Regarding the seasons change.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by slizzard, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. slizzard

    slizzard Space Hobo

    After checking the stream first of all your game look awesome i cant wait to play it!
    But regarding the seasons change in my opinion it would be better to have it random instead of same seasons change every 15 turn.

    If the seasons are random player can plan "ahead" and get rewarded or not but this way you dont overbuy since you know it might not be the seasons you've plan for.

    If seasons are fixed both player will plan the exact same thing since the seasons are the same and they know what's coming.
    I didnt play the game yet but for a tactical reason and repetition it feels like random seasons would be better.

    "Why not trying a random seasons start if random seasons change during a fight feels unbalanced"

    Best regard, sorry for my poor english.

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