RELEASED Seasonal Outfit Changes

Discussion in 'Characters' started by Tanpoponoko, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. Chill-T

    Chill-T Phantasmal Quasar


    Hey, thanks for taking the time to answer to clear things up. I hoped that I wouldn't have to scale down DCBurger's portraits in the end, but I suppose nothing can be done about it. ^^ I'll make a version for Portraiture and for Content Patcher then.

    By the way, enjoy your vacation! :D Hope you get much needed rest.
      ReinTorque likes this.
    • coldazrael

      coldazrael Existential Complex

      Ouch heck, looks like this is probably bad news :V Didn't really expect about the named locations lol
      Guess I'll just leave the rest to the pros then, wish you all best of luck :D

      Take it easy, mate. You know that all was just a tease :D

      Well sometimes people think 1 girl isn't enough.. right? :sneaky:
        Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
      • Chill-T

        Chill-T Phantasmal Quasar

        I apologize for the delay, but here is a preview of Emily's completed fall portrait! Includes two versions, since I'm very much indecisive. I'll be releasing all of Emily's portraits once they're completed.
        emily fall.jpg

        It's all good, you were only trying to help me anyway, I appreciate it. :D It seemed pretty difficult in the first place, otherwise location detection would already be implemented.

        Ahaha, I couldn't think of anything witty to respond, pretty much a joykiller. ^^

        I'll make a guess and say one of those people includes you, right? Hehe.
        I can imagine that everyone will ignore the rest of the portraits and use the Luau indefinitely. :lod: :V
          Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
          coldazrael likes this.
        • coldazrael

          coldazrael Existential Complex

          Yes, but still I'm going to use the whole portraits not just luau ones :D
          All those talks about luau portraits was a mere... Curiosity :sneaky:

          But obviously it would be much much better if you top-prioritise the Luau portraits, right? X3
          • Tanpoponoko

            Tanpoponoko Big Damn Hero

            Oops, I didn't realize that the portraits wouldn't work in that size when I coded it! I'm not sure how exactly to fix it, so maybe I'll hold off for a bit.

            I like the idea of having it be weather dependent. Maybe we could have two versions of it so people could decide if they like the out/indoor setup or the weather one?

            Emily's fall portraits look glorious, I can't even decide which one I like best!! You are so amazing, Chill-T! :D

            I'm about halfway through the luau sprites, I'm gonna try to have them all wrapped up by the end of the weekend :)
            • Zosa

              Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

              oops, i died there for a bit x______x

              i had a question, i am a fan of diverse stardew and was wondering if i did non-white mullner art if they could be added to the mod as an alternative(like shaved harvey) where the player could toggle them on or off that way
              • leilacrystal

                leilacrystal Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                @Chill-T I don't even use DCB's portraits, and that gorgeous version of Emily is tempting me to change to using all of these lmaoo~~ stunning stunning work!!
                • Tanpoponoko

                  Tanpoponoko Big Damn Hero

                  Sure! That would be awesome!
                  • coldazrael

                    coldazrael Existential Complex

                    Will there gonna be the version without bowlegs though?
                    • Zosa

                      Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                      swell ^^ i have like half of today to do whatever so i will do some art then ^^
                      • Zosa

                        Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                      • Tanpoponoko

                        Tanpoponoko Big Damn Hero

                        All Luau sprites finally done!! Whew, that set was weirdly tough for some reason haha Next up is Spirit's Eve, then Winter Star :D Probably going to skip doing a set for moonlight jellies, SV fair, and ice festival because I feel like the regular sprites work well for them already. Still on the fence about the Night Market!

                        Someone on Nexus was talking about doing a version of the Visual Crossing overhaul, so it could possibly happen in the future.

                        The Harvey sprites look great, Zosa :D

                        EDIT: Added a new fall outfit for Maru! I saw an awesome piece of fan art on tumblr and I couldn't resist adding it! Her old fall outfit has become her fall rain.
                          Last edited: Sep 3, 2018
                        • paradigmnomad

                          paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          @Zosa I got the portraits downloaded but having to remove the background on every single one & renaming them is gonna be a bit of work. Even though the background color is all the same, trying to delete it doesn't show a transparent background. Even did the good 'ole make a new layer and merge down trick. The grid is also gonna have to be removed, which again is gonna take a bit of extra time.

                          Do you think for future ones you could upload them with: the corresponding character sprite name in a zip format here, with a transparent background & grid removed? will also always add by-username at the end of titles. If not no worries, but it'll take me longer to add yours in. I'm pretty busy with other SDV projects & work.


                          I'm going to remove most of the winter variant options until location detection is a thing. For now, it will be weather dependent with sun, storm, rain being the 'Indoor' and snow being the 'Outdoor'. Some have alternative winter versions so I'll be renaming them to standard & alternative. Chill-T's completed portraits are going to be coded first. As they complete them or if they state they're done/can't finish then I'll do the rest.

                          A festival only version will be a separate download. Mostly to keep the content.json a bit cleaner. It's at 6000+ lines and I'm not even done coding all of Chill-T's portraits nor have I started on Zosa's.

                          For those who want a sneak peak, here is the work in progress content.json.

                            Attached Files:

                          • Zosa

                            Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                            well, can i please know exactly what the name templates need to look like so i can use that instead? also i can totally make the background fully transparent but without knowing the exact pixel measurements for a png sheet i won't be able to put them in the right spot
                            • Chill-T

                              Chill-T Phantasmal Quasar

                              I'm sorry for the delay, the exam's this month and my Wacom's been acting up lately for smooth progress, but Emily is now officially off the checklist. ^^ I'm giving my thanks to coldazrael for adjusting her portrait expressions.

                              Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed Tanpoponoko's outfits rendered for DCBurger's portraits- that's precisely what I'm doing this for. ^^ And thank you to everyone else for the support.

                              @paradigmnomad Looks pretty troublesome, all the luck to you in this case, I'll be looking forward to it. ^^ I'll try downscaling the portraits and test them ingame when I have the chance.

                              @Zosa I've mentioned the name templates before, but it's basically this: NPCName_Season_Indoor/Outdoor, (Ex. Emily_Summer_Indoor) if the outfit is for rainy weather, add _Rain. You can name the portraits according to the sprites in your Seasonal Outfits folder.

                              @Tanpoponoko I quite like the new additional outfit! And I have to say, out of all Luau outfits, Emily's and Evelyn's are my personal favourites. ^^

                              Whew, this was a long post. :D I'd like to end this by saying Pam's summer dress will now be a side-project. I'm not quite fond of how it looked, so I might redo it as I add the stripes in. ^^ I'll be doing the festival outfits lastly, as they're only for one day occasions.
                                Last edited: Sep 3, 2018
                                ReinTorque likes this.
                              • Zosa

                                Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                                what about alts like shaved harvey?
                                • Chill-T

                                  Chill-T Phantasmal Quasar

                                  For those variants, I just went according to what DCBurger titled his. Mine's '_NoBeard'. I suppose you can just title it '_Shaved' as well if you'd like, but I'm not certain yet if it's easier on Paradigmnomad if both our portraits has identical titles.
                                  • paradigmnomad

                                    paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    @Zosa I’d recommend creating a template on another layer. That way you can either hide or delete it when the sprite is finished. Some programs also offer a built in grid system which you could use. I know PS, GIMP, and Aseprite all have one.

                                    @Chill-T I’m fine with minor name differences. I can always quickly change a handful. It’s just when I have 100+ to change it takes time. And in regards to downscaling - I still need to test them myself to make sure they look proper If future ones could include a downscaled version as well that’d be great! I’ll handle the current ones you’ve done.
                                    • coldazrael

                                      coldazrael Existential Complex

                                      Good lord :wot:
                                      Alright I choose you, Indoor_fall_Emily. Can't wait any much longer :chrono:
                                      Good thing that she wears skirt, so her bowlegs doesnt't really shown alot.
                                      • Seyph

                                        Seyph Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Hello, just popping in to let you guys know I have been working on a no bowlegs version. :D

                                        @Tanpoponoko I have a question regarding Harvey's Egg Festival sprite. Why do the "walking up" sprites have a gray back? Judging from a lot of the side view sprites, it looks like he's intended to have a maroon back.
                                          Chill-T and coldazrael like this.

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