Removing background assets

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Raumfahrer, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Raumfahrer

    Raumfahrer Space Hobo

    I accidentally placed one of the protectorate backgrounds while trying to put the pink tree in my custom ship home.
    The matter manipulator tool doesn't work on it, is there any way I can destroy it?
  2. Rahkor

    Rahkor Space Hobo

    I too have this issue. My console peasant of a boyfriend decided to spawn the background and place it. Need to know a way to remove it
  3. Emmalinea

    Emmalinea Void-Bound Voyager

  4. Eyy boi

    Eyy boi Space Hobo

    It doesnt work ;(
    I will send the picture later, its above the water and i can't find it.

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