For the record, there was absolutely no snark in it, it was purely for the sake of providing something relevant and informative, there's a difference between "proving someone wrong" and being "rude and condescending", or do you seriously see nothing wrong with telling someone "I would suggest next time you check before you make such an assumption" when they are simply bringing up something they came across that they believe to be relevant?
if that reddit post is indeed nothing but hot air, all well and good for you, I am simply pointing out something I've noticed, afterall, what good is there to divide the already dwindling community between two Discord servers? I have little to no interest joining a RoR Discord server myself, as such I had no motivation to double check the population of said room and rather just post about the possible presence of one as a FYI, hence the "looks like". What more thoughts am I expected to have on this matter? I saw something relevant, I posted about it, period. This is not university thesis, I am not expected to do background checks on the sources, I don't know about how you perceive people and things said on the Internet, but when someone said they "created a Discord room", I'm happy to take their words for it when linking to anyone and anywhere relevant, as there literally can be no harm in it.
I mean, are you seriously also expecting others to do background checks on you and the actual existence of said Discord server before passing the words around as well?
Last edited: Feb 14, 2016