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Risk of Rain on Mac?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheOnlyRen, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. TheOnlyRen

    TheOnlyRen Phantasmal Quasar

    Have the devs released any updates about porting the game to Macs? My friend gifted me the game on steam without realizing that it wasn't available on Mac and as much as I'd love to get a windows system, I simply don't have the funds and bootcamp does odd, odd things to my processing speed.

    I have Wineskin though. But no idea how to get it to work through that.
    • meow247

      meow247 Pangalactic Porcupine

      someday. just be patient
      • Cirdan

        Cirdan Intergalactic Tourist

        Don't forget about us Linux folk! This game looks like a blast
        • Julchiar

          Julchiar Void-Bound Voyager

          The game runs flawlessly on mac (10.6.8) with wineskin, I just tried it. Google for Wineskin winery, download that and use it to create a wrapper. Then launch that wrapper and install RoR/copy the files inside.
          I imagine it to work with newer Mac versions but can't test that myself.
          As an alternative you could look into crossovergaming which kind of just uses wine too. Linux afaik can run wine too so it should work there too.
          • heckhouse

            heckhouse Orbital Explorer

            Julchair, how were you able to get the game to run at a playable framerate on Wineskin? I've tried that and crossovergaming and the framerate can't get above 30 FPS.
            • Julchiar

              Julchiar Void-Bound Voyager

              I didn't, my mac is kinda broken (the case is slightly deformed making the fan not work properly which gives me very poor performance on basically anything). I just went ahead and blamed the low framerate on that :p Highest fps I could achieve was 38 with low graphic settings so I figured the framerate would be fine on a not-broken device.
              I didn't bother playing around with it for more than 2 minutes since I barely ever use my mac anymore.
              • heckhouse

                heckhouse Orbital Explorer

                You might not want to say it "runs flawlessly" then.
                • Julchiar

                  Julchiar Void-Bound Voyager

                  Well it did run flawlessly except for the framerate considering the amount of bugs and glitches you usually get when trying to run windows games with Wine.
                  • TheOnlyRen

                    TheOnlyRen Phantasmal Quasar

                    On my mac, I consider 30 FPS perfectly playable, at the very least.
                    • heckhouse

                      heckhouse Orbital Explorer

                      This game is not playable at 30FPS, and the game will only run at 30 FPS in menus, when you actually load in the game it drops to 10 or worse. This is on a top of the line mac. There's a reason this game only has a silver rating on the WineHQ site http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=15131

                      Don't tell people they can play this game on Wine when they can't.
                      • TheOnlyRen

                        TheOnlyRen Phantasmal Quasar

                        Well, aside from Wine? Any idea about how I can play this bad boy on a mac?
                        • TheOnlyRen

                          TheOnlyRen Phantasmal Quasar

                          bamp, any idea? I really want to play this game.
                          • manlyflower

                            manlyflower Astral Cartographer

                            I run the game on my macbook with bootcamp as I never had any luck with anything like wineskin, so honestly unless you wait for the official mac release, I'm pretty sure a windows partition is the only other alternative. If you are curious about how well it works, I can play most AAA games on my macbook at a higher-than-passable quality and framerate, so this one works just fine, getting the normal fps-drops in the late-game that everyone else gets.

                            I'm curious as to why you can't seem to run bootcamp, considering I can run mine fine on a laptop and I think I have a moderately old model. (As far as mac pc lifespan goes)
                              Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
                            • themacmeister

                              themacmeister Space Hobo

                              I have a native build of RoR 1.4 on Mac, but it is 32bit only. I have created a Wineskin for it under Ventura 13.6.6 and it runs at 50 to 60 fps until you get about 6 drones... then it dips down to an unplayable level. I don't know why it drops so sharply under Wine (it runs perfectly fine until it falls off a cliff). No amount of changing graphics settings or VSync fixes it either :-(

                              PS. It also has slowdown on native, but not as pronounced, and not until you get about 9 or 10 drones too... sadly if this happens to you - the final boss can be painful to play at about 5 fps...
                              • themacmeister

                                themacmeister Space Hobo

                                I just built another Wineskin using Wineskin and Engine - WineskinCX 23.7.1 and played nearly through an entire single-player campaign without dropping below 60fps... FYI

                                Hardware CPU - i7-8700, 16GB RAM, 8GB RX580 running Ventura 13.6.6

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