Ship upgrades and some new shots of the office

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    uh what? at what date?
  2. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank I know you're just trolling
    Serenity likes this.
  3. Paco495

    Paco495 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't worry bro, you don't have to work in it...are you taking up the D-16 mantle?
    Serenity and Darklight like this.
  4. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Heh. In, like, a year, the legend of D-16 will be the story of a silly person who hated everything and ended up dying a horrible, painful, "accidental" death. living a contented life on a farm upstate. - Let's not get too dark eh? - Sledra
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
    Serenity, Paco495 and Darklight like this.
  5. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    I bought a game and have not received that game, just chunks of it. So no, I have not received what I paid for. And I don't want to see them fail, I want to see them be accountable, honest and polite to their fans because the fans are the ones who fund it all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
    Sartorius, Toquio3 and Grimmturd like this.
  6. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    Nobody thinks their furnishings are a wait l waste of money (though some think then to look childish), most people are concerned about the placement of their workspace and the timing of the move in relation to when they started their move. Regardless, I didn't even say they wasted money, just that the money is definitely something fans have reason to be concerned about and that they should handle complaints better "It's none of your business" sounds very unprofessional.
    Sartorius and Grimmturd like this.
  7. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    Don't worry, i like the style of your office :rofl:
  8. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    And they are. To the fans that act like decent human beings.
    Serenity likes this.
  9. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    No, this is still none of our business, stop acting like all the other entitled little brats!
    So, you are saying that all the people that are making the game should become slaves and only work 24/7 because if they spend money on a hot-dog this is money wasted that should have been used making the game? You people make me sick!
    Serenity, SweFox and Darklight like this.
  10. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    Oh and criticizing or poking fun at someone now makes you an indecent human being? That's ridiculous. Treating people that disagree with you like they're deserving of less respect is truly indecent. All Tiy had to say is "We don't disclose our financial matters with just anyone" and it would have been much more polite and professional sounding OR not saying anything at all because his response didn't actually change anything.
  11. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    And he has done just that in the past. Guess what happened? They continued anyway and twisted it around to sound even worse. Tiy has every right to be jaded at this point.
    Serenity likes this.
  12. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    They would not understand such thing, because they are all entitled 10 year old kids, they don't know what work is...
    Serenity, SweFox and Darklight like this.
  13. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    When did I say they need to work more? And if they spent their own money (e.g. not money budgeted for the game/not money people spent on preorders from that game unless it was paid to them as part of their salary) then they can buy all the hotdogs they want and I wouldn't care at all. Now please learn to read without making wild exaggerations because that makes me sick.
    Aeon, Sartorius and Grimmturd like this.
  14. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    We have funded much of their efforts, but not all of their efforts. Also, they are not slaves that we've bought with our money. They have plenty of free reign over our money, with the expectation that we will receive a finished game in the future. In the meantime, we have been provided access to verify that they do indeed have a game, and to watch as it improves and moves towards the released version.

    "Being held accountable" does not mean "Spending $0 on anything except Starbound." They've earned a lot of money by making Starbound what it is right now, and by sharing their plans for the future, and promising to make good on those plans. What they do with that money is not our concern, because we are not their financial advisers.

    Anyway, this is simply not a topic worth discussing, because we have less than zero information.
  15. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    Being jaded doesn't make you say rude the things to the people funding your protect(s). Besides literally everyone in the entertainment industry has fans and critics, why are so many people here acting like Chucklefish are some godly entity that can do no wrong and do not deserve these same criticisms?
    Sartorius, Aeon and Grimmturd like this.
  16. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    Your money was spent on the pre-order which gave you the have the beta. Also, as others mentioned, an office is a more appropriate environment for work/creativity than having everybody work at their house far away from each other.
  17. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    There is critique and then there is flat out backseat developing and unreasonable and intrusive demands. There is very little true critique in this forum.
    Serenity, Paco495 and julz19 like this.
  18. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    Everyone deserves criticism but most people here are just plain rude/negative and are not giving any constructive critics!
  19. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    People seem to be really bad at reading. What I'm saying, and I believe it's clear, is that people have every right to be concerned about where their money is going because if Chucklefish were to not finish the game, which I doubt would be the case, then that's millions of dollars that go to waste and it would hinder the crowd funding/early access style of game making which is unfair to other people that want to make their games that way, so naturally people criticize things they don't like. Chucklefish doesn't need to make any changes based on those criticisms, they don't need to respond to them and neither does anyone else if they don't have anything to say to them, or people can debate them. So long as they're always posted in relevant places, I don't see what the problem is.
    Sartorius, Aeon and Grimmturd like this.
  20. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    I do have the beta, but I preordered a game, I expect to get the entire game. The preorders just a bonus, like when Gamestop gives out an exclusive pin for preordering a Mario game. Just getting the pin doesn't fulfill the preorder. Anyway, I think it's great that they got an office. But people still have the right to be concerned about the cost of it and whether it's worth it.
    Aeon, Sartorius and Grimmturd like this.

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