Shane or Sebastian to marry?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mononoke., Dec 28, 2016.


Who is the better husband?

  1. Shane

    17 vote(s)
  2. Sebastian

    25 vote(s)
  3. None of them marry harvey and his hot moustache

    7 vote(s)
  1. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Yeah, I like honey farms. In fact, one of my current playthroughs is a foresty-one with tappers and beehives and fruit trees and very few crops. Based on the forest map, gonna marry Abigail soon since she apparently likes the deep forests :D

    I like your idea of having both an enabling and a disabling route. Maybe we can both become alcoholics with Shane? Sort of like a bad end?
      seth0et0holth likes this.
    • seth0et0holth

      seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

      Yes, exactly.
        Surenu likes this.
      • Surenu

        Surenu The End of Time

        I wonder how alcoholism could be handled in game...

        • Tipsy condition removed? During my time working in a convenience story I saw a lot of hardcore alcoholics, and they seemed to move just fine
        • In return, you get withdrawal if you don't drink for a set amount of time, reducing all skills by two?
        EDIT: Spelling.
          seth0et0holth likes this.
        • LuthienNightwolf

          LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

          I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of the player being somewhat punished or limited for marrying Shane. While I understand and agree with all the reasoning behind it, from a gameplay standpoint alone I think this would be somewhat unfair. Mainly in regards to the fact that CA specifically kept all spouses equal so nobody would marry for certain perks. On that same note, someone shouldn't avoid a certain person because of limitations either.

          Personally, I'm fine with each spouse having advantages and disadvantages - I would still choose based on personality traits anyway. But if we're going to do it with one, we should do it with all of them, so then what would be the downside to marrying the rest of them? (Hypothetical question btw, don't feel like you have to actually list any. lol)
            seth0et0holth and Surenu like this.
          • Surenu

            Surenu The End of Time

            This, despite everything I said before, is a fair and valid point.
              seth0et0holth likes this.
            • seth0et0holth

              seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

              I agree in a way (and I actually made a suggestion thread about advantages for each, but disadvantages would be interesting to add to keep it non-gamebreaking, IMO), but maybe if leaving it as is, you could still have kegs etc, but you would have to put them in the shed and not the house? And make the shed a key in your wallet like the skull key once you get the shed. That would make no impact on gameplay but it would be a touch hinting that you had to lock away the alcohol.

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