Ship upgrades and some new shots of the office

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Ryuu Kitsune

    Ryuu Kitsune Void-Bound Voyager

    Cheeseball is right the a lot of people have been making comments that are negative toward chucklefish and starbound development, but in no way provide any good comments or helpful ideas. Just rubbish complaints cluttering the forum. I mean sure they can complain I just wish they didn't put unreasonable claims and demand financial info.
    zeaga likes this.
  2. Cheeseball

    Cheeseball Aquatic Astronaut

    Right, but they need to be constructive.

    Commenting like "... a debatable waste of money.. its a fashion disaster" is discouraging and does nothing but insult their tastes.

    However, comments like "... while I don't like the bright chairs, maybe a more subtle color would be more visually appealing?" are much more encouraging.
    Serenity, RenaldiForumStar and zeaga like this.
  3. zeaga

    zeaga Phantasmal Quasar

    It's April Fools' Day, and that message is a prank. It's not true.
    Stop that. Some people, like myself, don't even consider April Fools' Day when it comes. Just because he didn't realize doesn't make him a troll. Instead of being so negative about it you can explain to him what you mean.
    Kyasupah likes this.
  4. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    I like the pacman pillow. By the way, how could there not be a pacman emoticon?
    KillerKitteh likes this.
  5. Metalmariolord

    Metalmariolord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I agree completely and I was going to make a comment like yours.
    They're people, they have to get a good place to work. Working somewhere you feel confortable, make you work happier, and happier, you work better, so making the game come out faster.
  6. jonessey2002

    jonessey2002 Astral Cartographer

  7. Fawxkitteh

    Fawxkitteh Phantasmal Quasar

    I wish any of the places I've worked had that mentality.

    We're not people, we're basically the equivalent to any of the hardware. They only care when we're useful to them at any given second, and are easily replaced.
    KillerKitteh, Serenity and roadrashh like this.
  8. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    Who was that earlier saying Dunce caps were needed? Geesh, seems every thread gets derailed with nitpicking and so much negativity. Fun creative offices create fun creative energy, and the geekier, the better! You should see my art studio, toys and art and lego and brightness everywhere!

    Me thinks we need some Dunce Caps in the forums :party:

    KillerKitteh, Serenity and Darklight like this.
  9. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I think the dunce caps were a joke... as was the penalty corner... :p
    KillerKitteh and Serenity like this.
  10. zugz

    zugz Space Penguin Leader

    Considering how the game was sold off as a Beta while everything in it is one giant placeholder, and that it is by any industry standards not even out of alpha yet, people who feel scammed might think the way you spend money is their concerns.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014
    Aeon, KillerKitteh, Sartorius and 5 others like this.
  11. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    Just a random note for anyone critiquing the office pictures as a waste of money or a perceived lack of taste. Or rather, a pair of question:

    1: Are you Chucklefish's accountant? Where you hired to actually handle Chucklefish's finances? Are you an investr who spent personally invested 100 000$ in their project(and just so you know, having pre-ordered the game doesn't count. Last I recall pre-ordering Assassin's Creed IV didn't give people the right to question Ubisoft's business expanditures as if it was their own business).
    If the answer is "no", then I believe you have no reasons to question Chucklefish's business decisions. If anything, a lot of what they installed in the office seem to cost on the lighter end of things rather than the costlier end of them.

    2: For those criticizing the look and mocking it, here's my second question: What does it matter to you? It's Chucklefish's office, not yours. Would you have expected or preffered an industrial building with exposed cracked brick walls, full of metal bands poster or gothic imagery? Because I'm not sure what you must have expected from a game which, last I recalled, is known for it's very colorful environment and creatures.
    If anything, personally I say the offices fits Chucklefish and the game they are producing.

    And even then? My opinion doesn't matter. It's Chucklefish's office and it's up to them to develop the kind of environment THEY feel comfortable to create in.

    Community, in the concept of an early access games, can be encouraged to get involved in the development of a game. In fact, they very much are and Chucklefish have been great at implementing many players' suggestions or creations.
    But at the same time, "participating" and getting "involved" does not equate "playing backseat manager".

    You pre-ordered a game, and exchange for the pre-order(like many games) you were given the possibility to alpha/beta(I don't care which term truly applies, it is only semantic to argue about this) the game during it's development phases and were allowed to give input on the game itself.

    Perspective, folks, please.
    For all I know, Chucklefish shared pictures of their offices because they were proud of them and wished to share that pride with the community. Not to be questioned, ridiculed or mocked. You want devs to be open and accessible with you folks? Then please stop trying to rip them a new one or shame them on every moves they do.
  12. Star and Moon

    Star and Moon Space Kumquat

    *clicks on comments...* HOLY S*** MY EYES!
  13. shirotora

    shirotora Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No no, I was serious. They should have dunce caps for the time-out corner, the one with the little red chairs.
    KillerKitteh and Zouleena like this.
  14. the_5hadow

    the_5hadow Void-Bound Voyager

    dont you realise it is a joke (april fool)
    KillerKitteh likes this.
  15. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    One of my favorite artists Gary Baseman made these little figures years ago... these are what they need..

  16. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Welcome back D.

    Oh how I jest.
    Anyway, surely by now you understand the difference between constructive and non- constructive criticism. That you got what you paid for and that the financial status of CF is something you are welcome to question, but can't expect an answer.
    There is no use in buying in to early access and then blaming your buyers remorse on the developer.

    You knew what this was when we started dating
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Serenity, Paco495 and SleepySquidd like this.
  17. Paradox Effect

    Paradox Effect Master Chief

    Honestly, i don't think they should give us a eta, they have to many things they are juggling, especially getting everyone settled into London. It's probably in the best interest for both of us if they don't give us an eta, however a progress report would be great :D
  18. Paradox Effect

    Paradox Effect Master Chief

    Oh, and even if the decor isn't a joke, have you people not seen the inside of a game developer's studios. For gods sake they are creating a game, so why not have creative things surrounding them. It help boosts productivity, by making it less of a chore. Even though it's not my taste I can see a sense in not have a plain studio. Most of their programmers were working at home, I think it would be a good way to settle themselves into an actual workplace, after quite a while of working at home. So yes I agree with what they are doing. And if this is just a joke, i think you should do something along the lines of the pictures :D
    KillerKitteh and Ludovic like this.
  19. SnowFox1

    SnowFox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    i look forward them ship upgrades and more come later on
    Serenity and pi master like this.
  20. pi master

    pi master Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey, could I work there in 10-15 years?
    KillerKitteh and CJillWill like this.

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