Regarding Release & Beta, What You Should Know.

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Arcadiax, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Mikele97

    Mikele97 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    yea...nice sound....
    now I attend the present!!!
  2. TheIsaac

    TheIsaac Orbital Explorer

    Good one
  3. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester


    I start watching Code Lyoko again, a member named XANA appears.
    I start playing Binding of Isaac, a member named Isaac appears.

    Dafuq? o_O

    On topic: Pre-order is a possible option, so I am excited. :DD
    Kalvuric likes this.
  4. Hyperex

    Hyperex Void-Bound Voyager

    you is magicu
    rcBob, Mikele97 and Sgt. Sprocket like this.
  5. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    All we can do is hope guys, if they do decide to run pre-orders, I'm sure they'll want to try and get it in quick before christmas, but time is running out so lets hope we get an answer soon :)
  6. Mikele97

    Mikele97 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    and where I can Pre -order???
  7. Klemar

    Klemar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is not absolutely sure, yet ! :)
    But don't worry, when it's done, the team will make us know how and where we'll be able to do that ! :)
  8. NNV

    NNV Big Damn Hero

    Lol. Well, at least I'm not the only one that wants this game like "YESTERDAY" now :p

    Great post!
  9. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    The decision of whether or not to give us the ability to pre-order is currently being made within the development team, I'm sure when they do decide, we'll know exactly what to do to get it :)

    In like 200 years they'll make a movie about today, called "The Day Before Tomorrow", it'll be about my quest to get starbound before the world ends. :p
  10. NNV

    NNV Big Damn Hero

  11. Mikele97

    Mikele97 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm relieved,
    and I'm 'a radar...
  12. newxo

    newxo Void-Bound Voyager

    AND MY AXE!!!
    WoxandWarf and Klemar like this.
  13. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester

    Because it's relevant, I will pull this from my art thread:

    "If it's not Starbound, it better taste good!"
  14. TheIsaac

    TheIsaac Orbital Explorer

    would pay 100 euro for closed beta access
    Mikele97 likes this.
  15. Xenomorph-Alpha

    Xenomorph-Alpha Void-Bound Voyager

    so guys that was with this year^^

  16. OnyxTortoise

    OnyxTortoise Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm curious what they are working on now.
    It would be nice to have a development roadmap for Starbound.
    Sth like:
    Random monster generation: 99% complete (testing)
    Armor designs: 80% (Avians and robots left to go)
    Water physics: 100%

    When all 100% we hit ver. 0.9
  17. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Aww. :( That's some bad news!
  18. NNV

    NNV Big Damn Hero

    Well hopefully we'll get the game within a month!
  19. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    I really want to believe that one. :)
    WoxandWarf and CodeMonkey like this.
  20. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Well, a lot of us pretty much knew this, but, pre-orders are being debated, so god knows how quick they might go up. and guys, there's only 9 days left in 2012? :p 2013 is sooner than you think!

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