Regarding Release & Beta, What You Should Know.

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Arcadiax, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Consider yourself known by at least one person now :)
    Thefirehazard likes this.
  2. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    The "End of the year" Statement by Tiy does not seem too likely at the moment but who knows? They have already released all playable races so we just have to hope!
  3. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    I don't know about everyone else, but I find the completion status of this game hard to gauge due to the relative nature of all of the content. Due to the planets relying on biome, monster, cave whatever systems being complete, the development timeline isn't very linear. Given the stream footage some could have guessed it was extremely close to being complete, but as we known, Chucklefish is all about the detail, I expect they will spend a large amount of time making basic furniture and props interactive and make as many detailed props as they can. This still assumes that base systems are in place, and all of them may not be.

    For the TL;DR's out there, I think the completion status of starbound is very hard to gauge, and because of chucklefish's dedicated to detail the release date is very hard to guesstimate.
  4. Wyvern

    Wyvern Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I agree.

    However, I'll add the following. It's possible that there's a lot finish they've just opted not to show, however I find it much more likely that a lot of those features are simply not done, which is why they haven't been shown much or talked about.

    Based on that guess, I don't believe Starbound will be releasing before the end of the year. I'd love to be wrong, of course.
  5. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    cant wait.
    every day this game isnt released i die a little inside.
    dgm and The Corrupted [ITA] like this.
  6. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    is the game almost done? No not yet? Oh boy, I'll wait for another week...which I am going wait bit longer....
  7. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    To be fair, if they released it now due to demand, people would rage because it isn't as good as they expected,
    if they wait and release it when it's done, people are slightly pissed at the long wait, but get over it when it's released and is everything you want it to be.
    The Corrupted [ITA] and Kalvuric like this.
  8. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    I'm not mad, it is just boring not having great idea for not playing it to know how touch and feel it would be. This is why there is improvment from other players, but that is where the beta tester start at and alpha testers. I am not trying go too nutty or insane, but the one thing keep me back is my other games.
  9. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    OP Updated, new ETA from developers revealed!
  10. Frag Sandwich

    Frag Sandwich Zero Gravity Genie

    Thanks for this! Clears up a lot and eases my mind a bit.
    At this stage, I can wait a few more months for this monster to be released. From what I've seen of the content, they're churning out an epic game.
  11. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Yep, and with more time, all that can happen is that it gets better! Looking forward to early 2013 myself, with Bioshock Infinite, Sims City, Starbound and GTA 5, its shaping up to be a big time for games :p
    Frag Sandwich likes this.
  12. Falcon42

    Falcon42 Starship Captain

    :f**k me...:

    Of course, I'm just kidding. I have no problems with Chucklefish taking the extra time to make this game uber PIMP, but I just can't take the wait anymore... It's driving me CRAZY! And now I need to explain to my friends that it's NOT coming out next month... Anyway, KEEP UP ZE GOOD W0RK, GUYZ?!
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  13. dgm

    dgm Phantasmal Quasar

    Being a game developer myself (as a hobby, of course) I would be a good beta-tester! (come on, I have to sell my fish, if I don't, who else will? ;):iswydt:)

    Why I say that? Because I know the inner workings of a game (at least a little bit). I had a humble project of my own of a sandbox 2D game, which I dropped mainly because of motivational issues (and also the fact that I'm not an artist and I had nobody good enough willing to help me out). I uploaded on youtube a video of that project of mine, showing some of the things I've implemented (such as falling blocks, preliminary biome generation [beach and forest] and illumination [one thing that I'm really proud of, even though it's not that complicated -- at least not the one that I did, no coloured lights and such]).

    But when I heard about Starbound my hopes got very high. I mean, it more or less has many many things that I would like to see on a game, and many things that I had intended to do on my own game (if I were good enough :rolleyes:).

    What I wanted to say with all that is: I'm willing to be a beta-tester! (oh well, but who isn't?)
    Thank you guys!
  14. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester

    Early 2013? So much for christmas :rofl:
    Whatever, the longer I wait, the better the game will be on release.
    Me, in 2013, spending 8 hours straight in the computer, with no life....well, not much of a difference from now.
    January 2013, February 2013, January 2088, I am still rooting for this game :up:.

    I, too, will also be a beta tester, at least I am willing to.
    Why? I love exploiting glitches :lolwut:. They are my best friend, and the only way to tell what a glitch does is to abuse it. Being able to point out the specific results of said glitch makes the job much easier for the devs.
    I have been a beta tester before, and I am familiar with the forms and feedback and all that stuff. It is a lot of fun actually, because not only are you playing the game, you are also helping to refine it and add your own suggestions (Maybe not for Starbound. Have you SEEN the suggestions thread?? :saywhat:. It is amazing what people come up with).

    Cookies for the dev team :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie:.
    I shall continue to spam F5 on the forums in anticipation :rainbow:.
  15. Sykes

    Sykes Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    In the OP it says you received a timeframe from Ghostar? She's not even a dev.
  16. Necrius

    Necrius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Yes, but she informed me that the developers are now using that as their timeframe, moderators talk frequently with developers, informing forum posters of a vague release timeframe is quite trivial for a developer to be doing while they could be working on the game :p
  18. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    Dude, why would I ask him to update the information if I was not told to do so?
    ChaoticGamer likes this.
  19. In Blue's thread, he states so much stuff confirmed/likely to be ingame. And he's not even a dev.

    What difference does it make?
    ChaoticGamer and Ghostar like this.
  20. fetalstar

    fetalstar 404 Artist Not Found Developer

    Just because she's not a dev doesn't mean she doesn't know what she's talking about. :X
    That IS the correct timeframe.
    Spawnah and ChaoticGamer like this.

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