Regarding Release & Beta, What You Should Know.

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Arcadiax, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester

    Oh well. I trust the moderation team, so I'll take their word for it.
    So what if early 2013 is a miscalculation? The devs will give us a more specific timeframe when they feel like.
    Like I said, let the developers develop.
    The more we leave them alone the faster they can get the game polished and on the digital shelves of the steam marketplace (assuming they use Steam, which is highly likely).
    Look on the bright side: Longer waiting time means we get more time to overfeed and choke the suggestion thread :lolwut:
  2. Sykes

    Sykes Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Great Scott, you all jump on me like I was attacking him, goodness. Phrasing sentences on the internet is not my strong suit, despite being able to spell. Chill, I wasn't trying to discredit or criticize anyone, I was just asking. I definitely could have phrased it better.
    Spawnah likes this.
  3. Luci

    Luci Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Gotta admit it, though. Say something that could be misleading or misinterpreted and you get the female emergency SWAT unit response team instantly.
  4. Sykes

    Sykes Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I hate the internet because of this.
  5. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    It's true, but only because people let out rage that they can't let out in their personal non-internet lives on other people on the internet, no matter what the topic...
  6. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    Arc, and all... just want to say thanks for the updated OP.

    And, Go, Go intertubes, for all your possible but maybe not really but who the hell knows miscommunications!

  7. Roger Wilco

    Roger Wilco Master Chief

    I've been a fan of the game since hearing about it as i loved Terraira to a creepy degree, so it sounds like my BEST bet to get into a beta if there is one, is to somehow become a close friend to a developer ? Hhhhmmmm... I shall befriend thee! To a creepy degree.
  8. Hapistorique

    Hapistorique Void-Bound Voyager

    Tiy said that the game will probably be out in 2013 :


    I guess we'll have to wait :p
    ProfScarecrow likes this.
  9. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Thanks for the post, though there is still a chance of a 2012 release, a very little chance all the same. From what i've seen so far, it will really be worth the wait, so lets hope for a January release, if not sooner :p
  10. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester

    Don't set your hopes TOO high or will be bound to be disappointed.
    Just hope for a 2044 release, so no matter what you are happy!
  11. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    I wonder if it is a good idea for a early 2013 launch. If its spring 2013 theres a chance i may not purchase the game and opt to get metro 2033 Last light instead. I believe theres one or two other games that release in the early Q1 time frame. It would be hard for starbound to compete, even with the huge terraria following and the possible advertising it will be getting (Totalbiscuit is almost guaranteed to do a WTF of the game)
  12. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    fixed that last bit for ya.
  13. Roger Wilco

    Roger Wilco Master Chief

    I'm hoping TB and Jesse will do another buddy co-op of Starbound like they do in Terraira, im sure it'd be a huge hit and introduce the game to hundreds of thousands of people.
  14. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    I believe in one of the episodes Tb said that they will once starbound does come out. they was a lot of requests for them to do starbound and they said they would be the first on it when it does come out
  15. Roger Wilco

    Roger Wilco Master Chief

    Hear that Starbound Dev's? You dont even NEED to market this game, its going to sell itself.
    Sgt. Sprocket likes this.
  16. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester

    With all the content they have shown us the game had started selling itself a long time ago.
  17. Riot

    Riot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Wow,i hope starbound gets out soon i would love to play it with my friends lol
  18. Mikele97

    Mikele97 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    PLEASEEEEE SANTA Tiy (or Tiy Claus?!?!)
  19. Klemar

    Klemar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Father Tiyuri ? (Oh no, that sounds religious..) Why not Titiy Christmas ?
  20. Riot

    Riot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wish i had beta :cry:...
    Sgt. Sprocket and Mikele97 like this.

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