Ship upgrades and some new shots of the office

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Because people are afraid the devs have spent a decent portion of the money they've raised in pre-orders on it, and are spending more time working on the office than they are working on the game.
    Yzzey likes this.
  2. zugz

    zugz Space Penguin Leader

    Darklight is the D-16 equivalent of the fanboys but you can be certain he wont be banned.
    Madzai, Piccolo and Pingeh like this.
  3. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    A quote used to justify the state of ILM during the production of Star Wars IV: "The factory has to be built before the first can of peas can be sent to the supermarket."
    Jonesy likes this.
  4. penguinhammer

    penguinhammer Space Spelunker

    The idea of internationally relocating a company to a central place, not to mention the movement of personnel through the processes of immigration, resettlement, and familiarization with new country...all in the space of a few weeks, seems to irk some people. The very idea of having to move through three-dimensional space and the delays therein are simply unacceptable. LOL.
  5. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Ti's an art to help you.
  6. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Why would he be banned? He isn't getting personal or abusing you or others.
    He isn't making negatively outrageous claims or perpetuating non issues

    D-16 created conflict by lying and twisting molehills in to fanciful mountains of negativity. Darklight doesn't even close to being D's polar opposite.
    You will find that everyone you call a fanboy has their own criticism of Starbound, they just don't voice it the same way as people like D-16 did.

    You have a right to post your opinions but people also have a right to disagree and discuss, it is a forum after all.
    If you feel he has broken a rule worthy of punishment, report him, don't drag it in to the thread by being personal.
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
    SeaMichelle and SweFox like this.
  7. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    I've been personally insulted by Darklight and some mods on this site and reporting them does nothing. Additionally, Darklight will harass anyone that says anything negative and if you can't see that, you're being willfully ignorant. He'll defend Chucklefish tooth and nail, just as D-16 defended criticism of Chucklefish.
  8. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    Why is this still going on? The news post this thread is about is the last thing on the main page right now. I think we need a lock at this point, because this turned into "you're an idiot and a jerk and I hate you" a while ago.
  9. Kittani

    Kittani Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't suppose you have need of a Network Security Engineer, do you? I really really really want to work in that office. Nice job!
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  10. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    We'd better get it locked now, before it escalates into "I hate you and the band you like."
  11. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    You don't know jack and the choices you make for your vegetable side dishes are appalling.

    Black Eyed Peas? I mean. really . . .
    KevinFragger2427, Yzzey and Akado like this.
  12. EvilBhizzle

    EvilBhizzle Orbital Explorer

  13. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Damn, that was actually really clever. :rofl:
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  14. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    As much as I like Chucklefish and will defend them, this gal has a point.
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
    Sartorius, Pingeh and Piccolo like this.
  15. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero

    Perhaps we aren't a big fan of Feng Shui? In other news, I'm pleased to see the followup on ship details .
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  16. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Err... Piccolo? I wouldn't jump straight to condemning the man yet. Here, lemme show you a few quotes:

    See? Darklight isn't as unreasonable as you think. He actually admitted to something being wrong with CF!

    Sounds condescending at first. A little more context sheds a new light. I know it sounds like Darklight's saying "you're a slow-witted idiot so I'll underline the obvious part for you to see" at first because of the capitalization, but a little more reading would suggest he's actually trying to explain.

    Ouch! sounds real rude at first, doesn't it?

    Turns out, he was being serious, not condescending! It's hard at first to get used to his style of writing. I'm telling you, however, there's no hostile intent behind his words.

    It's curious to know that D-16 also had these attributes. Too bad no one highlighted his good qualities and objected to writing him off as a troll.

    EDIT: Okok check it out:

    "And writing him off as a troll makes you better than him? You seem like you're just venting cause some moderator corrected you and you can't take it out on anybody, so instead you turn on him."


    "haha and writing him off as a troll makes you better than him? lol you seem like you're just venting cause some moderator corrected you and you can't take it out on anybody, so instead you turn on him >.>"

    You can tell, right? The difference in the wording's nonexistent, but the two feel very differently. Darklight likes to cut out the smiley faces and get straight to the point. That's just the way he is. Don't take his blunt words as insults. That's just how he thinks.

    Girl, actually. Honestly, I have no idea why I said that. I just feel I have too. For some reason. Ok, I'm leaving now.
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
    Yzzey and Darklight like this.
  17. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero

    Multi-color, fishs-cale wall-frame art..... I'm sorry to interrupt making the forums all about darklight, but I just get this vibe that a rotating bed, double-decker bus, and go-go girl cages are just offscreen in the background of the office picture. Is CF not telling us the whole decoration story?
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  18. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    ...oops. you're right.
    KevinFragger2427 and Piccolo like this.
  19. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    I'm not sure what your affiliation with Darklight is, but I'm genuinely surprised that you put this much effort into defending him (both this post and the one on my profile) to some random chick on the internet. Regardless, he's directly, in his own words, called me an idiot before and I frequent these forums enough to know that he comments on all, if not almost all negative comments on the news threads, and also comments on many negative threads, or at least many of the ones I've seen. So, I've gathered a somewhat negative opinion of him and "how he thinks". BUT, that being said, I don't hold anything against him as a person because I don't know him beyond his attitude towards starbound/Chucklefish and really have no solid grounds to judge him on and he really could be an absolutely lovely person outside of this website.

    And thanks for noticing my gender, I was honestly I bit bothered that I was assumed to be a dude. :oops:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2014
    KevinFragger2427 and Pingeh like this.
  20. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Personal Story Time:

    About a year back I made a thread where I highlighted some of the discrepancies Chucklefish had made. (kinda like the open letter, but to the Starbound Community) Well, Tiy said I was accusing him of being a liar, and, since most people don't really bother reading long posts, assumed I was. It kinda all went downhill from there with several mods calling me a troll. Thing is, if I had one guy stick up for me, just one guy, to clear the misconception for me, it would have turned the whole thing around. Nobody was really reading the posts I was making to try to explain myself.

    I have nothing against Chucklefish anymore. But if someone's getting misunderstood out there (ie. Darklight), and if no one else is willing to clear the misconceptions a little, I'm going to step in. I did it for D-16, Tiy and CF, and I'll do it for Darklight.

    Also, it wasn't THAT much trouble. It only took me five minutes to grab the quotes I was looking for and another five to make them pretty.

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