September 14th & 15th Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. EnigmaticExplorer

    EnigmaticExplorer Void-Bound Voyager

    Great update indeed!!! :D now the dungeons will be more challenging and puzzling. :megusta:
    tassina likes this.
  2. Synestra

    Synestra Sandwich Man

    whoa this indeed a really good update
    that paper and lighting is really absorbing~ (which is really good)

    Good job as always team, and yeah, no need to rush the development. :)
    tassina and onerb2 like this.
  3. DirtySpr33

    DirtySpr33 Void-Bound Voyager

    "A bit longer" Oh boy :D Lol.
    Blue Hair likes this.
  4. FroSteel

    FroSteel Tentacle Wrangler

    Hi i wood just like to now wen is the beta released ?
    Blue Hair likes this.
  5. FroSteel

    FroSteel Tentacle Wrangler

    and the game looks grate :iswydt:
  6. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    With this and the chicken update, we can now realise our dreams of traps that drop intruders into pits of deadly chickens! Muahaha.

    ...Just me? :(
  7. Kirallia

    Kirallia Void-Bound Voyager

    Very beautiful work on that dungeon~ and don't worry about those talking crap >.>;; most of us are patient and hope you're happy with it first before releasing it. :p As it's your game you guys have poured all your hearts and effort into.. and we don't want it to end up a rushed mess. x.x so take however long it takes in my book and I hope to see it in the end~
    tassina, samufel and onerb2 like this.
  8. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Can't wait to setup security systems and mob traps with turrets and spikes, maybe a similar system to minecraft that funnels loot into containers can be made.
    tassina likes this.
  9. Zyloss

    Zyloss Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Silican Beat likes this.
  10. Iphis

    Iphis 2.7182818284590...

    This uodate is so cool ! Camera, automated turret, trap, ... This kind of thing that make me wanna play like a :ninja: .
    That would be awesome if there was a mod to create our own dungeon and then share it with the community !
    The de design of prisoner's cell are really looking nice ( it's a pity that there is no skeleton in it since they never cameback ), now i wanna discover all dungeon like the lab one
    any chance that laser turret will be in it ?
    Keep going you're doing such a great work :up:
    tassina likes this.
  11. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    The amount of detail in those screens is phenomenal! Great work guys! ( The Cell Block H sitcom from the errr 80's springs to mind from these screens xD)
    DirtySpr33 likes this.
  12. DirtySpr33

    DirtySpr33 Void-Bound Voyager

    Cannot tell if trolling... It's all over the forums and roadmap man...
  13. The prison concept looks awesome and that cell is just purely awesome, I love it!
    Hearing so much about the progress of the game and the artificial intelligence makes me really happy about the state the game is in now, soon enough we'll be able to test us some Starbound!
    Great job, as always!
    tassina and onerb2 like this.
  14. Fazel

    Fazel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And now we will even have puzzles?!?!?!?!?!?
    This game has like...EVERYTHING.
    Great job guys, you are awsome ;)
    tassina and onerb2 like this.
  15. DirtySpr33

    DirtySpr33 Void-Bound Voyager

    The wise words of Starbounder's everywhere!
    tassina, onerb2 and Fazel like this.
  16. sever09

    sever09 Yeah, You!

  17. DefUSER

    DefUSER Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you for all the work that you have done with the in-game wiring system. Hope that it will be even more detailed and has more abilities in future updates.
    tassina likes this.
  18. fm1278

    fm1278 Space Spelunker

    Keep up the good work guys ;)
  19. steelwing

    steelwing Big Damn Hero

    Sweet! I love the look and feel of the prison dungeon.
    The "wiring" you just talked about...Is that going to take a similar form to the redstone circuitry mechanisms of Minecraft? As in, we'll have components that we can connect to one another (sensor->alarm, sensor->turret, etc)?
  20. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    Thanks for making an update worth 2 days of text!
    riseoflegends likes this.

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