Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

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  1. Falling Tide

    Falling Tide Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Your character almost didn't look floran the first few times you posted it, I thought he was a human.

    And now I finally noticed the leaves on hands and the eyes... (funny thing should have noticed the eyes sooner)
  2. Din0kid

    Din0kid Void-Bound Voyager

    I am so jealous of how better than me you are.
  3. Ttariel

    Ttariel Big Damn Hero

    A floran on a glitch on a segway on a sun
  4. FolleUno

    FolleUno Aquatic Astronaut

    On It!!
  5. Amfumi

    Amfumi Pangalactic Porcupine

    Derpin' it!
  6. Retsof

    Retsof Space Spelunker

    Well, since my previous post apparently wasn't interesting, how about this? My avatar character crouching down to investigate one of those tiny underground houses. Weather it is occupied or not is up to the artist... though the prospect of a pocket-companion is tempting...

    EDIT: Clarification. The above is really just a guideline, if it sparks some other image in your head, go for it!

    EDIT2: OOH! Or howabout this! A different Glitch, bronze in color, with a fairy either in his shirt pocket or flitting about. Either way, the fairy is happily chattering away at the glitch.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
  7. Amfumi

    Amfumi Pangalactic Porcupine


    Ttariel likes this.
  8. Orsabell

    Orsabell Pangalactic Porcupine

  9. Ttariel

    Ttariel Big Damn Hero

    Made me laugh harder then it should have, kudos you magnificent human being.
    Amfumi likes this.
  10. Amfumi

    Amfumi Pangalactic Porcupine

    You are welcome all-mighty cup
  11. FolleUno

    FolleUno Aquatic Astronaut

    Here you go!

    Attached Files:

  12. Nafolah

    Nafolah Space Hobo

    Hell yeah man, thanks a ton.
    And not to be rude but,
    I'm not sure if it's just me or the monitor or the actual image or whatever but it's like really, really light, like, really fucking hard to see even at full res, I'd keep that in mind next time you take a request. Still love it though.
  13. Hrexandro

    Hrexandro Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd like to request a wallpaper of the background presented in the main menu (like, from above a random planet), similiarly to the image in the background of, measuring 1360/768.

    EDIT: I know this ain't exactly an art request but welp, I was guided here.
  14. Platysaur

    Platysaur Big Damn Hero

    Could anyone just create my Avian pictured here kind of realistically and in an avatar format? Would greatly appreciate it.
  15. Mew2002

    Mew2002 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have a request.
    It's of my character.
    Please make an HD version of my character.
    And... Please find a way to show the third eye of my character.
    My character's blue and green (green is belly color, blue is skin color.
    He has a lantern on a stick on his back, puddle helmet (Tier 1 Racial Armor, Hylotl), reef jacket (Dunno tier, But it's Hylotl Racial Armor.) and aphotic pants. (Tier 10 Racial Armor, Hylotl)
    My character is also dual wielding 2 Rootcutters. (Tier 10 Racial Weapon (Dagger), Hylotl)
    I only need 2d graphics. Sort of like this image from the steam community (Not mine,By [Pony] Wharrrrrrgarbl):
    Edit: Be sure to look in all the parentheses.
    Edit 2: Size of a profile picture please!
  16. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    I am not sure if there are anymore requests being made, but if so, I would like to make one.

    I would like to have a pixelated Deathstroke (from DC Comics). You can have him in any stance, with any of his weapons (bo staff, sword, etc), kinda like my avatar as it is.
    You can go with the classic comic Deathstroke or the newer Batman: Arkham Origins Deathstroke.
  17. oraserat

    oraserat Cosmic Narwhal

    This is starbound fan art not DC comic fan art if you want it done fined a website that does that sort of stuff.
  18. kinzuko

    kinzuko Zero Gravity Genie

    xD i dont like most of the floran armor too much so i usually use human cloths or the armor that all the races can make. and recently ive been using the rubber horse head and the hood with ears though i do like that bandit hat or just no hat (he has that super spiky hair/leaves
  19. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Would anyone mind drawing my Avian? He's a Space Captain, leader of a small crew made up of several races, each running from their homeworlds. His favorite armor is his Sparrow (steel) Helmet, his Quail (titanium) Chestplate, and his Snow Infantry pants. His favorite weapon is his Durasteel Spear and his Pulse Assault rifle (which I did not screenshot, but which looks like a Halo Assault rifle with an orange stripe). His two favorite gadgets are his Grappling Hook and his Survival Gear.

    If you could draw him holding his spear in one hand and the grapple in the other, with his survival gear on his back, it would be great!
    Also, I have no idea how to upload images here properly, so I will upload my screenshot image. If it is too small, I apologize, I thought perhaps you could download it? Type1Avian.png
  20. Altos

    Altos Void-Bound Voyager

    I would love to have a potrait of my character, I have no suitable avatar for the forums of an RP server I play on, so this would be intensely appreciated!

    That is a picture of my character, he is a sky-blue avian wearing a Clock Tophat, Raven's Breast, Reven's Claws, and on his back he has a Lantern Stick.

    As for the picture, I'm not looking for a full body picture, just something I can use as a well-detailed avatar, to show that I'm serious about my roleplaying in the game.

    Simply put, I'd like to have him in a dark-ish area, (Lantern providing most of the light) with him using the green eyepiece of the hat to examine a diamond, or some other precious material. (He is a trader)

    Would love to have a reply soon! Thank you very much.

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