OOC Serik - A collaborative Sci fi RPG

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Hwo Thumb, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Bughunter

    Bughunter Spaceman Spiff

    APP INCOMING -------------> BOOP
    • Name: Glecwex Selsalve (Wex for short)
    • Gender: Unknown (I want Wex's gender to be hidden for a while, to match up with he/she's personality)
    • Species: Chipi
    • Age: (I don't know what ages Chipi mature at, or what is young/old. So I will do it by human years.) 27
    • Home Planet: Gorrah

    • Physical description: She is fairly short in stature, and has a very strong kinesthetic sense. She/He's is quite dextrous, and able to easily perform acrobatics and also be as stealthy as a fox. Wex's only downside is being unable to pick up heavier objects, and use bigger tools, due being a Chipi. His swathe is mostly rags and animal hides on the outside, and a very thick hood over the face. The hood however looks like hide, but is a very advanced fabric that only Wex can see through. Under the rags, Wex wears very light armor to protect mainly from non-projectile firearms.

    • Personality: Wex is quite secretive of his gender. Wex is very sympathetic due to its childhood, and understands people well. Due to being so secretive, Wex is always very suspicious, and prefers to "wing it alone".

    • Abilities: Carries around a pocket computer that he named "ISIS" (Independant Satirical Imagining Servant) which is jury rigged to be an ass to everyone, although it pulls its weight in the hacking department. ISIS is very important in Wex's arsenal. Wex's blade, which was given the title Echo, Ferocity of the Gorrah, was gifted to Wex by her elder and his people, for acts of good and strength, she mainly calls the blade Ech, or Echo. Her scouting rifle, a Rattlesnake 7.62mm, is what is mainly used for the military, and poaching. The Rifle automatically traces the rounds with a thin layer of plasma, to break through tougher.. "things".
    • Character Bio: (I will finish up later!! I gotta go for a few to get some important stuff done, but it will be done within the next hour!)
    • Misc stuff (Job, interests, etc) : Temporary Poacher, Thief, and also an odd-jobber.

    (Please tell me if I screwed anything up that is not akin to the lore! Also I purposefully said different genders for some of the pronouns.)
  2. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sounds interesting. I'm curious as to where you're going with the gender thing. It's not that I have anything particularly against transvestites, if that's what you're implying, but it just seems a little odd to have a character that wouldn't have a gender. It might make things confusing too. (I'm not saying you have to change that, but you'll want to be careful how you play this.)

    Also, animals hides would be out of place with the cultures of the story. In general, similar to how the "default" clothes to humans is a t-shirt and jeans or shorts, the normal clothes in this verse is a t-shirt over a very thin longsleeved shirt, usually black or dark blue. Of course, clothing differs from species to species and planet to planet. Chipi from Queseto tend to wear collered shirts, similar to a sports polo. Farbians often dress lightly, because their fur covers them up, so they will wear t-shirts and shorts. Sleeveless vests have become very popular with the Katamain, and the Shorman tend to wear clothes similar to dresses or robes, made of a light, streamlined plastic to allow easy swimming. The Arriak don't wear clothes.

    As for the bio, if you can find a way to work it into the story, that'd be great. I don't have any ideas for your character, so you're free to take it in any direction that isn't destructive to the RP
  3. Noble Pigeon

    Noble Pigeon Void-Bound Voyager

    Is this still a thing? If so here's my app:
    Name: Go Ra Im
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Age: 28
    Home Planet: Mars
    Physical description: A Korean human of about 5’2 and weigh about 120 pounds. She has a thin, slightly toned build. Her short, red hair is slightly unkempt, and has brown eyes. Go Ra Im is a bit of a tomboy when it comes to personal appearances and is usually seen wearing a tank top and cargo pants.

    Personality: A bit of an airhead, Go Ra Im appears to be the embodiment of the sloth animal found on Earth: lazy and slow. However, she is very well versed in topics like astronomy and various branches of engineering. She loves the prospect of exploring the galaxy, even if she misses the red deserts of her home planet.

    Go Ra Im grew up almost exclusively around other humans. As a result she is inexperienced in dealing with alien species and has trouble keeping a leash on her more xenophobic tendancies.

    Abilities: Excels at the maintenance, repair, and construction of starships, and has general knowledge in chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering. She has basic proficiency with firearms but is much more comfortable with plasma torches and laser cutters rather than the pistol or rifle.

    Character Bio: Go Ra Im’s family emigrated to Mars as part of a colonization effort by Korean settlers from Earth. She was born in a small town 300 clicks southwest of Mt. Olympus---the Amazonis Planitia. Her mom and dad were line techs involved in the terraforming efforts on Mars. Her childhood and teenagers years were fairly mundane, and while it was boring work at times, Go Ra Im fondly looks back at those simpler times.

    While she was 19, a friend of hers told the aspiring terraformer that a frigate under the Colonial Administration was offering cabin to anyone who had technical know-how. Go Ra Im jumped on this opportunity in a heartbeat, and with the blessing of her parents, she departed Mars to explore the galaxy at large.

    Nine years later, and Go Ra Im has been a crewmember of the frigate, travelling to various planets, most of which were primarily populated by fellow humans. She loves her job and has been to alien vistas---but she has always kept in regular contact with her family back on Mars, and she one day hopes to see the sun rise again over the Olympus Mons.

    Misc stuff (Job, interests, etc) : Currently, Go Ra Im is a senior engineer working for a frigate operated by the self-defense Colonial Administration frigate, the Micronesia. She likes tinkering with various devices and has a keen interest in nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. She also likes gardening, a leftover interest from her time spent as a terraforming engineer on Mars.

    (I know I took a bit of liberty regarding the lore, like the Colonial Administration---I'd imagine that we humans would still have a bureaucracy that, while answerable to the Galactic Republic, still functions as a sort of authority to the colonies that are colonized by humans. Basically I did that because Go Ra Im has little experience dealing with other aliens or the galactic community at large.)

    I'll leave how Go Ra Im gets involved with the current plot. Surprise me!
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
  4. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That actually sounds really cool! I like this character. She has personality, and the xenophobia makes for a humanizing flaw. (Forgive the small pun.) It may take a bit for me to figure out how to work her into the plot. Perhaps she and our other new player, Wex, could be on the Micronesia as it has a run in with Shiro's pirate ship and get caught up in the story. Either that, or if you don't want to get overly involved with the Beaky's (Admittedly bloated) story, we could start you off elsewhere and tie your plot thread in somewhere else.
  5. Zachmasta

    Zachmasta Big Damn Hero

    Oh God. That a lot. im gonna be Sick...
  6. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, Serik is something of a large RP. I'm considering, at some point, creating a small forum of its own for the RP.
  7. Noble Pigeon

    Noble Pigeon Void-Bound Voyager

    Whatever works, honestly. I wouldn't mind getting integrated with whatever main storyline the characters are currently involved in as soon as possible. I ain't one of those people who prefers solo roleplaying for extended amounts of time.
  8. Bughunter

    Bughunter Spaceman Spiff

    The point of the gender thing is to further show the secretive nature of the character. Yes, the character has a gender, but would use a voice changer to mask the gender of it, and leave a lot of the talking to ISIS. I was also thinking animal hides because Gorrah is supposed to be poor, so I thought even if hunting were illegal, people would still do it as a food source, and a source for clothing (If that doesn't make sense in the culture tell me! There was a lack of information on some bits of culture, so I had to assume.) The bio I just haven't had the time to work on yet, (thinking of some stuff now) but that is why I haven't bothered to start to RP yet. ( want my character to be complete). If there is anything I forgot to answer, or that you want to tell me about the culture of the RP, please do! :)
  9. Zachmasta

    Zachmasta Big Damn Hero

    This Looks Alive so yeah. APP ATTACK!!!!

    • Name: James
    • Gender: Male
    • Species: Human
    • Age: 24
    • Home Planet: Quann
    • Physical description: A Thin man but has large Strength for someone of his size
    • Personality: Being A CEO Of a Spaceship Company Named Shuttle Co He is Very lacking at most Physical Activity's. But Having Great Gun skills due to Large Robbery Attempts.
    • Abilities: He Knows Almost every Shuttle In and Out. But wont work very hard. He has the PESH (Pocket Edition Shuttle Hacker) Designed By the one and only Him.
    • Character Bio: Born In a City He Barley Knows how not to be hostile. When his wife was killed during shuttle crash he devoted himself to keep making safer shuttles so others wont have this happen to them. But don't Tip Him off.
    • Misc stuff (Job, interests, etc) : He Is CEO Of a Mega Corporation on Quann. But He Enjoys Animals.
  10. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Umm...... I don't know how to respond to this. The only thing I can think of is a word that sounds like a sheep's bleat.
  11. Zachmasta

    Zachmasta Big Damn Hero

    Sorry I know I suck at RP
  12. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm going to have to agree with crits. But since you seem new at this, I'll give you a hand. Why don't we take some time and reconstruct your character? Be warned, I'm going to be harsh, partially because I want to make sure you learn something from this and partially because I'm a sadistic asshole who loves hurting others.

    • Name: James
    To start with, you need a last name. Here's a great site for generic, human names.
    • Gender: Male
    • Species: Human
    • Age: 24
    • Home Planet: Quann
    • Physical description: A Thin man but has large Strength for someone of his size
    This is a very unhelpful description. All it tells me is that your character is A: Thin and B: Has an excuse to be strong. Try adding some details, such as hair/eye color, distinguishing features, clothing preferences, etc.
    • Personality: Being A CEO Of a Spaceship Company Named Shuttle Co He is Very lacking at most Physical Activity's. But Having Great Gun skills due to Large Robbery Attempts.
    I'm not sure what you're doing here. You clarified above that James was strong, but here you're saying he's not. Also, I'm not sure how much training you could possibly get with firearms by being robbed. If he shoots for sport, fine. If he's a military man, fine. But don't try to justify "He has great aim" with "Somebody tried to rob a shuttle service, for some reason."
    • Abilities: He Knows Almost every Shuttle In and Out. But wont work very hard. He has the PESH (Pocket Edition Shuttle Hacker) Designed By the one and only Him.
    If he doesn't work hard, how is he a CEO? For that matter, the guy is 24. That is one hell of a meteoric rise through the ranks if he's been in the workforce for 5 years and he already runs a company. Also, I know it's nice to have a character that can do cool things by himself and have custom equipment, but there is no reason a lazy, 24 year old CEO of a transport business can possibly have the skills to design and build a hacking device. That would take a team of engineers, and would require extensive knowledge of electronics, computer security protocol, computer programming, network programming, soldering skills, CAD design, and a hell of a lot of time.

    For that matter, toss the hacking pda idea altogether. Not only is it cliche and incompatible with your character, but we just had a new character who also has a hacking computer. Besides, the guy owns a shuttle company. Why would he need a device to hotwire shuttles? He probably has half a dozen of them in his hanger at any given time.
    • Character Bio: Born In a City He Barley Knows how not to be hostile. When his wife was killed during shuttle crash he devoted himself to keep making safer shuttles so others wont have this happen to them. But don't Tip Him off.
    This bio is weak. It lacks detail. All it tells me is that James is aggressive which is redundant because you already clarified that he's both strong and well-versed in the art of violently separating brains from skulls with bullets. (How would an overly hostile, dangerous, 24 year-old man become the rich CEO of a massive shuttle company?) So I know nothing about him. I want you to tell me who James is. As the writer of a character, it's your job to give them personality and uniqueness. In my head, all I see is a thin guy in a suit. Is he friendly? Stern? Absentminded? Hydrophobic? Make James more than a tool for moving the plot along. Also, a little more detail on the wife thing, perhaps. A traumatic and life-changing event is glossed over in a third of a sentence. Who was she, and what was she like? How did her death affect him? How far has he gotten with his "mission?" Add any details you can.
    • Misc stuff (Job, interests, etc) : He Is CEO Of a Mega Corporation on Quann. But He Enjoys Animals.
    This is a complete non-sequitur. It implies that owning a transport business and loving animals are mutually exclusive.

    In addition, please pay more attention to grammar and spelling. I want people in the story, but you need a character that's not detrimental to it.
    Bughunter likes this.
  13. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Wow. I was about to post my criticism, but this really blows it out of the water. I think we are all done with underdeveloped characters (and writers) since the Warlava incident. Don't think of us as bad guys out to hurt you, @Zachmasta, we are giving you the tools with which you can make a great bio, and join any RP. Trust me, we have all been where you were once, having no idea how to RP correctly, but we had people to help us. Let us be those people for you.
  14. Zachmasta

    Zachmasta Big Damn Hero

    Oh, My, God, Im gonna go nom on a grenade now...
  15. Bughunter

    Bughunter Spaceman Spiff

    No capitalization after commas :p

    Also, they are criticizing your writing so that you CAN rp with them :)
    Hwo Thumb likes this.
  16. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    So, is someone gonna post? Because I'm kinda waiting on you, @Hwo Thumb.
    (PS: Thanks for joining, @Bughunter and @Noble Pigeon. I was beginning to worry that it would just be me and Hwo alone here)
  17. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry, I've got a lot on my plate right now. Gimme a minute to post. I'm going to jump the story ahead a bit, for convenience's sake. Soon we'll be able to throw bug and noble in. They are both on the CA frigate, Micronesia.

    Also, I made a crappy drawing of Antero! Yay! Head too big, legs too big, neck too thin, but whatever, it was my first try.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
  18. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    The head is a bit on the big side, but it still looks great. :p
  19. Noble Pigeon

    Noble Pigeon Void-Bound Voyager

    Yarg, I posted a thing!

    By the by, my character's friend will remain strictly an NPC, don't worry. Even if it is tempting to make her a secret assassin who can't be defeated by anyone because of magic ghost powers and/or mary sue plot armor :v
  20. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is it just me, or have all the RPs died at once?

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