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Bug/Issue Sebastian 10 Heart Event Not Triggering

Discussion in 'Support' started by MemeryMachinery, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. MemeryMachinery

    MemeryMachinery Space Hobo

    I have him at 10 hearts + bouquet, but it still won't trigger. I saw that ConcernedApe posted a fix on twitter where you edit your save, but the thing I need to edit isn't in my file. I'm not sure what the problem is or how I can get it to work. Is there something that I'm missing?

    EDIT: Figured it out, please disregard this thread
      Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
    • Lyndai

      Lyndai Void-Bound Voyager

      How did you get it to work? I'm still having issues with it... :nurusick:

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