Ship upgrades and some new shots of the office

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut


    We're not in the era of Mad men any more folks. Business interior has changed.
    Serenity likes this.
  2. zeaga

    zeaga Phantasmal Quasar

    I just disregarded the warning, since I actually use a non-standard theme instead of the default one for the forums. I don't play pranks either, so I always forget. :V
    AdenSword likes this.
  3. Cheeseball

    Cheeseball Aquatic Astronaut

    I like this design. A lot of open space for you to just yell out at your colleagues and hold team huddles.
    Serenity likes this.
  4. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    What I meant with that segment is that it should be a no-brainer that companies should be respectful, especially for a business owner.

    Of course being rude and aggressive isn't called for, but how do they combat that? By being rude, aggressive, and trying to make the poster look like a complete moron. And no, that's the first ban warning I've seen, which is why in my first comment I said "and now threatening to ban?" or something along those lines. It isn't based on exaggerations, they DO these things. Working on hiring for an all new game before SB is out of alpha, being rude to posters, and saying what they do is none of our business all culminates to a reasonable emotion called irritation.

    I'd also like to mention you told me the equivalent of "if you don't like it, get out" because I questioned their choice to start giving ban warnings. I wouldn't call that civil. If you removed the "haters" and the fangirls, this forum would be somewhere around population:20.
    Aeon, Pingeh and Piccolo like this.
  5. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    I do believe they should probably switch out those metal red chairs though. They look physically painful.
  6. Cheeseball

    Cheeseball Aquatic Astronaut

    What metal chairs? The ones in the picture I pointed out?
    Serenity likes this.
  7. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Nah, these ones.


    They're pretty. I wouldn't sit in one.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Serenity likes this.
  8. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    No, there are those who give constructive criticism and those who bitch about everything and then whine that everyone is blindly defending CF when their nonsensical ideas get ignored.

    And stop saying people are getting miffed when the majority understand the difference between expressing your opinion helpfully and expressing your misplaced anger by attacking every bit of news
    Kabu, Serenity and Finn Learson like this.
  9. Cheeseball

    Cheeseball Aquatic Astronaut

    Ah God damn those look painful. They'll seriously screw up any buttons on your rear pockets if you have them.

    EDIT: +have
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Serenity likes this.
  10. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    Holy lemon... those things need cushions :eek:
    Serenity and Jonesy like this.
  11. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Come on, they don't look that uncomfortable right?

    I mean sure, I wouldn't sit on one naked or anythi.....bah who am I kidding, now I want to, simply to see what happens.
    (On the bright side they would prob have to buy new chairs and never speak of the incident again)
    Serenity and Lobo like this.
  12. zeaga

    zeaga Phantasmal Quasar

    So you just decided to skip my post, then?
  13. gr4yz0n3

    gr4yz0n3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey! 14$ is pretty pricy!
  14. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    I can see how you'd perceive what I said as being aimed at you, since I quoted you. Please don't misunderstand me, yours was simply the nearest post that voiced the general opinion I was responding to. You've already proven that you argue rationally, and your points seem to be at least somewhat valid (based on my admittedly limited knowledge of this community and the subject at hand). I'm writing to respond to a point of view I've seen a fairly large segment of the population, not you in particular.

    I do, however, feel that you are misrepresenting, or possibly misinterpreting, what I said earlier. I wasn't trying to throw anyone out... even if I wanted to do, I have absolutely no authority to say something like that. What I was saying was that there are alternative forums to voice discontent in a less polite way (Reddit springs to mind, they're all about freedom of speech), if one is so inclined.
    Serenity likes this.
  15. Murderatte

    Murderatte Phantasmal Quasar

    How is an office design a waste of money? If they are comfortable in a work environment, they work heaps more efficiently! They're not dirty slaves in a dungeon. I don't get what all the fuss is about "fashion sense" and whatnot as it is mostly subjective. Is this whole thread an April Fools joke?
    Kabu and Serenity like this.
  16. mwpow3ll

    mwpow3ll Guest

    While it certainly doesn't fit the professional mold of a traditional office, it can still be productive which is all that matters. Indie developers & specific tech companies (think google) usually try to push the boundaries of the socially acceptable office setting; so, while it may not be to your liking, provided ChuckleFish see an increase in productivity, I don't care if they sit on rubber duckie chairs.

    I realize it must be frustrating to deal with people making childish comments, but everyone is tired of Chuclefish's antics.

    For starters, it was made clear on the pre-order page that our 'purchase will go directly towards the development of the game and help us to get it into everyone's hands sooner.' It was also stated on the forum that a pre-order was vital to ensure the 'end of 2013' deadline since it would allow the developers to work 100% on Starbound instead of having a second job.

    Now while the argument could be made that setting up an office is contributing to the development, most of the community took it to mean that Chucklefish would take a more proactive approach and hire more developers; however, that wasn't the case and despite ChuckleFish's best efforts, the 2013 deadline wasn't hit either. Chucklefish did manage to push a 'beta' before 2013 ended, but what we have is more of an alpha with a very disturbingly slow update pace despite the continued promise of faster updates for the past 3 months.

    Second, Chucklefish continues to release information all over the internet instead of in one centralized location, and when the information is released... it's contradictory.

    Example: Mollygos posted the following on March 28: "Ship upgrades are finally coming soon to a Starbound near you!" You, Tiy, just posted the following on Apr 1: "So I’m being asked a lot lately when ship upgrades are going to be pushed to the public. The answer is not for a while yet.

    It doesn't seem like you, as the lead developer of Starbound / head of Chucklefish, and your community manager are on the same page. It's been this way for at least 6+ months which is very frustrating and disturbing...

    In short, If you don't want us asking personal questions about the funds we all graciously provided, accept responsibility and fix the problems.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
    Aeon, Madzai, Piccolo and 10 others like this.
  17. Drakaden

    Drakaden Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    While i am not taking sides, i think you just nailed what the disgruntled people complains about.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    RenaldiForumStar and BlueSmoke like this.
  18. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    Its really just scratching the surface, But at least its nice to know other people are starting to connect some dots now.
  19. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    If they bought rubber ducky chairs, productivity would be doubled. Get to it CF!
  20. Gnomechompski

    Gnomechompski Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    6th screenshot : Is the background of the small laptop really a turd?

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