Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

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  1. MrAzureKun

    MrAzureKun Master Chief

    For any artist who is willing to take on my Atrsy Request I have it within this spoiler.
    Please don't feel too overwhelmed, I promise it isn't too much to behold. Simply for organizational purposes.

    Why hello there, My name is Azure, or MrAzureKun to those who care to call me so.
    Seeing as to how you are willing to take requests please allow me to join the fun :3
    In this first Spoiler will be the OC's description in words.
    Beuller-Bot (deriving from the french root word "Bulle" or Bubble) is a white glitch who has become one with the bubbles. Having lost himself in his travells he has lived plenty of decades on a remote planet filled with Bubble trees, Bubble monsters, Bubble clouds and so on. Having lost his mind to the insanity of only ever seeing bubbles he has embraced them and instead lives his life to try and understand them all the more. Treating them as magic, he wears an old Wizard's hat along with his astrologist lab coat and calls himself the universe's very first Master Class Bubble Wizard. Or for short, the very first Bubble-Buddy (his cult of bubble enthusiasts).

    + He loves Bubbles
    - No like he REALLY loves Bubbles

    In this next spoiler drop I'll go ahead and put down a few pictures of him. Sadly I'm artistically challenged and cannot create my own pixel drawing of him so instead I leave you with this.

    This is him in the Fuel Bubble within his Bubble Starship (WIP but you're welcome to look around if you want inspiration)

    Aside from that I have this small collage I put together for artists who may want to draw him.
    This was originally for another artist but they've grown rather distant, so I'll leave this to you now also.

    As for any sort of repayment I can offer all I can really offer is an everlasting friendship and perhaps my building skills if you would have them :)
    PM me if you need any more information or anything at all really ^-^ I hope all goes well for you and your art :3 Have a bubbly life.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
    pigrocket likes this.
  2. leopardenthusiast

    leopardenthusiast Void-Bound Voyager

    The quote in your spoiler cuts off one of the spoilers in it. You probably shouldn't have a quote there.
  3. MrAzureKun

    MrAzureKun Master Chief

    You just have to click "click to expand" and the rest will show up, but Sure I'll reformat it.
  4. Gammaquad

    Gammaquad Guest

    I would like to request a Starbound style sprite of a Grox (from the Maxis game Spore) If you don't know what a Grox is please look here:
    I would be happy with any background. If you do decide to make it, please PM me :) I would very much appreciate it.
  5. 40880472

    40880472 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A glitch/florian hybrid that would work well as a profile pic :D
  6. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Hmm. A Novakid in NCR (fallout) ranger armor. No helmet wearing a cowboy hat. You could use the Novakid in my avatar or one of your design.

    The background is up to you but it could be something like the Mojave wastes or just blank.
  7. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    Greetings everyone. For anyone who is up to the challenge, I have a request. I don't know what Style I'm looking for, But I can describe what I'd like it to look like.
    My Character is 'Insolitus'
    a Average-height Human Male with Brown Hair. and Green eyes.

    I'd like it to be wearing a Top hat and Stereoscopic 3D glasses, but with a Twist. I want the Blue lens to be Lime Green instead.
    I'd like to be wearing a Tuxedo.

    Optional - have a Nice Walking cane (If you can, I'd like an ornament on the Walking cane shaped like a Skull, but that's only if you want to put in extra detail)

    Anyone who manages to fulfill my request will gain the friendship of a Madman and I would be in your debt.
    Many thanks to everyone :koala:

    Edit: Doesn't look like anyone is interested in my Silly request, So I'll make one for another Character which people might like more.​
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  8. Pengoalas

    Pengoalas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can you make a pengoala Penguin and koala mix together
  9. [​IMG]
    Burgy and ImmortalFrog like this.
  10. MrAzureKun

    MrAzureKun Master Chief

    Sdjfdgysb ltfhb Its Beautiful Q.Q
    May I be your fwend?
    pigrocket likes this.
  11. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    That is truly beautiful. I just had to say that myself.
    pigrocket and ImmortalFrog like this.
  12. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    Another question, What artists in the community still active and are willing to take requests?
  13. Zerglingnopants

    Zerglingnopants Yeah, You!

    Request for anyone willing since I finally got my character down the way I want him ^.^. Will try to be specific with out being like omghereistonsofdetailsforyou.

    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Rocket launcher
    Clothing: Pilot Goggles, Explorers chest& leggings.
    Vanity items/Misc: Rum barrel, hover board (from the mod)
    Hair style & Color: Not quite sure what you would call it but it almost looks like a bowl cut(?), black hair.
  14. HyperShadzy

    HyperShadzy Orbital Explorer

    How about a Grey Glichian with A blue Knight helmet head mod?
    And a Tri-Force on its palm :3
  15. Thank you. I still browse this thread, and occasionally I might draw something when it looks like a neat character, or otherwise fun to draw, if I have the time. I don't know anyone who is still willing to take any request that pops up, as a sort of challenge.
    InsanityPixelated likes this.
  16. ACivilRenegade

    ACivilRenegade Space Hobo

    Hello! I'm in need of a new profile picture and I would like it of my character, Carter.
    I have a few screens of him here:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    He Normally wears the Pioneer Helm. But I think he looks better without it.

    If someone could draw him for me that would be amazing!
  17. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Occasionally I'll do a few commissions. If it's simple and quick and intriguing enough.
  18. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    Okay, Since my last request didn't draw anyone's attention,
    Here we go with my Hyolti Character, Pisces II .(How original..)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I'd like him as he looks here, With the Sniper Rifle. He is wearing Tier 6 Hyolti armor. The River Armour, and has a a Monacle.

    Background is your Choice, Preferably somewhere at Night.

    a Stealthy assassin, who is a Gentleman.

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  19. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    I browse this thread but ignore everything. I don't wanna ruin anyone's request. ;n;
  20. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    Haha, Your Style or How good you are is not important to me, I just want to see people try, and enjoy themselves in doing so.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.

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