Ship upgrades and some new shots of the office

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. CJillWill

    CJillWill Void-Bound Voyager

    A note to everyone who is getting annoyed at the negative comments: You should go check the Rust comments. Your ears will start to bleed its so rude! I like all the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism here on the forum, and all the positivity floating around. You do you chucklefish. Great pre-game, great ideas, and a great looking office. Office decor DOES matter, and I love those nifty looking divider things. :D
    Serenity and Jbeetle like this.
  2. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    Are you guys just getting less and less professional or what? Telling the people who bought early access into your game that how you spend the money that was invested is none of their business, flaming random posters who give any sort of negative comment not filled with :3's or :D emotes, and now threatening to ban? This forum is cancer, no wonder so many people are becoming irritated with cf.
    Madzai, RynCage, Grimmturd and 3 others like this.
  3. CJillWill

    CJillWill Void-Bound Voyager

    OH and ps: MAC PRIDE! I am so glad to see studios making games in PC and Mac at the same time! You guys rock!!
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Those are quite some accusations you're making. The issue at hand is that people derail threads with non-constructive negativity, like Tiy said. They tend to be worded in an aggressive or offensive manner, thus breaking forum rules and even offending other users. The criticism itself is not the issue, but instead the way it is communicated. If said criticism was constructive and reasonable, there is no need to take any action against it. But if it's against forum rules, it's dealt with accordingly. Sadly, much of it ends up in the latter category.
    Serenity, Zouleena, garpu and 2 others like this.
  5. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    I'll second that one. Its preschool for Gamer designers.

    I'll give it "cute."
    I'll be back to check on starbound in july.

    My regards,
  6. Zekie

    Zekie Aquatic Astronaut

    Know what that office needs? It needs more ART, both official and fan.
    Serenity and BlueSmoke like this.
  7. Ogremk3bis

    Ogremk3bis Void-Bound Voyager

    The office could be bright pink with unicorns, rainbows and staffed by monkeys banging randomly on keyboards just as long as they keep making awesome games.
    Serenity likes this.
  8. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    It was by no means derailing, it was completely on topic. The people I've seen the devs flame or try to "outwit" are always within bounds. I fail to see how saying something is a waste of money is against forum rules or worthy of a ban. It's bad enough anybody with criticism or a complaint is completely feasted upon by all the fangirls, but now the devs, as well? It shows pettiness and unprofessionalism.

    All this is not even mentioning how they say our money is none of our business verbatim.
    Madzai, Pingeh, RynCage and 2 others like this.
  9. Ogremk3bis

    Ogremk3bis Void-Bound Voyager

    Seriously this has to be the dumbest complaint thread ever. This is a start-up in a new office pulling in talent from all over the place. Who cares about the layout, YOU are not working there are you? If so, then yeah, have a face to face with your boss about the layout.

    As for the fine folks at Chucklefish; I say thanks for putting up with all us grouchy impatient gamers. We're getting the shakes. We need another Starbound update soon because you know if we don't then we're gonna start complaing about hairstyles in your office next. :facepalm:
    Serenity and Type1Ninja like this.
  10. timeandpatience

    timeandpatience Void-Bound Voyager

    I greatly await the updates. And the office looks wondrous.
    Type1Ninja likes this.
  11. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    It really isn't. It seems like a lot of people are under the mistaken impression that they (or, more likely, their parents, though they won't admit that) invested in Starbound. They didn't. They paid $15 for early access. The key word being "access" - when you're granted access to a museum, it doesn't entitle you to a say in what kind of couch is in the employees' break room... it just gets you through the doors.

    I'll admit that Tiy probably shouldn't have snapped at that one mouthy user. That was somewhat out of line. I sympathize with him though, because as a business owner and mod author (Skyrim, not Starbound), I know how difficult it can be to put up with rude clients and users. Unfortunately, that's the name of the game. People have a right to expect a certain level of etiquette from the companies they deal with, even when they don't show the same courtesy.

    That said, Tiy and Chucklefish have every right to moderate their forums the way they choose. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other corners of the internet where Starbound is being discussed, so feel free to leave at any time.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
  12. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    I honestly don't care that they want to work in a McDonald's playpen for an office, nor have I ever wanted any sort of strings attached to the money I invested. I think most of us only care about being informed. Also, regardless of what steam or the website or anything else says, they've gotten to where they are because people bought the alpha, or bought early access with the bonus of alpha, whatever you want to call it. Bottom line is they are this far because of people paying, and they ask for opinions. (edit) Yes, obviously at the end of the day the ultimate say goes to them, and it is their money now. It's unspoken that we took a risk by investing. We took the risk of them pulling this stuff, and there's no power to be had to fight it. Nobody is trying to change that, they're just announcing their distaste for the behavior and how it negatively affects CF's image and rep.

    This isn't the first time him or Molly have snapped and sassed at some random user who didn't just go "uguuuuuu starbound4lyfe". Somewhat out of line? You bet your ass. Companies are the organized professionals, not the other way around. If they can't handle anything negative, and need legions of fangirls to stomp any opposition, what does that say? You said it, it's the name of the game that people expect companies to be well mannered, regardless of how they interpret some poster's comment. I would hope you would understand the importance of professionalism if you're some business owner. You shouldn't have to think twice about it.

    Quote me where I've said they shouldn't have the right to do what they want with their fora. This is about the logic behind the ban threats.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Madzai, Pingeh, Grimmturd and 2 others like this.
  13. NecroNeko

    NecroNeko Void-Bound Voyager

    Are the ship/progression upgrades going to hit in a few weeks or a couple of months? Just want to know if it's worth preparing yet or if I should just play normally for a while.
  14. hocotRT

    hocotRT Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm just going to speak my thoughts and say that office looks rather tacky.
    Grimmturd and Piccolo like this.
  15. TheIronButterfly

    TheIronButterfly Void-Bound Voyager

    Toquio3 and roadrashh like this.
  16. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nice upgrades. It's always nice to see devs that listen to us.
  17. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Considering how people are flying off the handle about Chucklefish buying office space in the first place, cheap furnishings was prob the best idea.

    At least they gave the negative lot something to sook about so they don't make up alarmist nonsense.

    So many? Seems to be the same lot that usually meet every piece of news with negative response.
    Chucklefish would give you free Jetpacks and strawberry milkshakes and you would complain there is no cup holder on the Jetpack
  18. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    It's more than a handful of people.

    And I'm not talking about CF adding stuff to their game, I'm talking about all the delays and lack of professionalism. It's evident why people are miffed. Why do you think there's almost no middle ground? There's people that give criticism in any form, and then there's the other side: the blind fanboys who defend CF religiously.
    Piccolo likes this.
  19. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    Naturally, I do; that's why I brought it up. I'm trying to be objective and respectful about the subject, and looking at both sides of the issue before submitting an opinion. It's something more people on these forums - not you specifically, just people - should try to do.

    There's nothing wrong with being upset with dev decisions, or voicing that displeasure. But as one of the CF staff mentioned earlier, being rude and aggressive is not at all necessary, and I fully support their efforts to maintain a certain level of civility on the forums. I don't post here much, so I don't know if the accusations that CF are handing down a disproportionate number of bans/warnings to people critical of the game are true. If they are, that's a serious problem, and should be addressed immediately. However, I've seen - and, until a few years ago, have partaken in - enough nerdrage to know that gamers on internet forums have a tendency to exaggerate and take things out of context to further their own agendas, and so I'm not sold on that argument.

    What it comes down to is that people who can't behave like civil and rational human beings should be removed from internet communities such as these, regardless of their opinions. That goes for the "fanboys/fangirls" as much as the "haters".
  20. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh forgot about april fools, don't really play pranks or know people that do so I forgot :p
    actually I really did not realize it was april 1st and I genuinely thought it was real
    BlueSmoke and zeaga like this.

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