September 14th & 15th Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. robyJoe

    robyJoe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This, for some reason, reminds me of stealth. And when I think stealth, I think Metal Gear Solid. And when I think MGS, I think boxes.
    Please let there be boxes that you can hide in.
    Yanazake and JackOfAllTrades like this.
  2. beardedlady1234

    beardedlady1234 Aquatic Astronaut

    What happened to Molly saying she was going to update the roadmap on the 14th? :/
    Pingeh likes this.
  3. AvantGuard

    AvantGuard Void-Bound Voyager

    The Devs should totally create zombies that say "B...e...t...a..." as unique easter egg mobs. :D
    NivlacDX likes this.
  4. Flannicus90

    Flannicus90 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Does anyone remember the Gambit system in FFXII? It was a way to make if-then statements to program the AI. IF enemy was weak to ice, THEN cast Blizzaga. Otherwise, IF enemy is near, THEN attack. Etc.
    With the computer monitors we have already seen, we could wire those up to the turrets and alarms. It could be a control panel that could specify when to turn on the turret and what to target. Also, it could be used to decide what kind of sound the alarm made. This would allow us to customize warning sounds based on where it was in the base and/or how many intruders there were (motion sensor wired to single alarm sound).If a wire got disconnected or damaged, the turret could stop or go wild, and the alarm would cut off.
  5. blueflareeyes

    blueflareeyes Aquatic Astronaut

    Great update! Looking forward to the game's future!
  6. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    You know, I wonder if there'll be guards yelling "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!" or "YOU VIOLATED THE LAW! PAY THE COURT A FINE OR SERVE YOUR SENTENCE!!" :laugh:
    NivlacDX likes this.
  7. Monkey-Badass

    Monkey-Badass Poptop Tamer

    The game looks so smooth and refined already and it realy looks like you guys are working your butts off, cant wait read more updates and learn more about the game :D
  8. jezuitx

    jezuitx Pangalactic Porcupine

    Rest easy devs we're with you all the way to the end. In the meantime I've GTA V to keep me busy, and hopefully by the time I get sick of that you'll have at least announced some kind of beta tease.
  9. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    Still waiting patiently until the daily update that talks about working on the startup code.

    And thus will our "red comet" arrive.
  10. Tictaktow

    Tictaktow Star Wrangler

    The "hidden plot lines" as I like to call them, sound like a really cool addition. I love seeing mysterious bits of story that you have to piece together to get the full picture and it also encourages roll-play and exploration which seem to be very big parts of Starbound.
  11. oneblockwonder

    oneblockwonder Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I hope we get to play this game soon since there is only a few months left until 2014. I think it would be best if the developers release the game even if it isn'tfinished because then people would start pointing fingers and drama is the last thing anyone needs when developing a game.
  12. ChronoFlux

    ChronoFlux Big Damn Hero

    I cannot wait to see the things your going to make Armagon! Also I cannot wait for the thing where other players can control npcs!
  13. mivader

    mivader Pangalactic Porcupine

    I wonder if there will be space bounty hunters that will arrest us and throw us in the slammer! That would be awesome, we could break out, wreck havoc and get back to our home :3
  14. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    Drama happens, hate happens, and when developers take their time AND release something, the result is astounding. While not a game, i can point as a great example the animation Steamboy. Took ten years to be finished, artists were told to "take their time" and the author [or someone important, one of the main creators] didn't live to see the final product. The animation is incredible, the scenarios are out of this world hand-drawn pieces of steampunk art.

    Think this way: The longer it takes, as long as it's released, the better it is when it's delivered. It applies to MOST products. Of course, not all.
    Duke likes this.
  15. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Patience young padawan, these things take time :p
    Duke likes this.
  16. NeoSabin

    NeoSabin Master Chief

    I'd rather have it after GTAV and watchdogs, so i can give it my full attention :p
  17. Shatterdream

    Shatterdream Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm really starting to get tired of waiting.....
    I use to check these updates every day... then every week... now every month.... and its still the same old story... "UPDATES and POLISH" woo..!
    ... but nothing I can play yet.

    I know you guys want to make the game all nice an polished before you release it... but my patience and good humor are slowly starting to chip away from how long this is taking.
    I'm not trying to be a dick, but honestly as a paying customer I'm coming to a point were I'm about ready to start demanding to see some sort of playable product for what I payed for.
  18. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    I hope we can wear the Prisoner Outfit. I'd find a planet with a Prison, and live inside of it, after modifying the security systems...
  19. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    To be fair you could demand all you want but they wont release it till they are ready, the best thing you could do if your sick of waiting is get your money back and find something else to play.

    They have said it will be out in beta this year so you and me and everyone else on here will just have to accept that and wait.
    Silican Beat and Duke like this.
  20. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    These people don't know what patience is. They haven't been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Last Guardian, it seems.

    Also, when did this start development? A year ago? Two?

    I mean, it's marked as 2013. The year isn't over yet. After it is, if no beta is out, then you have some right of complaining.

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