Regarding Release & Beta, What You Should Know.

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Arcadiax, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    There was a thread about that. Apparently they don't need to have SB on greenlight to get it on steam.
  2. Greenlight's more of a way to make sure no good ideas slip by Valve in the flood of crappy E-Mails they get. Since Terraria and Wanderlust are already on Steam (and are both awesome) it's unlikely they'll ignore any ideas from the Starbound team.
  3. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    actually Greenlight is for indie developers that don't have enough money for advertisement, and from what we are seeing, starbound have already a "known" name, so there is not much need for advertising right now
  4. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Every little bit helps :)
  5. Beldaar

    Beldaar Big Damn Hero

    No. He will leak content like crazy.
  6. belgariad87

    belgariad87 Title Not Found

    well i'm new to the forums but i've beta tested lots of games... and i'd love to help make this game the best it can be! i think i will go post somewhere to be more known.
  7. SirValentineCatsСта́лкер

    SirValentineCatsСта́лкер Subatomic Cosmonaut

    dark souls.... so much fun
  8. Yaco75

    Yaco75 Void-Bound Voyager

    Not for the PC anyways :p I love Dark Souls.... on my PS3
  9. SirValentineCatsСта́лкер

    SirValentineCatsСта́лкер Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I prefer to think of PC as extra hard mode.
  10. Oricalcum

    Oricalcum Ketchup Robot

    This post was very well put together and very informative.
    Kudos :D
  11. Yaco75

    Yaco75 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hahah yep, it adds more challenge! Parts may seem impossible, that's because they are! Yay.
  12. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Thank you, I appreciate that :)

    Lets hope that's one prophecy that comes true! :D
  13. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    The whole Greenlight system is so flawed right now that it's not worth the effort.
  14. Cronotrigger

    Cronotrigger Big Damn Hero

    i dont want to supress the devs but we have September i think that some new words about the Gameprogress could be useful for the com when we could expect release but i dont want a date only letzt say its real 4 end of the Year or probably more next Year
    if you know what i mean
    greetings Crono :iswydt:
  15. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    they said like 2 week ago that they are finishing some tweaks on the new mob types to release some footage
  16. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

    WHEN?! WHERE?! HOOOWWW? Why do I not know this?! Link?
  17. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

  18. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    Hukasu: That is a lot of comments to dig through and quite a few have to do with monsters. Seeing a few bits and pieces we may have missed here.

    Mobs will fight or attack each other.

    I can't find anything else of note. Reddit is kind of a pain to navigate.
  19. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    Found it

    it was not about mobs, sorry
  20. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    Ahh no wonder I couldn't find it. I was searching for anything related to monsters. That was posted about a month ago. Here is to hoping a possible gameplay vid end of this month or early next month.

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