OOC Serik - A collaborative Sci fi RPG

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Hwo Thumb, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Are you accepting characters still? If yes i might join.
  2. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Odd right? Are people away for some reason? I have a holiday, but i don't know what other people have.
  3. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's open, you just have to make sure the character you create fits with what's going on.

    At the moment you can sign on either as a crewmember of the Micronesia, an Earth colony ship, (Though they hire aliens too) a crewmember of Shiro's vessel, a pirate ship turned mercenary vessel turned vigilante ship currently en route to a research base, where they plan to take control, or an employee at Scio Kio, the super powerful, less than legal corporation currently completely unaware that Shiro is about to screw some stuff up.

    Edit: Or a soldier/crewmember aboard the police frigate, Darasis-Ali currently in pursuit of Shiro's ship. (They tricked her into thinking they are joining her in the fight against Scio Kio. They're not bad guys, they just have a conflict of interest when it comes to either becoming terrorists or sentencing their captain to death)

    If you can find another spot in the story, let me know. Those are the three most obvious spots a new player could fit. I brought the Archives up to speed with some news on the current game state.

    On another topic, I just wrote a very patriotic sounding national anthem for Earth and only realized when I looked over it afterwards that it was in limerick form. "There once was a man from Earth, who dreamt he was eating his shirt."
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  4. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I will read the thread completely before making a character. I don't have an idea of where to start with him. But i will figure something out.
  5. Noble Pigeon

    Noble Pigeon Void-Bound Voyager

    No, I'm waiting for someone else to post (ie the other person onboard the frigate).
  6. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    That was fun to read. The plot seemed have very little freedom: The kid would have been found and the attack to the lab would have happened no matter what. I would have prefered more freedom.
    I have finaly found a way to get in the story (As a my type of character) I will probabbly post my sheet today.
  7. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Name:Nathan Beyd
    Home planet:Rather recently coloniced planet.
    Physical description:Slim, brown short hair, green eyes, black jeans, green T-shirt, brown hoodie (From the start).
    Abilities:He is not very strong. He is good at stealth. He is best with pistols (he prefers bullets with silencer) he also has experience with machine guns.
    Character bio:He grew up with his father, mother, and a little brother on a small trading town. His father traded weapons with the GRP. At the age of 20 Nathan joined a trading ship's crew. The ship was small, and had a pilot and four (including him and his friend Jay) who loaded and unloaded the cargo. The ship was heading for Sol. Abaut half way to their destination a pirate ship boarded the ship. The pirate ship had only one pirate in it. When the pirate boarded their ship Nathan was beside the pilot having a chat with him. While they where chatting the pirate had binded the other three. The pirate made his way to them. The pilot however had kinetik pistol and aimed it at the pirate. The pirate saw this and shot the pilot. As the pilots arm was hit, he drobbed his gun. The pirate laughed at the pilot and kickked the gun away. The gun however ended up near Nathan. The pirate didn't seem to think he could be a threat. Nathan clearly saw that the pirate was drunk. "He probably had drinken Jay's drinks" He thought. While the pirate was bussy laughing at the pilot, Nathan toke the gun. With luck he managed to shoot the pirate's leg. He got interes in using guns because of the insident, and when they arrived to Sol Nathan joined the police learning how to shoot. A year later he got bored off his job and started looking for something else, but didn't quit his job just yet. While driving home from work, he saw a thief who was chased by some other polices. Nathan saw him hide behind a crate, and the polices lost him. Nathan followed the thief, and made sure that the thief would notice him. When the thief wasn't looking Nathan knocked him out. Nathan became a mersenary, and used stealth often. At first he was prety bad at stealth but after using it so often he became good at it.
    Misc:He works as a mersenary or a spy (He does wariety of stuff) He respects most laws, but breaks couple off laws. He is not fond off killing.

    I'm going to put him spying in Shiro's ship. If you accept him i will make him contact Shiro.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
  8. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    It looks pretty good, but there are a few holes in the backstory, like why he is spying on Shiro's ship, and how long he trained for, details like that. Also, regarding your post about it being in a set direction, there were many different ways it could have been taken, and it is certainly not set in one path. There can be multiple outcomes for the path we took.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
  9. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ^ Crits is right, I would like a few more details on your backstory. (Or at least, details that aren't a narrative of his adventures with pirates ;))

    As for the plot, finding Kaya was essential to the plot because that's what the story is about. (At least, this section. This RP is going to run indefinitely, or until everyone leaves, probably) The attack on the lab, however, was not something I planned. In fact, I was somewhat tentative about allowing it, because, as you can tell, I'm having some difficulties justifying how a pirate frigate intends to take down a corporate empire. (In a way, allowing the attack was incorporating more freedom)
  10. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Last night my phones battery ran out. Couldn't post. :confused:

    The spying on Shiro's ship wasn't part of the sheet. Just a thing i want to do in the RP.
    Yes, the backstory isn't perfect, and i try to make it better, somehow (I'm not very good at them).
    I see you twos points with the freedom, but i was talking about more of a GTA type of freedom. Like in LustHunters Super hero RP.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
  11. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Do i need to come up with a good home planet? I don't know enough about the world to do it.
  12. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    If you look at the original post for this thread, there is a list of all of the planets, their affiliations, and their populations. There's also other info that will help with your background.
    We want to know WHY he he is spying on Shiro's ship. We need to know the reason he is spying on her, he can't just be there because. Also, please put more into personality than just 'shy'. Saying only one word to describe a character gives you the ability to adapt your character for all situations, and doesn't give your character any flaws. Shy is overused, and doesn't describe anything about a character.
  13. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    There are only info on the most famous planets.

    Why? If Hemlock is infamous pirate, then wouldn't it be good to spy on someone close to him? This is something i would show you on the RP

    Shy being overused? I didn't know. I just like to play someone shy. I'm not very good with people myself. Sorry if that is a little bit short, but i don't know how to describe him more. I'm not trying to make him perfect. Can't you just decide yourself from how he reacts.
    I'm sorry if i'm anoying, but i'm prety new at RPing "properly" (Becauce Habbo Hotel doesn't count).
  14. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I made it better.
  15. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's a little better with the backstory, but why is he spying on Shiro? You mentioned he's a mercenary, so who hired him? Just add a few more details and we'll be good to go. I'm not expecting grade A literature, (Though you could stand to pay more attention to your spellcheck ;)) but I just want to know more.

    For example; let's go back to the personality. You mentioned that you didn't know how else to describe your charrie's personality, but have you every heard of a person who could be summed up in one word? Let's see a bit more. He's shy, okay, but is he smart? Sarcastic? Friendly when you get to know him? Afraid of heights, even. You can even cheat and base his personality off someone you know.

    On another note, please stop double posting. Just edit your original post.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
  16. Noble Pigeon

    Noble Pigeon Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm still waiting on the other person aboard the Micronesia to post before I post again, hope that's all right. Or should I post again?
  17. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Go ahead and post. They can catch up later if they need to.
  18. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Sorry for taking so long to reply. I got sidetrakked thinking about his personality.

    At first i wrote this:
    I said that he does all kinds of jobs, and selling information is one of them (Like her ship's location and destination).

    But then i thought that it would be more interesting if Greskel would have hired him. Has he told him anything yet, or is he making sure that he want's to help him? No one knows...
    I mostly spell something wrong, because i don't know the right spelling and that makes it hard for me to spot it.
    I'm working on personality right now (coming up with adjectives is some how hard). Nope, no cheating.
    Sorry for double posting. Didn't even notice.
  19. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Professional literary advice: Try not having long pronoun chains, it'll get confusing, like this: Bob shot Joe, but he was too fast, and he missed the shot, making him angry, and let him get away. Instead write it like this: Bob shot Joe, but Joe was too fast, and Bob missed the shot, making himself angry, which let Joe get away.
    See, it's much more clear. You throw in the occasional he or she, but don't have the whole sentence comprised of them. It'll help you in the future, believe me, I've written enough essays to know that.
  20. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Does anyone know anything about LustHunter's, Diecreeper's or Zamorak's dissapearances?

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