Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Sugar-Fable

    Sugar-Fable Phantasmal Quasar

    That'd be really nice! My DA is Sugar-Plum-Fable if you wanna tag me~ Thank you!
    ThempressTea likes this.
  2. Vurrunna

    Vurrunna Giant Laser Beams

    Been meaning to give this one a shot, and finally got around to it:
    Rain Song Drawing v3 Smol.png
    Rain enjoying the rain. I spent an absurd amount of time fiddling with the lighting and shading only to dump most of it (I'll attach some of my drafts with shading, in case it takes your fancy). In the end, it's still not as fancy as the stuff you have posted (the background was lazily slapped together), but it was a fun draw. Hope you enjoy it!

    Rain Song Drawing Smol.png Rain Song Drawing v2 Smol.png
    My first and second attempts, still with their sloppy shading. In the end I decided it was better to keep things simple (and subdue the background colors a tad).

    Also, I'm planning to post this on DeviantArt (in the finished version and an earlier version). I'll link that here once I get it up.

    EDIT: Here it is:

    Best Wishes,

    P.S. If anyone else has a request, I'm more than willing to draw some more characters! Just gimme an @ and I'll get right on it (I'll probably take a shot at some of the other standing requests, too, though I'm terribly imperceptive and may miss some).
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
    Silvestre, Testamentexe and Rgbunpro like this.
  3. Hungry Lucario

    Hungry Lucario Big Damn Hero

    Greeting and salutations, I have a few small outfit projects I'm working on for some mod compatibility and looking for some pixel-artist to help me out if your interested please hit up my inbox so we can discuss the details.
    Thanks for skimming this over
  4. Testamentexe

    Testamentexe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Testament of the sands.png AbyssmentExE.png
    Just seeing if I could get a bite or something for my main, Tesy.
    Sidenote: Those ears are animated, I actually have all the sprites for it... just never updated them using Adv hatter
  5. Urban_samurai

    Urban_samurai Void-Bound Voyager

    Guess there's no harm in asking but... would someone be down for drawing a profile sized portrait (or larger if they're willing) of my lastree human hyrbid Captain Adrian Walker, in Aliens Colonial Marines gear? He is already USCM in Starbound (the Universal Space Corporate Military) but being a huge fan of the Aliens USCM I'd love to see him in the marine armour with the iconic M41A pulse rifle.

    He's a human lastree hyrbid so he has human features mixed with lastree, that being the horns, tail, eyes and teeth. He's also British, least speaks with a British accent since his father, Harry Walker a British admiral in the USCM navy who married a lastree woman Keira Walker taught them how to speak human English hence the accents.

    20201215020022_1.jpg 1609336019_Lastree.jpg In game sprite and a pic a friend did for me, Adrian is on the left.
    CPT Adrian Walker Reborn screenshot Pose 10.png CPT Adrian Walker Reborn screenshot Pose 2.png CPT Adrian Walker Reborn screenshot Pose 4.png I also made him in HeroForge so these should help too for reference.
    20210113182415_1.jpg 20210113182423_1.jpg
    My marine from the ACM game, these should help for a reference although the surname is written on the chestplate near the neck. With the horns going through helmet though you could add some slots or cover for them. (Also just replace the US flag with the British one)

    I'd be happy to do a commission as well for a more detailed piece if there's a commish thread somehwere.
    Hope I didn't go overboard with the details but personally I feel the more the better else to avoid screw ups.

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021

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