Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

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  1. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    Can i recruit people for a game im working on or can i not because it might draw attention to my game and not starbound?
  2. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    Depends what kinda stuff you want drawn, what style, how complicated? As Im working on a art for a game atm, I just might be able to help..
  3. Shooting Star

    Shooting Star Existential Complex

    it's a nice idea but I just don't feel like it to be bonded to making art for a game which I can't get out of whenever I want to that is.
    And it is just a lot of work :X
  4. ZilverZap

    ZilverZap Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can i request for Haseo to be drawn from the .hack series.To be more specific his Xth form.Just search it on google and it'll show.Thanks ! Oh and you can draw him in any pose (just not in a seductive pose)
  5. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    I have a head artist and i need a background artist and possibly a coder
  6. If you need pixel art I could possibly help with some easier stuff.
    Otherwise, I wish you good luck with your game!
  7. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    Well i could use you, to pixelize the art my head artist is making, he draws them in rl
  8. I can try! Just post a pic and I'll see what I can do.
  9. Davosalm

    Davosalm Aquatic Astronaut

    If you need some storyline, bro, we're here! Just give a call on Skype, or whatever.
    Magma Claw likes this.
  10. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    ye bru!
  11. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    , do you have an email?
  12. You could just PM me.

    Though I s'pose I could give you my old email that a barely use. (so that people here don't spam me...)
  13. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Anyone mind drawing my character? Loveable old dictator Dator?
  14. Davosalm

    Davosalm Aquatic Astronaut

    My native language isn't English, so i supposed that "bro" equals to friend, man, or anything else :p
  15. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    xD yeah
  16. nemo345

    nemo345 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll give it a shot. I'll send you a PM when its done.
  17. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Thank you so much!
  18. Davosalm

    Davosalm Aquatic Astronaut

    No one made my request c.c
    Roxie Stables likes this.
  19. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    um i was going to get you to pm me your email i was waiting for a yes...
  20. jack2212

    jack2212 Void-Bound Voyager

    If possible could you do a full body shot of a brown/blonde haired man with a quiff and casual clothes and quite strong with a snowy background
    Thanks in advance if you get round to doing it

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