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RELEASED SBTileD [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Other' started by Monijir, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. PinkieCube

    PinkieCube Big Damn Hero

    What I should do?

    I don't understand you.
  2. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    It depends on what you are trying to do. If you want to open an existing map, click Open in Tiled, navigate to the dungeons folder, change shown filetype to ".json", and open the dungeon's json file. It will automatically load any tilesets connected to the dungeon.

    If you want to make a new dungeon, click New, reduce the map width to 50, click OK, then import External Tilesets that should be found in the file pathway of tiled/packed/full/standard/ like materials.json, liquids.json, miscellaneous.json, etc. Now you have to fiddle with layers... change the name of the existing layer to "back", add a second tile layer named "front", then change the opacity of the "back" layer to something like 0.60 so you can differentiate between the tiles on both layers. Then... mess around.

    I can't provide images since I am at home but, using the drop down menus from the top of the program window, you should be just fine.
  3. PinkieCube

    PinkieCube Big Damn Hero

    It doesn't work. He say: Unsupported map orientation: ""

    I have new map orientation: orthogonal and
    Tile Format menu: Base64 (uncompressed)
    Tile draworder: Left up

    Card Size: 180 x 135 tile wide and high
    Tile Size: 8 pixels high 8 pixels wide

    Is this so right?

    It doesn't work and I am so alone - Nobody help me!
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Can you clearly explain what you are attempting to do?
  5. Monijir

    Monijir Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Es tut mir leid. Ich weiß nicht gut Deutsch sprechen . Google schrieb dies für mich . : )

    Ich hoffe, eine Video-Lektion zu machen, aber ich kann nicht versprechen .

    This error when you open try to open a map, but you open a tile set instead. Maps and tile sets end in ".json". It is confusing.

    Add a tile set this way :

    In tiled go to menu bar > go to "Map" > go to "Add External Tileset"

    Open a map this way:

    in tiled go to menu bar > "File" > "Open"

    Best advice is to open "blanktemplate.json". Don't make new file. Open the file in your unpacked assets "/dungeons/blanktemplate.json" . Edit your map, then save with new name. Save in same "folder" or "directory".
    PinkieCube likes this.
  6. PinkieCube

    PinkieCube Big Damn Hero

    I want work with this program.
    I want edit a tileset for the Starbound game.
    I want create a new map.
    I want get the tileset for Starbound.
    I want know if I have it correct settings for the map or I have maden a mistake.

    Sorry, I was unsure. :(

    Oki :love:
  7. Monijir

    Monijir Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This mod has been removed and is no longer available for download.
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