Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. ounut

    ounut Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm sorry it took me so long to reply thanks it looks great been gone for two weeks so couldn't reply. your cookie as promised :cookie:
  2. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    I eat it with pride *chomp*
  3. Soyjoy4040

    Soyjoy4040 Void-Bound Voyager

    I simply request a drawing of me. My character should be a pale young man with semi-short brown hair, lots of freckles, and aqua eyes wearing a rainbow vest with nothing under it, a baseball cap that looks like a yellow duck with the rim as the bill and white wings on the sides, jeans, black shoes, and white gloves. As for my pose, the background, and what I'm doing, that is up to you.

    Thanks :DD ,
    ItxaroKefira likes this.
  4. ItxaroKefira

    ItxaroKefira Aquatic Astronaut

    I just found out about his thread today and I'm already pumped!
    I'll do this one for ya as a kick off to my soon to be obsession with drawing requests. :p

    C'mon people! Let's revive this epic thread! :D
  5. ItxaroKefira

    ItxaroKefira Aquatic Astronaut

    I was looking through some of the earlier posts and loved your art!
    Then I kept skimming through and saw that you slowly disappeared from the thread. :confused:
    Take it easy on the artists requesters! We're only human! :D
    pigrocket likes this.
  6. Oh no, it's not that. I've just taken up a lot of other projects recently. And the ones I do take seem to be mostly through PM's.
    And thank you! Here's the most recent one done via PM:

    ChronoFlux and AstroBlast like this.
  7. FolleUno

    FolleUno Aquatic Astronaut

    Hey guys, I'm willing to do requests, it should be noted I'm still improving my art as well.
    Anyway just pm me (sorry but it's kind of hard to see whose request have and haven't been fulfilled).
  8. Psycho

    Psycho Intergalactic Tourist

    A psychopathic corgi.
    pigrocket likes this.
  9. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    i wld like a starbound style zero from borderlands 2
  10. Lasergasus

    Lasergasus Void-Bound Voyager

    i need a person from starbound Riding a winged horse with red eyes to make it look like its going to shoot lasers i want the person to be a nova kid(Red) human(Brown hair) or an avian(Light blue feathers) all 3 are cool and it needs to be 1024 by 768 as it will be my desktop backround thank you and please do it as fast as you can and ill be doing you tube and ill give you cred
  11. FolleUno

    FolleUno Aquatic Astronaut

    So something like this? Sorry the corgi looks like a 5 year-old drew it, this is my first time drawing a dog and using SAI for coloring.

    Attached Files:

    pigrocket likes this.
  12. Psycho

    Psycho Intergalactic Tourist

    I love you.
    No homo.
  13. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    nice doggy!
  14. Neatski

    Neatski Phantasmal Quasar

    There ya go
    onerb2 likes this.
  15. ItxaroKefira

    ItxaroKefira Aquatic Astronaut

    I don't think anyone ever truly stops improving their art. That's the fun of art! Everyone has there own take on the world no matter their "skill level". :3
    Love the Corgi, btw! xD
    FolleUno likes this.
  16. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    lol thanx, ill improve it a bit if u dont mind
    Neatski likes this.
  17. ItxaroKefira

    ItxaroKefira Aquatic Astronaut

    There! Just finished yours Soyjoy!

    I hope this is what you were hoping for! >.<
    I wanted him to be a mischievous, rainbow badboy, so I drew him equipped with a big weapon ready to take down all of the universe's baddies. :) I kept imagining him casually saying "Bring it." as I was drawing him. >.<
    Hope you like, cuz he was fun to draw! :3


  18. Mewbone

    Mewbone Phantasmal Quasar

    Hello there is it possible that anyone can draw this for me? It's a fake Pokemon sprite I made back in 2009 c:

    /edit Also if you want to change the colors of the wings or the lower part of him that's fine with me :DD
  19. FolleUno

    FolleUno Aquatic Astronaut

    I hope you like it!
    It's been a while since I've drawn a pokemon
    Mewbone (f).JPG
    onerb2 and Magma Claw like this.
  20. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    lol nice

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