Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Hmm...might try for the top half of the body. I plan on using it as an avatar, after all.
    Zoolot likes this.
  2. -JN-

    -JN- Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hope this is something like what you were looking for.
    Jonesy and Zoolot like this.
  3. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Not bad. But I had envisioned something more feline. Like, the whole head was similar to that of a lion, mane and all.
    Zoolot likes this.
  4. -JN-

    -JN- Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Whole head of a lion. Mkay I'll see if I can do something like that.
    Jonesy and Zoolot like this.
  5. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Don't forget the sunglasses! After all,

  6. -JN-

    -JN- Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Once more, with moar lion.
    pigrocket and Jonesy like this.
  7. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Zoolot likes this.
  8. spyfuttonbutton

    spyfuttonbutton Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would like to request art! Basically, a light brown haired guy, with a black jacket and black denim jeans. So in a way, my profile pic, just with light brown hair! Thanks! :DD
  9. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    If anyone is interested looking to do more detailed/realistic artwork for people, if interested hit me up here or send me an IM :)
  10. I would like my avatar to look the same but in a high ranking military uniform. Looking at the camera.
  11. Bigdog

    Bigdog Orbital Explorer

    I see ty for finding the post and replying hehe i have not gotten the time to add the other to my character yet hehe kind of like how some of the stuff is on this one its a bit small should of started with 150x150 looks good though maybe might try editing this one for my liking as well. I good with editing, but taking a large object and making it small I can not do small is not my thing things i work on are normally 512 or bigger anything under that just seems to small for me.
  12. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    Hey, did you make that avatar?
    It's cool. may i request something like that?
    Justown likes this.
  13. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Which Avatar are you referring to? and any specific characteristics you want the avatar to have?
  14. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    Why not my avatar? i want red hair
    not too dark, but alittle lighter than brown skin
    a nice cool red jacket
    a cool red shirt
    a top hat
    And orange-red shoes.
    Justown likes this.
  15. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Cool Done Dealeo, I'm guessing you want it done in the same style as my avatar display picture?
  16. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Is this what you mean?
    Avatar Request.jpg
    Evangelion likes this.
  17. Cathriana

    Cathriana Phantasmal Quasar

    A nice drawing of this gal <3?

    Or if not the avian, i'd love to see you draw a proper wrist bow that is cyber like.

  18. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Hey I know you've been anxious to see what im doing atm, so ill post a rought sketch of what i had in mind, keep in mind this is a Really Quick Rough Sketch, if there are any changes you want let me know, if not ill go ahead, and finish this up and colour.

    Evangelion and Seajun_ like this.

  19. It's amazing! I love it! Can the badge on the chest say LTG? And that is it :)
    Justown likes this.
  20. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Yeah easy mode :) ill have it done tomorrow night :)

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