Ship upgrades and some new shots of the office

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Yes.:rofl:. Perhaps an April fools day prank played by Tiy.
  2. jonessey2002

    jonessey2002 Astral Cartographer

  3. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    See, but why don't people say that about people who make positive or neutral comments that aren't "helpful". Things about the April Fools joke or pointing out really random things from the office don't help any more than the negative ones do, so what makes those okay and not "clutter"?
    Aeon, Pingeh, Toquio3 and 1 other person like this.
  4. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    As I said in another post, why must people with negative opinions post them like that, when people with positive opinions can say "lol I like the office. So kawaii! *insert five emotes* (obviously an exaggeration, but I doubt anyone would reply to them saying "You should have worded that more constructively". Everyone's entitled to their opinions, no matter how harsh and as I've said a hundred times, Chucklefish are not obliged to act on those opinions, so there's no harm in them.
    Luna likes this.
  5. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    Forums have started making me think about the themes present in Shin Megami Tensei games, especially the 4th one. There are three options presented by the game:

    1) Freedom at the expense of peace. Everyone can say/do what they want, but conflicts are frequent.
    2) Appeal to everyone's good side and hope things work out. There will be a lot of freedom, but there will be some limits (removing those who cannot participate in polite conversation).
    3) Peace at the expense of freedom. Those who disagree are, uh, removed.

    I don't like #1, especially in this day and age. Take a look at any news site comment section (actually, don't). Do you really want comments like that on this forum? I don't.

    I don't like #3, because this is a sandbox game being developed by a dev team that encourages creativity. Dissenting opinions (when politely or respectfully communicated) are very helpful and provide creativity from different opinions.

    This leaves #2 as the "good" option, but at some point that breaks down. If there are people that just say "everyone else is against me" or "absolutely no criticism is allowed" then they really aren't looking around on these forums. Look at the "What do you want to see in the game?" thread for a lot of examples of constructive criticism, and requests for features that aren't currently in the game. There also is not a huge argument. There are lots of examples of "criticism" threads that are polite, and well-received. Look at the thread "The Game We Want" in the suggestions forum (mechanics? I can't remember anymore).

    Rude or negative comments provide no benefit, and only provoke angry or defensive responses.
    Positive or neutral comments may provide no benefit, but do not provoke angry or defensive responses.

    Do you want a +0, or do you want a -5?

    Also, please don't doublepost. You can "reply" to multiple posts within a single post.

    C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Please don't triple post.
    janusforbeare and Serenity like this.
  6. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    simply put, i
    t's a forum, people will have their opinions, if Chucklefish do not want to be exposed to a variety of opinions (positive, negative, or neutral), they should not host a forum/read its contents/post things they feel sensitive about.
  7. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    I respect Tiy and all, but he gets offended too easily. A guy made a comment about the office dragon, and he got pissed. Perhaps he's just stressed out by all the stuff he's had to do lately and became irritable, but that was kinda unprofessional.
    Edit: realized autocorrect corrected design to dragon. Not even gonna change it because office dragon sounds cooler.
    RenaldiForumStar and Pingeh like this.
  8. Haha!
    The office is looking quite funky, I like it. I'm sure it's a nice place to spend some time in, have fun guys and good luck! :)
    Oh and the ship upgrades are badass, that ship size... wow (in a newer update but might as well post in here). I find it hard to fill my regular ship with things so I have no idea what I'll do with an even bigger vessel.
    Good job!
    Serenity likes this.
  9. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    I nerd out every time I see that upgraded human ship. Nice to see that some of the devs are KotOR fans.
    Personally, I plan on making each room have a different visual theme to it. Like, one room would be filled with Avian decorations and such, one room would be filled with USCM supplies and such, etc.
    It's probably not the most creative way of dealing with the space but I'll go insane if I've got several rooms that are just empty.
  10. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    But that's irrelevant. Are people not allowed to dislike things? And if I've done something that someone believes I'd worth a -5 then I'd like to know they think so. I don't understand this desire to suppress the people with negative feelings. If Chucklefish don't think they deserve those negative feelings, then they will not be affected by it anyway. This is a forum where people will share their feelings, positive and negative and they can both be completely useless at times, and very helpful at other times.
    Also, I may be ignorant, but the forum rules say nothing about double it triple posting, so explain to me why I should stop.
    Aeon likes this.
  11. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    Would you rather have something that does not contribute to the discussion (+0) or something that actively distracts people from the conversation (-X)? Rude, abrasive, and aggressive behavior causes people to react to the behavior, not the ideas being presented. That is distracting, and unhelpful.

    There is no official or unofficial desire that I am aware of to suppress people with negative feelings, but my own personal behavior has a desire to suppress people that use rude, abrasive, aggressive, and accusatory language.

    Consider the following two statements, which do you think would be better received by either/both Chucklefish and the Community?

    a) Your patch is a waste of time and I hate the changes.
    b) I think there are other issues that are more important than the ones you're addressing with this patch.

    Another fun point, there are more than two categories of posts, not just helpful and useless. Perhaps you believe that angry rants fall under the "useless" category, as they do not advance the discussion, but these types of posts actively derail topics, because they bait others into responding directly to the person that posted the angry rant, instead of the ideas in the rest of the thread.

    I don't really know how to better communicate this to you, but "disliking something" and "making rude and angry statements about something" are two different actions. If you cannot say a statement around your parents or your classroom without being punished, then you should not say that statement here, either.


    From The Forum Rules thread, I bring you:

    Serenity likes this.
  12. zeaga

    zeaga Phantasmal Quasar

    Have you actually taken the time to read the forum rules?
  13. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    It's a general rule in any should know that by now if you visit forums often, and if you didn't, now you do!
    And will you please just get on with it already? I'm sick of seeing you reply the same thing over and over again...
    zeaga likes this.
  14. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." I'm not entirely sure I follow the whole belief that negative opinions are suppressed. Is it really that hard to have constructive criticism? And "If they don't think they deserve it, it won't affect them" is 100% false. The converse of that would be "If it affects them, they deserve it" or "If they deserve it, it affects them." Both of which are equally false. Words are very powerful tools, and can be used as weapons. To compare overly positive and overly negative is counterproductive. Even in terms of feedback and criticism. Pure overly positive feedback will still help more than pure overly negative feedback. "I think this is perfect, keep doing what you're doing" is received as "Okay, let's keep true to our path, and doing what we believe." "I think this is utter shit, you guys should be fired." is received as "Okay, they think it's completely worthless but won't tell us why."

    That's why it's called constructive criticism, and it's been proven time and time again to help more than purely negative criticism. And that's the part where people fail to understand, sometimes. People are so busy crying "Censorship" and "Suppression" that they can't even see a way that their criticism can be said in a less harmful way. But then again, a lot of the people making those claims probably don't want to say it in a less harmful way, and that's the heart of the matter. No offense, and not trying to make accusations, but I feel like a lot of people use "Freedom of Speech" in the wrong context. Freedom of Speech gives you the right to say whatever you want. It does not magically make all consequences of your words disappear. I feel like a lot of people use "censorship" and "Freedom of Speech" as a "backup plan" in case they let their intentionally harmful words go too far.

    I find it hard to believe that somebody couldn't look over their negative opinion and find a way to say it that doesn't make them sound completely rude and hurtful. Believe me, it's possible to have a negative opinion and not be a total jerk about it. Many people have done so in the past, and they've been welcome on this forum. The whole "Nobody's allowed to dislike things" and "Suppress negative opinions" argument is completely loaded and intentionally loaded to wrongfully make it seem like they're being censored. Like I said, those claims are probably put in place to make it seem like people are being disciplined for their opinions, when in reality, they're being disciplined for being a jerk about them.

    Again, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. That's how it's always been. And before the whole "I shouldn't have to sugarcoat my opinion" statement that I know everybody would be dying to make right now, we can skip that. I'm not asking anyone to sugarcoat their opinion. I'm asking them not to give a shit-covered one. Clean it up a little if you expect people to use it or take it seriously. That's the whole point of the matter. There is no negative opinion that can't be presented maturely and respectfully. Learning how to do that is a skill in and of itself. Believe me, I've had to learn it too. But I find that it got me a lot farther in life than just spurting out harmful words and expecting them to build more than they destroy.
  15. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    You know what derails a thread more than negative options on it's topic? Making ectrmemely long posts critiquing how others choose to voice their opinions. It is literally entirely irrelevant. And your critiques are not even applicable to most posts. I haven't seen a single person with a negative opinion in these forums swear or even say they "hate" something. Most either use a joking/sarcastic tone or well worded criticism.
    Aeon, RynCage and Pingeh like this.
  16. Metalmariolord

    Metalmariolord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes unfortunately I'm aware of some bosses who don't care a single bit about workplace comfort.Also, the only option would be to change jobs or to endure it.
  17. RenaldiForumStar

    RenaldiForumStar Big Damn Hero

    You haven't seen the half of it....
  18. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Way to go ignoring all of Sokina's points >_>
    Serenity and zeaga like this.
  19. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    That kind if reply implies that you're looking for an fight more than you are trying to do anything constructive. Their points (and most other people that have chosen to argue with me) are "you're all mean and should feel bad" and I always say that its a forum and some people are going to be mean or feel negatively. So long as no one throws around cokourful language or personal insults, it easily overlooked by Chucklefish if they do not wish to take those criticisms to heart. But the point that stands out to me is that these negative comments somehow derails threads when they usually start as criticisms based in the topics of the threats, while the criticisms of these comments are usually what derails them.
  20. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Except there would be no derailing if said so called 'criticisms' (which most of the time they are not) were not posted to begin with.
    Serenity likes this.

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