OOC Serik - A collaborative Sci fi RPG

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Hwo Thumb, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, I didn't notice that until just now.

    Anyway, story's moving on. Thanks for resolving that.
  2. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Np. It kinda got in a rut, and needed a kick in the tailless behind.
  3. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looking for a post from crits or surreal. (Or maybe warlava)

    To anyone considering joining, or any of the current players considering creating an alternate character (Yes, that's allowed):

    You do not have to tie your player in to the current plot thread. The Rp is structured to run multiple stories and threads at once, and overlap them when necessary. You don't have to play a pirate or a cop, it only lets you get into the action a bit faster.
  4. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Well, surreal is running an RP of her own currently, and we all know warlava. I don't think it would be great having me do all of the posts. I need some help for this, and not just from you. @SurealLustHunter, we need you for this rp.
  5. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Cool, what's this other RP? I am of the interest. Edit: Nvm, found it.

    I think, at the moment, we just need more players. I've got a link in my siggy on some other sites, but I doubt it will attract the masses.

    I'm considering using fluxbb to host a separate forum for Serik. Would that be a good idea? We could keep things more organized. Although recruiting new players would be more difficult, it could work. Opinion?
  6. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    I have no idea what fluxbb is, so I'll need to be enlightened on that.
    It would be very helpful to get more players, seeing as most of us are in seperate time zones.
  7. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's basically just a site for hosting your own small forums. Creating one dedicated to Serik would have a few implications

    • Everything's in one place, but not cluttered. If we start running multiple stories, it would be easier to give them all their own threads instead of filling up one big thread with everything, which is a risk we take if we keep the RP here.
    • Fluxbb allows a few special accommodations, which will give the RP much more flexibility
    • Get to know our fellow players better, and show off more creativity and playstyle.
    • It's just kinda cool, y'know?
    • Hell of a lot more work for me, jumping from maintaining the thread to maintaining a whole forum.
    • Recruiting players would be very difficult, as this thread would quickly disappear from the front page of the forum section, cutting off any players from the Chucklefish forums. I'd have to rely on links in my siggies on other forums and blatant attention hogging to get new blood into this game.
    • Fluxbb can be unpredictable and unreliable. It's usually a good service, but it has its flaws.
    In any case, If I'm going to go through with this, it won't be for a week or two.
  8. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    hey, i will most likely not be able to post at all over the weekend. on Monday though, i can catch up with all the stuffs.
  9. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    sorry I forgot to post for a while guys, I had the geekiest gaming marathon.
  10. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This seems to be bad timing - Surreal can't post, Crits has posted too much, and Warlava is... well, warlava
  11. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    I just wish we could get more peeps, so that stuff can keep going.
  12. Diecreeperdie

    Diecreeperdie Aquatic Astronaut

    Name:Jack Steadford
    Gender: Male
    Home Planet:Whittouch
    Physical Appearance: Janitors Overalls, Aviator Sunglasses, brown hair,blue eyes, decent beard
    Personality: Ruthless, , Skilled, Proffesional, Shy,
    Abilities: Marksman, Skilled with a knife, Knows how to hide a body, Stealthy, Martial Arts (Black Belt)
    Bad Things: Drunkard, Psycohpath, Annoying, Selfish
    ((I want my char to have these so he seems more human))
    Character Bio:

    No-One know's what Jack did before the accident. Everybody tries to question him on it, but its like speaking to a brick wall.

    The thing is not even Jack knows what happened in the accident, all he knows is that he is abnormaly good with weapons.
    Jack know he wasnt in the military or they would have came for him by now, they wouldnt abandon a soldier like that, what Jack does know is that he is being followed, by whom he does not know, he calls them "The Men in Suits" , Jack has noticed more and more recently that there are vans and cars waiting for him outside work, his house, his small alotment. Day by day Jack grows more paranoid of these people, it has gotten to the point of choosing a different route home everyday.

    (( Jack is an EX-Assasin who worked for the corperate elite, the "accident" was no accident atall it was staged, it was meant to kill him but they failed ))

    Intrests: Finding out who the "Men in Suits" ((MIS)) are
    Equipment: Pocket Computer, Weak Kinetic Sheild
    Hobby's: Going down to the gun range to shoot a few clays

    (( This Means OOC for me i use it for explanations of crap))

    Thanks for your time,

    *EDIT* Removed Outgoing replaced with Shy ((conflicted whith char))
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  13. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sounds good. Minor note: Kinshields are pretty darn big. Tech hasn't advanced to the point where they can construct personal Kinshields.

    Other than that, this sounds fine. I'm going to say the corporation Jack worked for is called Scio Kio Emergent Technologies (So it ties into the story) Trust me, this will become important.

    While you don't have to directly be part of the current action going on with Longtail, Shiro, and Day, if we're going to create a new plot thread for you, I need some background info about where you are, what you are doing, etc. Details are nice. Include stuff like any current acquaintances or friends, his job, and anything else that comes to mind that you think might be relevant.

    Also, it wasn't exactly clear in your post: Does Jack have amnesia, or is he just hiding his past extremely well?
  14. Diecreeperdie

    Diecreeperdie Aquatic Astronaut

    Sorry, Im kinda new to this but Jack has a severe case of amnesia. {he lost 10 years of his life to it}
    Where Jack is: In the main city on Whittouch {insert name here}
    What he does as a job: Janitor in a office building(or RP equivalent))
    Freinds: Shaka Fil {bartender}
    What he is doing: Trying to get his life back together
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  15. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Great, you're in the game!

    If you don't mind, I'll get you started right away. To the RP thread, AWAY!

    Edit: Since we haven't encountered that one NPC, Amso Rakol, I rewrote his personality to be a bit less... morally guided. Before, he was vehemently against killing, but now he just prefers to avoid it. You will run into him at some point, and whether or not he is a good character or bad is yet to be determined by the path you players take in the story
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  16. Diecreeperdie

    Diecreeperdie Aquatic Astronaut

    Thanks for the intro, gives me a good base to work off and yeah the singular can be a Suit or whatever just so we dont have to go through it was a Man in Suit again kinda ruined the moment but seriously now i need to improve on my writing skills
  17. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't know what I can add to that, so you can go ahead and keep going with it, if you want.
    I'm Pming you some info on the current roleplay so that you have an idea of where your character is going. I think we can work you into the incident with Shiro and Longtail very well.

    The news broadcast sheds raises some interesting questions about Beaky. Surreal & crits, remember you don't know about the broadcast; you haven't gotten the chance to see the news, what with the piracy and whatnot.
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  18. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Yup, we know. I'm kinda busy holding up a whole ship here.
  19. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Speaking of, where the heck is Shiro? If we don't get a post soon, we're going to have to move on. I guess I could take over Shiro for a bit until Surreal is back...

    1 more day, then we move on
  20. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    For someone so tough, Longtail sure seems willing to help out a girl she just watched commit double homicide in ten seconds with a combat knife and then pull a gun on her.

    Just sayin'

    Also, you may want to flesh out that dialogue a bit. Generally more RPs ask for at least 3 sentences per post. I'd like to keep the story interesting with good prose.

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