Hi guys! I am taking requests for lots of weapons from games, shows, magic, etc. and I would love to take all of your requests! Post 1 weapon at a time in your post, and when I finish your first one you can ask for a second, third, etc. but others that have gotten less weapons than you will take priority and be worked on sooner, this may not apply if I really, really, really, really, really *inhales*, really, really like the design. If you would like your weapon touched up at all, or you feel that it could have been a bit better, do not hesitate to say so, I love to do improvements because it gives me more experience. Anyway, here are the weapons done so far! Voila! PS: If I am a super huge fan of the weapon design you give, I will add it to my signature, I am hoping to add a bunch!
Yeah the times that I do that it never looks quite right, it is always just... weird, it looks a lot worse than the original. I will try resizing for these I guess :/
I don't know about other programs, but GIMP has a few resizing-algorithm options, and if you set it to "None" it will size it up *PERFECTLY* pixel for pixel So you can just set the new size to 300% x and y and you're good to go! If you set the algorithm to anything other than "none", it resizes blurry and weird because its trying to interpolate cleverly instead of just directly sizing up. Actually I also wouldn't mind making a request! I noticed some of the released Starbound weapons have what I would call a "laser edge" such as the ones on the right side of this picture, and I really dig it. I'd love if you made a big two-sided battleaxe (as tall as a character) that looked similar in design to this beast, but with the laser edges. Give it a try if you'd like, that'd be wicked cool
Those axes reminded me of skyrim soo much. (and olaf from league of legends, but people yell at me if I say that .-.) But I would like to make a request. If you could make something like this picture in pixel form, it would be greatly appreciated. (and if you could make the person holding the sword too, but you don't have to)
Somewhat like this? Or do you want it to be darker/different light color? I have one with blue as well.
Oh thats AWESOME!! I think a little darker metal would be good, just to emphasize the colour of the lights being bright. Really dig the sword too!!
Gotcha, will be done verrrrry shortly I always forget to check it on the different backgrounds to test if it looks quite right. [Edit Fixed it up a bit, if there are any other tweaks you would like me to do, feel free to ask ]