Hey! First up, I want to say: Great mod! Love the way it fits in with the world, and the ease you can make new and exiting structures! I was wondering if it would be possible to make a Retex-Retex? New object though, love the originals you made! Just looking to use some of the blockcode and change some of the sets to fit in with a build mod that I would love to share. If you this is inappropriate, no problem I thoroughly respect your work, and would not seek to use any of it without your permission.
You mean, like using the template file from my mod and creating your own tiles? That would be perfect!
Yes! Exactly, though I have made some re-colors of the iron-pipe, into a brass and copper pipe. Also the sandstone, to use i a potential biome. Would you mind of I posted a pic? I could PM a lint to the pictures. I have been building a tile-set for a DOOM inspired biome/buildset.
Great! Of course you will get credit! Its based on your work, and I also work on the Hull Plating mod by simulatoralive and have gotten permission there too Here are some samples!
Here is the new reworked tileset for the DOOM inspired work. I have been holding off working on more until I got premison, so more to come soon And orginal w/s reworked There is more of course, but this is all I have used form your framework so far, by tomorrow I hope to have much more of the simple stuff (Sand and redstone - Hecksand and Heckstone.) and maybe halfway on the skull pillars! Some of the stuff might be quit horrifying even And here is some use of the copper pipe! My former universe just crashed, so I have to build every example before showing it, pardon the delay.
The snow one is steampunk, used the color set from the decorativ pipes as a base for the brasspipe. The red building is mostly foundry stuff. Reworked them into the Stable.
Slow progress, working on two variations of metalplates that use the Fancybrick template. only done simpler stuff in the meantime. Planning on making chains with the Wallcable, now I only need to learn how to make platforms to have platform chains between floating rocks. Got the chain to start with, need to walk on the endings. Off to the strawpile for today.
Cgeta, for 1.0 you will need to update this mod to also have painted variants of the blocks edited and added, in addition to changing to the new .metadata file instead of xxx.modinfo.
You think if cgeta put it in the workshop. you think he'll get more followers or criticism? i would say put it on steam workshop and see what you get. if i could make like 10 more steam accounts i would praise this mod. It's so detailed and out of curiosity is this compatatiable with franklin universe (first time i ever tried that mod sry and a stupid question)
before 1.0 it was i was in fact using both together. now it has to update for the 1.0 update that was done on the 22.
I've been thinking This mod has mostly been some way for me to vent my drive to do pixel art. But in the end it was a lot easier to get motivated to create new stuff than to improve already made stuff. And considering that replaced textures might make existing builds and dungeons look weird, I ended up doing new things almost entirely. Like the pillars in the last version. So I think I'll make a new mod that contains random additions based on what I feel like, while retex purely focuses on retexturizing existing stuff. I've also been thinking about the policy about using my assets in other mods. On one hand it's kinda fun to see what others do with them, but on the other hand, even with giving credits it's weird that people associate my things with the other mods. So I think I'll change that. Anything that's in the current version can be continued to be used. But any new additions can't be used I guess. Also there's a bunch of random things I've made. I haven't really put them into the mod yet though. So I dunno if they'll work out that way or need to be adjusted.
i love this mod and how it enhances builds for fracken universe love how i can make a good looking building using this mod to make a lab.