Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Xentonic

    Xentonic Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi I recently made a request and I would like to amend it. I want my avatar instead. He is indeed a male human.
  2. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    It's actually just requests in general. I'm sure there have been some requests that had nothing to do with Starbound.
    For example:

    It's just that there was a sudden surge of newcomers asking for avatars of their character. Most of them with a particular weapon/thing.
  3. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    Pretty much what I was just about to say. Thanks.
    But I don't mind if no one wants to do this since it isn't Starbound related. Didn't want to bug any friends about it and I saw that people could request art, so I thought I might as well try. ;)
    oraserat likes this.
  4. Ttariel

    Ttariel Big Damn Hero

    A cleaning Robot from the human bunker having a knife fight with one of those brain wheelchair apex.
  5. Anhrak

    Anhrak Big Damn Hero

    Heya :D.

    If anyone's up for it, I would like to request some artwork It doesn't really have to be fully detailed, that's your own choice.

    So what I would love to receive is a picture with my avatar-artwork [see image below], laying on the ground in front of the space-ship wreck on the forest planet [I believe that's the first one you encounter], trying [feel free to over-dramatize it :D ] to reach something a bit above him in mid-air. A bit a classic 'shipwrecked' picture.
  6. EchoesOfRain

    EchoesOfRain Big Damn Hero


    Decided I'd pick back up on digital drawing, so I chose a fairly simple request I hope it doesn't look bad, haven't done much in digital at all, and I'm still picking up on my style a bit..
  7. BigtheRed

    BigtheRed Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow! A TON of requests!

    No matter!
    I can filter out the artists and stand out if I mention that I'd throw down a bit of money. Nothing huge. Just to sweeten the deal.

    Im looking for an:
    - Anime ish colored drawing of my character.
    - As he is standing in the image I uploaded, arms confidently propped at his sides, except he is looking at the viewer.
    - smiling (as much as a glitch can show happiness. Just make him jovial) with a thumbs up. Maybe winking.
    - He's big, but tall rather than fat
    - Art style somewhat in the style of Chrono Trigger (the robot), though this part is less important

    How it will be used:
    - For roleplay purposes. Just for drawing and illustrating it, I'll throw a few bucks your way. ($10) Most people do art out of passion or to grow their portfolio, and I'd like to throw in the cash. Cause I'm a nice guy. Besides. It's not for a business or anything.


    Please PM me with some of your previous work, and I'll pick out which artist style I like best.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  8. Xentonic

    Xentonic Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh wow
    It looks great :D i think imma go ahead and put it as my avatar :D
  9. EchoesOfRain

    EchoesOfRain Big Damn Hero

    I'm glad that you like it!
  10. Gray Greymane

    Gray Greymane Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    *^* *^* *^*


    and that gave me a GRRRRREAT IDEA!

    Do you guys know Bellatrix Kiddo, main character from Kill Bill?

    Well, since you made my character eating a Hamburguer, and most Hylotl are veggies, I thought about my character, wielding a katana, with that yellow suit that appears in Kill Bill, kinda angry, with the hamburger in his mouth yelling "I'M NOT VEGETARIAN"

  11. quasimetal

    quasimetal Aquatic Astronaut

    Mega-Man ZX Advent's Grey as a playable character.
  12. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    [​IMG] Hey guys, I'm terrible at digital art so I would appreciate it if someone were to do my novakid in more detail

    I have no idea how to properly post pics on here so this is gonna need some work.
  13. MaxThePizza

    MaxThePizza Star Wrangler

    upload a pic on and then link it (just the pic url) to the pic icon , next to the smiley face
  14. Lord Bit

    Lord Bit Space Penguin Leader

    Can anyone please draw my avatar in his stance holding the guitar? Make it transparent too, I want to make it my avatar. Feel free to put your name some where on it so I can credit you. Thanks! :D
  15. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    This? hopefully? [​IMG]
    EDIT: Okay, his iron face thing looks almost like an anchor, he has a baby blue flannel button shirt with rolled up sleeves, the bowie knife, cowboy boots (no spurs), jeans that are puffing out at the boots and his giant red bandana at his neck also his basic belt with a bronze buckle. This is how he is described so it's a bit harder to misunderstand how he looks. Thank you.
  16. -JN-

    -JN- Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I couldn't stand to see one I could do finish without what you want. So I'm trying it now.

    Evangelion likes this.
  17. Strazyplus

    Strazyplus Big Damn Hero

    I demand more Avali fan art!!!
    been enjoying all of it :)

  18. Dave Combine

    Dave Combine Corporate Co-Chair

    I love it! Can you just please make it smaller? Thanks bro!
  19. Cockatoo

    Cockatoo Big Damn Hero

  20. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

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