Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Wlind Woadburg

    Wlind Woadburg Star Wrangler

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
    Wharrrrrrgarbl likes this.
  2. Icon1cGames00

    Icon1cGames00 Astral Cartographer

    If someone could make me a thumbnail of an apex that kinda looked like bane from batman that I could use as my YT thumbnail I would be forever grateful :)
  3. Kubastach

    Kubastach Industrial Terraformer

    still better than mine pictures:(
  4. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    I'm digging these; they have a very outsider art aesthetic.

    I guess more specifically, I'm thinking naïve art.
    Wlind Woadburg likes this.
  5. Wlind Woadburg

    Wlind Woadburg Star Wrangler

    You mean my pictures?^^ Thanks!
  6. Winter_Zombie

    Winter_Zombie Aquatic Astronaut

    Can someone Possibly
    Draw me Adorable/Cute
    Nerdy Panda & Nerdy Brown Wolf?
    pigrocket likes this.
  7. Baconweaver

    Baconweaver Void-Bound Voyager

    One last attempt to find what I can here for.

    This is a major request, not just a small charcater portrait. Only read further if you are an artist willing to put a good amount of effort into this . I want a drawing to help me remember with this game and my first days playing it the way it should be remembered.

    I want a sincere, calm drawing of my character (yes a female) standing on a hill looking over a vast plain with my axe held relaxed in one hand, and an Avian village just visible in the distance, with a look on her face not of victory, but the solemn expressions of a grounded.(Preffereably to be in proportions allowing for use as a wallpaper, but enough detail to be cropped into a profile pic.). Humanoid proportions, including height and limb size. Not sure if anyone might do this kind of thing, but it is worth a shot right? No artist I have tried was willing to put much effort into the idea really. Hopefully you can help me here. For reference I am wearing Sparrow helm, Red Cool Jacket, Raven Claws, and holding the Sunborn Fury. Thank you much if you find this worth doing.

    And yes, I do realize there is another request the page before by me as well. But it was barely what I wanted to say, and ended in a different mood than expected. This time, I hope the result will be less of humor and more of respect for the game.

    Edit- Send me some form of indication if you are reading this and are willing, just to ease the suspense a bit.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  8. Klobbson

    Klobbson Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd like a scenic picture of my starbound character.

    Imagine a 180cm tall man with a short brown beard(think kind of vikings) in the snow infantry armor without the headpiece standing on a hill in a snow covered landscape. He has a round shield and one-handed sword on his back, and is staring into the distance.

    You may use a very sketchy style and not focus so much on details. Think impressionism.

    You may use this image for inspiration.


    Thanks in advance! :DD

  9. Xentonic

    Xentonic Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd like to make an avatar request.

    I would love something along the lines of a sci-fi marine (doesn't have to be based off any game/movie/book/currentthingy) in combat. Preferably a primary armor color of white with a secondary color of like a baby blue or sky blue. Something like this.

    Thanks in advance guys!
  10. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    Thanks. >_<
  11. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    Winter_Zombie likes this.
  12. Baconweaver

    Baconweaver Void-Bound Voyager

    no offense. i was asking for a...different one. that picture you made is not bad at all man, it is actually now my facebook picture and skype pic now cuz i like it more than my own face, but i want one of humor and one of sincereness. you filled half the gap.
  13. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    I'm mostly joking, but I do want to encourage the attitude that beggars can't be choosers. ;)
  14. Baconweaver

    Baconweaver Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't want to be a beggar, but there will only be so long before artists will get crowded with newcomers. I want one of the first artists on this thread to do my last request. Beggars cannot be choosers, but givers can be kind.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  15. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

  16. ItalKid

    ItalKid Space Spelunker

    Can anyone please draw my avatar? I want a Glitch, just standing in whichever you pose you choose. As long as it's a Glitch that looks like mine in my Avatar. Thanks!
  17. Retsof

    Retsof Space Spelunker

    So, first, standard avatar request. Preferably in snow because it'll make the scarf with the armor more dramatic :p. Also note she has the pointy ears, which would probably stick out past the bandanna. Preferred weapons are snipers or Sword/Shield.

    Now, for a less standard request. How about something WAFFey (Warm and Fuzzy Feelings). Someone try and put a big sappy smile on my face!
  18. The Mage Of Mist

    The Mage Of Mist Phantasmal Quasar

    I anyone wants, could someone draw my avian character? She can be in any of these outfits below:
    I hope no one minds the variety, I just couldn't decide on what outfit to choose so I made a collage of them :rofl:
  19. Winter_Zombie

    Winter_Zombie Aquatic Astronaut

  20. oraserat

    oraserat Cosmic Narwhal

    Can someone try my character I really need it done its urgent!!!!

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