Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

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  1. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    This may sound selfish but i would absolutly love some art of my character (my current avatar as of this posting). Or in other words a mad, human, ginger scientist possibly surrounded by fire :3 This would make me happy.
  2. dj21095

    dj21095 Astral Cartographer

    I dont want to sound demanding but if anyone is willing...

    Would someone be willing to make a Evil Glitch holding an apex skull.. The glitch could be a darker color such as black, midnight blue.. etc. I would like for it to have red molding/trim(bolts/curves)

    Just get creative.

    I would love to see this (not 8bit/pixel art)
  3. Doublejump

    Doublejump Space Hobo

    I am generally against "free" art, being one who lives off freelance and commissioned work I feel like it devalues the entire industry - however I suppose if I see an idea I like it would be fun to try and bring it to life.

    I would like to second what pigrocket mentioned earlier however, if you guys want something done that no one picks up, try DeviantArt - people generally undercharge there anyway. :)
  4. dj21095

    dj21095 Astral Cartographer

    Here you go.. best I could do in 15min.. with mouse and pixlr.. If I had more time and a proper setup I could do better.

    Attached Files:

    Whaleduck likes this.
  5. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    love it! NIcely done :p
  6. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd like to request a guy that looks like the one in my avatar, though with casual clothing and dual gunblades. Thanks!
  7. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    Nice... Your character in Maplestory?
  8. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It was, but I stopped playing and now I don't even remember my username, haha.
    Whaleduck likes this.
  9. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    NiceX3 i used to play Maple story awell but i never made it over 30 and this was back when it was pretty much only Adventurerers and Knights of Cygus or whatever it was
    Lupus likes this.
  10. Gray Greymane

    Gray Greymane Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hello everyone!

    I'd like to have a nice avatar picture, so here are my ideas:

    -Dragonslayer Ornstein (from Dark Souls) like a starbound pixel character!

    - My character [​IMG] In normal art, I mean, just like you want, digital, pencil, whatever looks good!

    Both of them would be grrrreat for me If anyone can do them :3
  11. silent.carrie

    silent.carrie Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi everyone,

    Christmas is coming and I want to offer Starbound (on steam I suppose). Beceause a simple card to say it is kinda sad, I thought I would be awesome if there was some sort of printable art, why not foldable, to make it funnier to give (and to put it in a box). Do you have any ideas? I have in mind something that looks enough like the game to be easily recognized by the one who receive the game (and who knows what it is but never played).

    It is vague I know, but maybe some of you have brilliant ideas?

  12. Nyakaa

    Nyakaa Space Hobo

    I really appreciate that a forum like this exists! If anyone would be willing to pick up this Character description it would much appreciated!
    Here we go: An orange-red fox with bright, light, Chrystal blue eyes standing up on two legs. It is wearing some hooded, stealthy, assassin robes with maybe a magic book or wand strapped to it. I hope that isn't too demanding :p. The art style could be whatever the artist chooses (I'm not too picky) as long as it is something along these lines. Thanks!
  13. Terashi

    Terashi Pangalactic Porcupine

    I really need art for my Floran character, Link Thorncrown of New Flora. Any art will be appreciated as I need as much as possible.

  14. geometricnut

    geometricnut Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think it would be cool if someone made a Starbound desktop! or wallpaper same thing.

    After further inspection it appears someone has already requested a wallpaper
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  15. Pixelstomp

    Pixelstomp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Could somebody take my avatar and slap on a santa hat? Thanks. :p
  16. geometricnut

    geometricnut Subatomic Cosmonaut

    and what programs do you guys use? i found out it's not paint.


    definitely not paint.

    But my art is AWESOME i don't care what ANY of you say i did it for ME. :rofl:(jk)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    alvaro1000, Seajun_, Lupus and 3 others like this.
  17. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    It really depends on who you ask. The popular ones are Photoshop and Paint Tool SAI. Some people use GIMP.
  18. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    Drawing made me laught atleast :p
  19. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    I know this might sound wide but i really want any starbound character what so ever driving this truck :3


    Why this truck you ask? because XL Bygg is a company in Norway and i really just want to see this exact truck in starbound X3
  20. Orsabell

    Orsabell Pangalactic Porcupine

    I Request a new Avatar!
    (Ill be your new best friend*)

    *Nausea,black outs, constipation, bleeding, dizziness or Headaches may occur, If you are suffering any of these symptoms then contact your doctor right away. If you experience these symptoms after you contacted your doctor then your at a risk of loosing your sanity from being my best friend. The best option is to run like hell screaming in the night with your undies on your head.
    Lupus likes this.

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