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Outdated Samurai Sentai Shinkenger 1.6 | Upbeat Giraffe

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger / Power Rangers Samurai

  1. goldsoul

    goldsoul Big Damn Hero

    is sword still op?
  2. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    lol. yes, the rekka daizantou sword is still quite op, i haven't made any adjustments to it yet.
  3. goldsoul

    goldsoul Big Damn Hero

    will can you make it harder to obtain at least in the further updates?
  4. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    yeah, i may look into making the shinkenmaru swords as lower level starter swords, and making the rekka daizantou something harder to get.

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