rotation of furniture!!!!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by walks, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. walks

    walks Aquatic Astronaut

    not to sure if anyone's already talked about this but I'd love to have it so you can rotate all furniture that way my house doesn't look so dull. lmao does anyone else feel this way because it low key bothers me a lot when I'm placing new furniture down!

    • Nyutan

      Nyutan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Most furniture can be rotated with right-click when placing it.
      • walks

        walks Aquatic Astronaut

        I've tried that because someone suggested that and it doesn't work for me for some odd reason!
        • Jumboshrimp

          Jumboshrimp Cosmic Narwhal

          Maybe your game is glitched, but I can click on an item and right click it to rotate.
          • walks

            walks Aquatic Astronaut

            hmmmm maybe I'll reinstall and see if that fixes anything
            • Ainzoal

              Ainzoal Ketchup Robot

              I rotate most furniture with X on the keyboard
              • Benji Of Starview Valley

                Benji Of Starview Valley Aquatic Astronaut

                Yup you can rotate but not the TV which is annoying (even though the picture wouldn't visible.
                • walks

                  walks Aquatic Astronaut

                  yeah that annoy me a lot too :down:
                  • walks

                    walks Aquatic Astronaut

                    I reinstalled my game and its working now, when i also press x it works! phew
                    • Lunumi

                      Lunumi Astral Cartographer

                      Is anyone able to move the bed? Or is it not possible?
                      • walks

                        walks Aquatic Astronaut

                        i've tried and its impossible!
                        • Lunumi

                          Lunumi Astral Cartographer

                          It is strange though since we can move almost all furniture. I hope that they will change this in the future. :(
                          • walks

                            walks Aquatic Astronaut

                            same! and can you move the fireplace? because i cant
                            • Lunumi

                              Lunumi Astral Cartographer

                              I don't think that it's possible. I only have the game for 2 days but who knows.
                              • Silvador

                                Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

                                I also would like the ability to move the bed. I have the first upgrade to my house and usually sleep on the left side of the bed. But twice I have been forced to go around ot the right because my cat has taken to sleeping right in the path on the left side. It's not much of a problem now, when I can just go around ot the other side, but what about when I get married? If I can't get into my bed because of the cat being in the way, I may soon find myself in the market for a new pet.... and some bleach for the carpet.
                                • Corraidhín

                                  Corraidhín Supernova

                                  Maybe mod it... have someone figure out how to make the game have the bed rotable, and someone do the pixel art for the bed rotation
                                  • walks

                                    walks Aquatic Astronaut

                                    thats actually a smart idea lmao im suprised I didnt think of that thanks!:nuruhappy:
                                    • Jack Nevermore

                                      Jack Nevermore Void-Bound Voyager

                                      My, I'm so glad I found this post. I now know how to rotate xD thanks
                                        Corraidhín likes this.
                                      • Corraidhín

                                        Corraidhín Supernova

                                        same, I had no idea you could rotate things xD
                                        • Caudyr

                                          Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                                          If your cat is in your way to your bed AND you're married, you can still get into the bed. Just like you can do when you're running around town, if you continue to move into your spouse's body, their sprite will "shake" and then a second or two later you'll pass right through them.

                                          As far as I know this doesn't have any negative consequences, it's more just a "I'm just passing through!" sort of thing, I think? I haven't noticed anything negative from doing it, though.

                                          That said, i'd still like to be able to move the bed as well, heh. ^^

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