this or could this work with custom ships, AKA ones in mods designed by players?

    Reason I ask is I've recently got into designing ships - customisations of existing race's ships etc, including custom backgrounds/paint jobs for these ships, but I don't like the idea of replacing existing ship designs, and I don't want to force the players on my server to be restricted to just those designs. It would be nice to be able to import ship designs (the structure files & background files etc, either from mods or from your own personal files) and have those also available to be constructed with Shipstructor, so people can choose which design they want.

    Edit: I wanna expand on this by saying that this basically would allow for customisable ships in a much more natural fashion than most customisable ship mods do. Ships made entirely out of blocks don't end up looking very natural to the game - the backgrounds are really the kicker, but those aren't really an option in those mods. So then you're left with choosing between block-based ships (which look awful) and just modifying existing ship designs, which leaves you with much fewer options in a multiplayer setting. Looks like the mechanics that would be involved in making what I have in mind are already implemented in your mod, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on how practical it would be to allow importing of designs.
  10. Team_MTSSM

    Team_MTSSM Void-Bound Voyager

    Jelly Here,

    @theCorvid I apologize for letting you down but the current implementation of mod wasn't easy (building your own ship and saving them is a hassle still)

    The current ships that are in are as follows :
    Apex T3-T8
    Avian T3-T8

    Let me explain why this is all that is in so far :

    For each ship Tier the image has to be broken up using a ".frames" and several ".objects' (to avoid the ship from going poof when you get to far from the object origin)
    After finding a way to hide the objects there is constant messing around with texture offsets in the ".object" files (quite time consuming)
    Collisions then need to be added using a block that is nearly indestructible (invisible too)
    Backups of the ".shipworld" are made and then the ship ".item" can made and values in it can be tweaked (scanning sometimes breaks the game still no idea why and testing them takes time too)

    Basically nothing is automated outside the scanning and printing of the vanilla ships, so if its ease of access your looking for I cant provide that at the moment sorry (Jelly doesn't know how to script in Lua)
  11. theCorvid

    theCorvid Void-Bound Voyager


    Thanks for the swift reply, and you didn't let me down! This is an excellent implementation of one half of the idea that I had, so really nice work.

    To clarify a few things:

    I'm pretty familiar with the process of making ships, in as much as I've made mods for myself which change the default ships, including the bounds and text code that come along with that. I'm not a modder by any means, so most of the other processes are lost on me, but I have basic understanding of the kerfuffle. I'm certainly not asking for an implementation of in-depth, user friendly ship design in-game, more just to be able to use the "poof! it's a different ship!" implementation that you've got to offer more ship designs to the players on my server, provided I do the hard work myself of course.

    To put it more simply: it's the ability for the player to select the ship they want from a list of available ship designs that are present on a server which interests me specifically. Making and importing the ship designs, I'm happy to do myself. I would just like to know how practical it would be for yourself to set up a pseudo-API for the mod which would allow me to add these designs (and the corresponding in-game item for players to buy or craft, in order to deploy said designs) using another mod of my own, or failing that, if it's acceptable for me to unpack the mod and add these in myself, and if so, how practical is this?

    Sorry if I'm being confusing, it's early and I've still not had coffee.

    Edit: Should have also said, lots of mods could do this in a way, and of course this could basically be done using just the dependency mod, but this method would not implement the ship backgrounds, which is what lots of custom ship mods are missing. That's why I thought Shipstructor would be a good place to start working off of, since that's already a feature.

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