September 14th & 15th Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. TheÜberFrenchToast

    TheÜberFrenchToast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Once more we will like to thank you (Starbound fans will thank) for such update that keeps us at the edge of our seats! (let alone dreams already) and we will love to see the baked game when it's READY, so we're not pressuring (atleast not me) for you guys to get the game out, alrighty? c:
    SPOOKS80 likes this.
  2. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    2011 I believe, I know I haven't been here as long as some from the beginning and I can understand frustration to a point but regardless of how long anyone has waited we still have to carry on waiting and I really don't mind waiting as long as I eventually get to play.

    People just need to chill it will be out when its out and no sooner.
  3. NeoSabin

    NeoSabin Master Chief

    First lol'd then remembered and cried a little...
    Lord Hatty and SPOOKS80 like this.
  4. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    I had to edit a little tidbit of my post, just so you know :p
    SPOOKS80 likes this.
  5. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I still totally agree with what your saying even after edits hehe
  6. xevos0621

    xevos0621 Orbital Explorer

    Sadly getting bored with following them. from what I've seen its well enough made to be released as a beta already. I get dont rush it but taking to long too can ruin a game. Idk just losing interest with them.
    Paddon and Pingeh like this.
  7. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh well im sure there will be plenty of other games that are rushed out onto the shelf's that you can play that will have you bored in no time xD........I jest of course just have some faith :)
  8. Hilkyshtuff

    Hilkyshtuff Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Am I the only one that thinks they'll play this more than GTAV? Cause these updates are getting me f'n pumped
  9. Jaultman

    Jaultman Void-Bound Voyager

    Grrr! Always longer lol! I'm not upset or anything, the games just taking a little longer than I had hoped to be finished! I can imagine that making a game of the size I think you're making takes a LONG time to do. Take your time, I can't wait to see the finished game!

    But I think many of us want to get our hands on that beta ;)
  10. Master_Discord

    Master_Discord Big Damn Hero

    I know I'll play Starbound more than GTAV, considering I wouldn't touch GTAV with an eleven-foot pole.
    Yanazake likes this.
  11. Menasor

    Menasor Phantasmal Quasar

    No probs, Armagon, thanks for the update. It is great to hear the game is progressing, including the wire system, which sounds like it will be a fun system to use.
  12. IAmTheMilkMan

    IAmTheMilkMan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  13. markgodine

    markgodine Void-Bound Voyager

    You and your droogs can run it. Hang about the milk bar and stir up some ultraviolence.
  14. Sir ceil

    Sir ceil Existential Complex

    Cloudhopper likes this.
  15. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    :idea: I think it'd be cool if you could somehow have the NPC's have some sort of cleverbot system built in to where they respond to you talking to them :DD
  16. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't know that that file is but my pc wont open it so im not gonna try to find the right app for it.....jpeg files work well here too you know :)
  17. Brothaciss

    Brothaciss Orbital Explorer

    Soo excited and the prison cell looks awesome
    SPOOKS80 likes this.
  18. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    I am worried that you know the details of Voodoo D:
  19. parksinator

    parksinator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ok, I'm seeing too many people editing the text on that pic and wishing I could do it myself. Someone make it say "My name is Wall-E" or something equally as goofy. I want it to say something silly, so I can make it into an awesome wallpaper.:V
  20. Phorge

    Phorge Void-Bound Voyager


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