OOC Serik - A collaborative Sci fi RPG

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Hwo Thumb, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Fixed it. What was happening reminded her of when she was attacked by pirates. The toughness is really just a facade so that people won't attack her.
  2. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Besides, the crew wasn't hers, it was shino's.
  3. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Sorry about the large post; I had a lot of text to get out there, but I wanted to send it out all at once, or it might have been confusing. In any case, if the post wasn't clear enough, you can check the archives. Updating them now.
  4. SurealLustHunter

    SurealLustHunter Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Im so sorry! Like... really really sorry T^T

    don't hate me TT_TT
  5. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    the lab isn't just some guy. Its the most powerful tech company in the galaxy.
  6. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's okay, surreal. Just good to have you back

    I was a little cautious when using your character bc I didn't want to write them for you, so you should be able to jump back in pretty well.
  7. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    As I said before, and will likely say again, DANG, you are a good writer. Can't wait until that book is finished. I could review for you if you want. Not as a professional editor or anything, just as an avid reader of the assorted genres.
  8. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks! It's always nice to hear that my work is appreciated!

    The book hasn't been going as quickly as I'd like, but I'm still eager to get the story out.

    I'm not entirely content with how THIS story is going, mostly because as a consequence of writing with other people, I've had to reduce a more complex story to infodumps and dialogue. It wrecks hell with the pacing, but I think everyone's doing well with it.

    Edit: Surreal, just because I'm moving the story to cover Beaky, Kaya, and Longtail doesn't mean Shiro, Aaron, and Heck can't have some fun. I don't want anyone to feel like I'm cutting them out of the story.

    Speaking of, I kinda like what I have in store for Jack. Let's see more with him, shall we?
    Last edited: May 20, 2014
  9. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    It's been one of the better rps that I have done, and it interests me. It makes me want to keep posting, to find out what is going on.
  10. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Seems that warlava hasn't been on since Friday, surreal is busy with her house and stuff. Idk about diecreeperdie, he might be on later tonight.

    this is making me sound like jerk, sorry.
  11. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Umm, surreal, you're retconning things that don't make sense. I'm going to roll with it as best I can, but make sure you check this stuff in the future.
    • We established in the first few posts that both Beaky and Shiro had planned this event ahead of times, (Even if it didn't go according to either one's plan - A clean escape for Beaky or a clean getaway for Shiro) Shiro couldn't have gotten the contract "six hours ago."
    • Beaky and Longtail have already left the room, and Aaron is trailing behind them. The only person you could be talking to is Heck. I'm going to assume that you followed the two of them into the corridor. That one shouldn't be to hard to fix.
    • The fake report Shiro suggests involves her firing at people hired by Greskel to attack Beaky - She is the one hired by Greskel to attack Beaky. You may want to fix this one with a quick edit.
  12. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    sorry again! I'm back! by the way, in my next post I'm going to reveal something strange about heck. MUHAHAHA!!!!
  13. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Um, wat? Your post makes absolutely no sense. Please explain what you are trying to say here.
    (I know it says some stuff in your app, but still very confused)
  14. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, it is a very vague and confusing post... and that's saying something, because in my normal writing I have a bad habit of being vague.

    It seems like his plan for his character is that Heck is hiding some dark secret about how he got ridiculously good at fixing things. Project Mechanic sounds very nefarious.

    I don't know, it's pretty similar to what Kaya's been through. Maybe he could be a victim of Scio Kio's meddling too? Probably not Warlava's original plan, but it works.

    Which strikes me as a huge coincidence, but we could work it to our advantage. What if Heck - Ooh, awesome idea - I don't want to take over your character, Warlava, but what if your guy is a spy employed by Greskel? After he was hired by Shiro, his job was to assess her to figure out if she would be useful to them for future contract work. The Kaya job could be a test run to see if she has the stomach to work future jobs for them

    Would you terribly mind turning traitor for us? It would tie up this coincidence for us and provide some interesting writing for yourself. Plus, a good test of how well this RP group can handle metagaming - or rather, lack therof.
    Last edited: May 21, 2014
  15. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't want to turn into a traitor, so my original idea was that he was created by scio kio as a robot super mechanic (basically all mechanics condensed into one) to fix things such as mechs, spaceships, and serik gates, but became sentient and left on a ship which ran out of fuel. But, maybe he can be kidnapped and reprogrammed later in the story to do different things. MUHAHAHAHAHA!

    >: -)
  16. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, minor issue;

    I forgot to mention this in the tech section, but we don't have robots. I'll add a bit in the archive section to explain why, but the extent of robotics at the moment is prosthetic limbs.

    I know it's a common theme in sci-fi, but robot technology in this RP is not advanced enough to build robots identical to people, certainly not ones with sentience and higher-level thinking. Robot and AI technology has been limited by legal and practical restrictions. Plus, it just seems a tad contrived to have robots indistinguishable from people.

    (Plus, a Kerrik would be a terrible species to model a robot off of - They're small, light, and weak. A robot would likely be too heavy to fly too.)

    I hate to veto your idea, because it seems cool but I think it would fit in better in another RP.
    Last edited: May 21, 2014
  17. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    eh, something like what happened to kaya is okay.
  18. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Maybe they Scio Kio did the upgrade or whatever that you were saying, but it wiped his memory, and he escaped from Skio Kio after thinking that they were doing something to him or whatevers. I don't have the writing skills currently to explain, they are taken up on another thing right now. He could be remembering more of his past as the RP progresses. But nothing like 'then he remembered he was a super soldier, and killed all of the attackers' or anything like that, just backstory stuffs.
    (that was writen very bad, sorry if you don't understand it)
  19. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Makes sense - Maybe Heck was an earlier experiment, before the process was perfected, so he got the increased intelligence, but lost his memory and wasn't granted the super-mega-ninja skills.
    Spitballing is fun.
  20. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Great idea!

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