SDV not Shareable on same PS4

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SirSpanky, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. SirSpanky

    SirSpanky Space Hobo

    I just purchased StarDew Valley on my PS4, for my Girl Friend to play, since I have it on Steam and she liked to watch me play it. She just created a PS4 account today after my purchase of SDV. So I instructed her to click on the SDV banner in her menu. Well, apparently she can't play on her account on my machine because she needs a license to play it? Is this a thing or a bug in the install? All other games play fine that I have DLed from PSN or purchased hard copy on her account.
    • ChaosAzeroth

      ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

      The only game I bought was Don't Starve, and it works like this too. If anyone wants to play it they HAVE to play on my account as it's locked on every other account. So I'm guessing it's on purpose?
      • Dafuznmehed

        Dafuznmehed Space Hobo

        It works on your primary activated playstation. I just started a game under my wife's account on my primary system because I have to use my account on the secondary or have her set the other as her primary (on the 2nd) and buy a second copy which could then be used by any account on the system.

        Mayhap you signed in on another system and accidentally made that your primary or she made this system her primary and you bought the game under your account?

        Sorry if it isn't worded well it gives me a headache thinking about sony's policy.
        • The | Suit

          The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

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