Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. 70calories

    70calories Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thanks for trying though lol
    pigrocket likes this.
  2. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    Ive been hanging round here since forever and just wanted to say, You guys are awesome for spending your precios time to do things for others (doing pics and stuff) and I also want to say, keep up your good work! Take my cookies as a small gift :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie: and make sure you share!

    Magma Claw out!
  3. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Can somebody draw a pixel metroid?But don't make him big,I want it as my profile pic.
  4. Games4Playing

    Games4Playing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    In starbound style?
    Ado likes this.
  5. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Didn't know metroids have styles.Whatever draw it how you want it,metroids are metroids.:metroid:
    Games4Playing likes this.
  6. Games4Playing

    Games4Playing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sry i missunderstood what you meant :DD I failed while reading, i thought you meant the character from metroid :D
    Ado likes this.
  7. Games4Playing

    Games4Playing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Metroid1.gif metroid2.gif Metroid3.gif
    Here you go.. Didnt knew really how to draw them^^ i hope you like the result
    Ado, pigrocket and Magma Claw like this.
  8. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

  9. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    I've had a request before a while back, so I understand if I can't get another. In the case that I can, I would like to PM it for it's for a race I plan to suggest and I would like it to be secret if possible. (Not a sprite a drawing)
  10. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    onerb2 and Games4Playing like this.
  11. Games4Playing

    Games4Playing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Here you go :3
    Nari and Magma Claw like this.
  12. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    Games4Playing likes this.
  13. xXgamerprodudeXx

    xXgamerprodudeXx Void-Bound Voyager

    If you guys have any spare time can you draw my current avatar from an isometric angle plus with a top hat.
  14. Jackyshan

    Jackyshan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I requested an art before... But Can someone make an avian head half robot half bird. Green coloured emblem. If anyone can make it I appreciate it. :)
  15. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    Games4Playing likes this.

  16. I feel like I should say something again. Please stop deleting your old post and writing a new one. This must be over the 4th time. I understand reminding people you had an unnoticed request after a bunch of time has passed, but if every requester constantly bumped their comment this thread would be chaos.
  17. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    I agree
  18. Games4Playing

    Games4Playing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just your avatar or should i add something too? :)
    Magma Claw likes this.
  19. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    Just my avatar pweas for now :3 and when its complete maybe you cld add a certain sword ive been stalking...

    edit: this stance pls and also make his other arm the same as the arm which is holding the sword:
    Games4Playing likes this.
  20. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    Made something for the trainees out there starin at this thread lookin to stuff to alter/give it their personal touch. Well I got something you cld use it is a basic outline kinda thing of a human. This could be used for just drawin stuff on or to practise on. [WARNING]: Im not the best at thin kinda thing so done expect it to be perfect!:up:

    body template.png

    [NOTE]: For all users, you can scale images and keep the pixelyness by following these instrcutions:

    Image>Resize>pick nearest neighbour>pick size..etc>click ok/done

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