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Bug/Issue S.A.I.L is not working

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Veo_Tachigo, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Veo_Tachigo

    Veo_Tachigo Intergalactic Tourist

    Hello Starbound
    I currently having a probelm with SAIL, everytime I try to open SAIL Starbound gives me this message. Starbound S.A.I.L ERROR.png
    Thanks for your help.
  2. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Have you got any mod that modify SAIL? Cos that may come from a conflict between two mods
    That, or you had a mod that was adding missions but you don't have it anymore, thus making SAIL crash your game

    After looking a bit closer, that seems to be the case: have you uninstalled Frackin Universe recently?
  3. Veo_Tachigo

    Veo_Tachigo Intergalactic Tourist

    I already tryed to remove all mods, nothing worked.

    Yes I uninstalled Frackin Universe.
  4. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Welp, if you don't want tu use FU again, yet you want to use Sail, ya better make a new character I think

    @Iris Blanche whaddya think?
  5. Veo_Tachigo

    Veo_Tachigo Intergalactic Tourist

    Hmm, your prob right.
  6. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Ya're whalecome ^^

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