OOC Serik - A collaborative Sci fi RPG

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Hwo Thumb, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Lust just sorta slowed down posting until it came to a standstill and eventually I took over their character. I don't know about the other two.
  2. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    No idea. I think they just left.
  3. Noble Pigeon

    Noble Pigeon Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm still here!
  4. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey, good news, guys! If any of you are members of the RP Repository site, there's a whole forum for Serik over there now! There are a lot of advantages to doing it this way. Firstly, we can have separate threads, so multiple stories can happen at once. That way, we don't have to struggle to fit everyone in. It allows players a lot more freedom, lets me expand the story and provide more lore, and more.

    Plus, I made a new logo. Click on it for link to Serik Rp group.

    Anyway, if you're interested, just create an account on RP repository and apply to Serik.

    I doubt anyone will notice, but the only thing in that picture I didn't draw is the planet; it's actually Mars, turned upside down and with the colors inverted :p
  5. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I'm confused. Do i need to create my character before i can join that ↑ Join as yourself? No, ofcource not i need to join as my brother.:confused:
  6. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You create an account, then create a charrie, then suggest the charrie for the RP.
  7. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Then why does it have "yourself" as an option?
    I'll just start writing my sheet's content again. If only my phone could copy it.
    Why can only the people that are part of the RP see it? Wouldn't it bee fun for others to read it?

    Edit:Its going to take a while to understand anything about that site. Confusenes overload.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  8. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I figured that if newcomers saw a billion forum sections at once, it would scare them off. Serik looks big, but not every forum will be active.

    Also, apparently you can suggest yourself. I didn't know. It doesn't matter, though, because I have it set so that when one of your characters is accepted, they all are.

    Should I make the RP open so anyone can join? I think I should, im going to go do that.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  9. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I was talking about the RP reposity and not Serik's site. I was confused with RP reposity's character sheets. I guess i should use my computer and not my phone for it.

    When i finaly stopped worrying about my char i got some personality ideas.
  10. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wait, so do you still need help joining or do you have it figured out? Because this story has kind of died, and I'd like to start moving to the new group.
  11. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    If it's just a case of explaining his personality better, think i have my character figured out. I'm only having trouble using RP reposity (mostly becauce i haven't tried it all that much).
  12. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I don't need help with RP reposity, but you could tell me: Is my sheet on Chucklefish's forum fine in every other part than personality?
  13. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, seems alright. Are you going to be joining the repository group or staying on the chucklefish thread?
  14. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I thought that Chucklefish thread was being moved to reposity. I'll stay here as long at it's not dead.
  15. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, it pretty much is dead, that's why I was asking. At this point, we're ready to move over to the new one, but nothing in this one will be canon. If you're fond of this plot, you're going to have to stay here. However, earlier you expressed a preference for more open ended RPGs, so the RP repository one will be better anyway.
  16. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Reposity it is then.

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